Ilya Averbukh: "Nutcracker" on Ice I put for my son


Ilya Averbukh has long been known not only as a famous medalist of the Olympic Games, European and World Champion, but also as a producer of many ice shows. During the New Year's holidays, Ilya will present his new performance "Nutcracker and Mouse King". Meets with the director and found out all the details.

"Ilya, they say that the" Nutcracker and Mouse King "is the most expensive staging of all you did. It's true?

- I think this is not only one of the most expensive, but also ambitious works. By itself, the performance implies a large scale. We have already taken a high bar with our previous works, in particular, with the play "Carmen", which had tremendous success in Moscow, and cannot afford to reduce the level. Therefore, all the audience who will come to the show will see large-scale scenery and will be in front of them, confidence regardless of the place in the hall. The show involved many artists of different genres, there will be a synthesis and interlacing of various types of arts, and not only ice. All this, of course, requires large financial costs. But I think the show will pay for itself as we have already won your viewer, which shows the dynamics of ticket sales.

- On Ice, as always, will there be stars?

- Star composition, which is presented in the play "Nutcracker", will serve not only with his decoration, but also good motivation for those who come to watch. After all, the speech at once four Olympic champions of different years is a great gift to everyone. So, for the first time we begin to work as part of the performance with Adeline Sotnikova. Now she works brilliantly in my project "Ice Age". Adeline in one of the main roles in the "Nutcracker" along with the Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin - my friend and partner, with whom we work together for many years. Of course, the decree of the Olympic champions Tatiana Tutmian and Maxim Marinina will also be a decoration. Plus ice ballet and special effects. I think it is important and the fact that I, as a director, probably also earned my name with original productions.

- Have you immediately decided on the leading roles?

- Champion's charisma is impossible to replace anything. Moreover, the acting school, which Adeline received in the "Ice Age", is of great importance. The bright memorable image of the Queen of Mousels, as it is impossible to suit such an outstanding figure skater as Adelina Sotnikova. The image of the mouse king is of course Alexey Yagudin. It will be a very beautiful duel on ice. The Nutcracker plays Maxim Marinin, and in the image of Marie - brilliant Tatyana Tutmianin. The point is not to take famous skaters and give them to ride the solo rooms ... It is very important that each participant approached his hero.

- How does your work continue in the "Ice Age" now?

- This is a project that very seriously entered our lives. I love him very much. At some point there was a certain moral fatigue and the audience, and we. But the two-year break played us for the benefit. The fact that Adeline Sotnikov and Maxim Trankov entered the project, breathed a special life. I think that the composition of the participants this year came up very interesting.

- "Nutcracker", "Ice Age" ... Maybe there is something else, what we do not know about?

- Projects are a lot. At the same time, we also show the "Bremen Musicians" in St. Petersburg and Sochi, on New Year's time there will be a tour of the play "Kid and Carlson" in Kazan, Krasnoyarsk ... In February, we plan a large gala concert - the anniversary of Tatyana Tarasova. She is marching seventy years. Tours of the ice musical "Carmen" continue, which beats all the records attendance. First, the performance will be shown in Krasnodar, then he will go to Minsk, London and Sofia. At the end of January, the large-scale tour of the Ice Age show will start at forty cities of Russia. Preparations are already underway for the summer new project in Sochi, whose name I do not reveal. It is also interesting for me to work with existing athletes: this year I continued cooperation with the world champion Evgenia Medvedeva, and I also put a short program Maxim Kovtun. I am glad that my programs help his wife stay absentia for rivals.

- How do you manage to combine so many projects at the same time?

- I have no weekend, I sleep at least four or five hours. But it's worth it.

- Time for communication with the Son remains?

- Of course, I spend time with Martin. Now before the holiday is less, but all summer he spent in Sochi with me. And I hope that when the "Nutcracker" is omitted, we will go with him to a ski resort.

Ilya Averbukh ice show enjoy the audio success among the public

Ilya Averbukh ice show enjoy the audio success among the public

- It is saying that you are serious about the upbringing of your son and even disable home the Internet so that Martin read more ...

- The struggle with the tablet and computer games, of course, is conducted. With varying success, because it is impossible to pull the child from society, because all friends are there in the network. But Martin plays football, he is engaged in the tongue, speaks English quite well. Education, of course, in priority.

- Martin watched your show? He shared his impressions?

- To be honest, Martin is just starting to watch the show. The same "Ice Age" for him is just the work of the Pope. As for performances, he is a big fan of "Carmen," saw him many times, and I was very pleased that he was interested in disassembled scenes. I think that "Nutcracker" I put for my son too.

- There were a lot of conversations about your country house, which is furnished according to the principles of Fenshia ...

- This is not a house that I built for myself, but a purchased cottage, ready. The owners who were built, were fond of Fengsh. I do not know whether the house really is built on these principles, but I completely updated it, made repairs. Help designers. I repainted the walls, changed the interior, because there should be another energy. This is a wooden cottage three hundred square meters, small. But I like the idea itself to leave Moscow. Dacha is fifty kilometers from the city, on the Istra reservoir. I really love to leave for the city, although it is not so often it turns out.

- I know that in the house except Martin there are at least one member of the family: your dog that colleagues gave ...

- Her name is Gabi. She was donated for almost two years ago by colleagues from the play "Kid and Carlson". She has an ideal place for life: there is where to walk, there is someone to care, my parents often come, I myself can. I love her so much. She is so small, I, however, forgot the breed. (Smiles.)

- How do you intend to celebrate your birthday this year?

- I don't know yet. I will be in my birthday in Minsk. I think on the play "Carmen" we will note. I'm trying to treat the holiday of philosophically, although, of course, a certain sadness comes every day of birth - nowhere will not get anywhere. It is a pity that time floats. But physically I don't feel any age, although I would like birthdays to be less likely.

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