"You're from Mars, I'm from Venus": why don't we understand each other?


- Allan, your first book "Language of television" has become a cult for people who are engaged in business. Now you write on the topic of sex relationships. What is connected with such a reorientation?

- What does a person generally worries in this life? Successful career and love. Whether he seeks to build a family or is looking for a comfortable relationship - this is a search for harmony in this world. Today, misunderstanding and conflicts between the floors, of course, are not the ones that were in the times of Adam and Eve, but their essence does not change: we categorically do not understand each other. The fact that men and women differ from each other have long been understandable. We are so different that even imagine scary! Women are indignant: "Why are men forever stare on other women?", And men say: "Why are they still sawing us?" And these questions we hear daily, receiving them by email. So my first book appeared about the language of televitations dedicated to the relationship between a man and a woman.

- Your last book is called "Five Languages ​​of Love". What is she talking about?

- In short: there are only five styles, with which people design their love, making it through the language of gestures. You have enough to find a person who expresses her love in the same way, - consider you are the perfect couple.

- Allan, reading your book "Language of television," suggests that, if desired, each of us can learn to influence another person to make the impression. It turns out, do we learn to look unnatural?

- Who generally said that absolute naturalness is good? I will never believe that a woman seeking to impress the man, will behave as it would have led alone with him or with the best girlfriend. It will not make the stacking, does not hide the shortcomings of the shape of clothes and makeup, there will be a loudly chakup or something worse. This also constructed multi-million cosmetic industries.

- We all deceive each other a little ...

- Of course, and you did not know? There is no complete frankness at all, especially in love relationships. Each of us hides something, and this is a normal human response. It is important to understand that there is a lie for the benefit: for example, praise a friend, which looks today not very and herself suffers from it, and a bad lie, when we want to pay the situation exclusively in our favor. Here, let's say, the other day, going to the next seminar, I discovered that I scored several extra kilograms. I ask my wife Barbara: "Dear, how do I look?" And you know, I don't want to hear the truth at all. I understand well that her "excellent, Allan!" It is the most real lie, but how it is pleasant for me at the moment, when the suitcases are collected, you need to go, and the mood has already spoiled.

Five eternal "Why?":

1. Why is she alone?

"The success of a woman in personal life is not long legs, blond curls, knowledge of the Japanese language and a position in a large company," says Allan Piz. - This is the ability to send men to men and correctly decipher their response. This does not mean that the lonely women are "nonsense" in the cunning decoding. Having encountered a potential partner, the lady sends a subtle, but often deceptive "manock" to check whether its object is worth it. Thus, the ladies make men act, and they are most often tritely afraid of refusal. This is especially true of beautiful and successful women. "

2. Why is he alone?

"A man has success in a marriage game largely depends on the ability to properly decipher the signals sent to it, and not at all from reluctance or inability to take the first step. Very often ordinary friendliness they take for the interest of a completely different plan - manifestation of sexual interest. It is explained by the fact that men really perceive this world through the prism of sex: the content in their testosterone body is 10-20 times higher than that of a woman. "

3. Why do love books read mostly women?

"Most books devoted to human relationships are written by women, they also buy them, and also advise, it does not matter, doing this professionally or train on girlfriends. So men do not interest attitude at all? Yes and no. This topic is generally not characteristic of a strong floor, it is not a priority. The man always had completely different duties: he was a hunter, a defender, a getter, a decision makers. Any representative of strong sex believes that "she herself complicates everything." On the other hand, normal love relationships are needed no less than the ladies. Men are confident that everything will happen by itself. "

4. Why feminism harms relationships?

"In the past, men and women were clearly defined: he was the head of the family, he mined the bread, his word was the law, and his wife was engaged in the house and children. Suddenly everything has changed. Every suddenly began to represent a man with a stupid creature, fully lost in the face of smart, in all his superior women. The problem was that women always knew what they wanted and how to achieve it, and men simply did not have time for them. Now the abyss between the floors is not just growing, it is torn in geometric progression. From the point of view of nature, a strong man and a weak woman is an absolutely normal and harmonious union. "

5. Why is it so important to understand each other?

"To succeed in relationships with the opposite sex, you should be able to talk in two languages: on male and female. Anyone is respected by someone who respects his tongue or tradition. To do this, it is absolutely necessary to change myself: because for a trip to France you will not need impeccable French, but if you buy a banal phrasebook, from which you learn how to pronounce the main phrases on someone else's language, it will greatly facilitate your journey. And ideally, it will make it just great. "

Only facts:

Allan Piz became a business man in childhood: he sold rubber sponges for home cleaning. At the age of 18, he was recognized as the best sales agent, working in the company for the implementation of bed linen and kitchenware, and at 21 he earned more than a million dollars.

Information of any message is divided as follows: 7% - is transmitted verbally, that is, in words, 38% - vocal (stress and tone of the voice) and 55% - non-verbal signals.

Alan Alan Pisa, Barbara Piz, his right hand. It was she who became his muse, supporting and inspiring to create the most significant works. Today Barbara General Director of Pease, which publishes video, training courses and seminars for businessmen and governments around the world. And Barbara is a co-author of bestsellers "how to make a man listen, and a woman is silent" and "why men lie, and women are root," "Why men want sex, and women love."

For men, chocolate is just food, not a drug. Women with a low level of serotonin easily fall into "chocolate dependence", since the phenylethylamine contained in chocolate stimulates female brain receptors that are sensitive to marijuana. Therefore, when a woman eats chocolate, it is experiencing both feeling of love, and easy excitement, as from a drug.

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