Divorce to stay happy


The country has already covered the pre-New Year mood. The meeting place of the red fiery rooster has most defined, gifts are bought. However, Expert Master Feng Shui Jeanne Wei believes that the main thing in these concerns will be missed if you do not decide in advance what things and what people should not take with you in 2017, nor in the years following him.

I offer easy training for your memory: remember what happened to you over the past nine years. Answer the question: Does people who have not seen for a very long time have not appeared in your environment? If so, I assure you, it happened for no accident.

The fact is that in December 2016 the large nine-year-old numerological cycle is completed, affecting a person, regardless of the year, month, day and place of birth. It is possible that some situations remained over the past years are not resolved. Let them out from them now - they will go with you to a new nine dealer. So that this does not happen, spend a kind of inventory of people, relationships, situations, habits. Maybe something and someone should not take with you, even if we are talking about like a loved one or a faithful school girlfriend?

Remember that the more "mechanical" is our life, the less chance to change it. So that it is not "mechanical", it is useful to think about what happens to you why it happens and how you can change what is not satisfied with you. In this regard, it is emphasized, it is very useful to make strategic plans not only for the next week, but also three, five, ten years ahead. First, you yourself will know what to seek. And secondly, the heavenly office will understand what to work on it.

What about January 2017? This is the beginning of a new nine-year-old cycle. In a sense - a supernova year, because it lays the foundation of future nine years. In contrast to the old New Year's tradition, on which the chimes are beaten, you need to have time to write a wish on a napkin, burn it and drink it together with champagne, I propose to make a detailed list of intentions and in no way burn - there will be a chance to check their execution. Make it can be a week before the new year.

An important nuance: your plans must be voiced - and the louder, the better. If the idea of ​​talking to you do not like you, invite a girlfriend, read your list of desires aloud and with the expression. January 2017 - a big beginning. Do not drag everything that has gross, boiled over the years. Life is a journey, and travel is always better to travel. And now - about the main trends of the upcoming week.

5th of December. A day can be productive to solve career and financial issues. If someone in your environment "waves with fists," react calmly, as if you are a ridiculous child.

December 6 . Tuesday will not bring stability. The secret that will help to bring with this afternoon, the ability to quickly switch and rebuild their plans.

December 7th. The motto of this environment is not to start anything new. The energy of the day helps the completion, today it is possible to free from unnecessary things in your life: people, situations, habits. Do something for your children. Try not to quarrel today, it will be quite difficult to reconcile.

December 8. Today, finally, you can take for great affairs and major projects. Energy of the day especially favored women. Small quarrels conflicts are quite admissible, they only help to achieve the goal.

9th December. Excellent day for romantic dates. If there is a conflict in the relationship, on Friday there is a big chance to solve it peacefully.

December 10th. Energy of the day troubled. Get ready for surprises, it is difficult to predict how the business started today. Do not build iron plans, time to calculate with a margin.

December 11th. Calm, measured sunday, what should be the day off. You can arrange a family celebration, bake duck, get together with loved ones, thank your loved ones for being nearby. Remember, love is a bonfire, and that he burns, firewood needs to be put on constantly.

Zhanna Wei, Master Feng Shui

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