Nikolay Sergeev - Oh Kalmykova: "In the Dash, it was not forms, but her openness"


Daria Kalmykova know primarily as a theater actress, although she has interesting work in the cinema. Last summer, the attention of fans attracted the news about her divorce with Alexander Mokhov, in marriage with whom Daria lived ten years. Then the actress commented on his decision by the fact that in fact the gap had occurred several years ago, and another man appeared in her life. Today, Daria and her chosen one, television producer Nikolai Sergeyev, first give a joint interview.

- Dasha, that when I first got acquainted, you hooked in Kola, charming?

Daria: With the first acquaintance, nothing. (Laughs.) Although Kohl is very charming. And he is not a musician by education, but fantastically plays the piano, on the guitar, composes music. He is very modest, so I myself will not say about myself. And I confess, I do not like in companies of young people with a guitar. (Laughs.)

Nikolai: She just got unsuccessful people with guitars. It happens, the companies took the tool and sing the whole evening, and not very good.

Daria: We met in a circle of general friends. And when I saw that a man takes the guitar, thought: "Well, it began," and it turned out that it was very and very pretty. Kolya does not like to stick out her talent.

- Kohl, and you immediately drew attention to the then still blonde give?

Daria: Kohl was deceived, he drew attention to the blonde, and in fact it got a brunette. (Laughs.)

Nikolai: Through three minutes before Dasha appeared, she was announced: "Daria Kalmykova will come now, who does not like boring people and bore." And it so happened that the free space was next to me.

- Isn't it attached? Have you been free then?

Nikolai: It seems to me that yes.

Daria: How does it "seem"? Have you been free or not? (Laughs.)

Nikolai: "Yes," I answered that it also seems to me that it was adjusted. And I was exactly free. And I immediately drew attention to Dasha.

Daria: I then looked a little wrong now. Before that, I went to Georgia, where he was very recovered. To such an extent that the costumes could not fasten. It was an absolute hamster, plus seven kilograms. And I came there not in a raised mood, in a vest and without a makeup, on the run, as it was my own company. Therefore, for me a mystery than I could then attract. Own forms? (Laughs.)

Nikolay Sergeev - Oh Kalmykova:

To bring to the image of Natalia in the television film "Punts for Buns", the actress wore special linings on the waist

Photo: Mars Media Film Company Press Service

- Kohl, cutting riddle. Did you like pyshechki?

Nikolai: I liked different women, there were no stereotypes. But not her shape attracted me, but openness. In general, everything is fine in the Dasha: she is or without forms, it is not the main thing.

Daria: We made friends, began to communicate, invite each other for birthdays, meet in general companies.

- And Kolya did not take anything to invite a date in the coming days?

Daria: No, and, probably, there were grounds. This is due to the way the woman is positioning. Apparently, at that moment I was closed for a relationship. Everyone in life has such a period, and it is felt energetically. It seems to me that people, crossing the barrier of thirty years, have experience, their ideas about the beautiful and therefore quite carefully enter the relationship. Although, of course, explosions of emotions happen. We all developed organically and very gradually.

Nikolai: But everything would have happened anyway, you resist you or not. I perceive our relationship as something fateful. For me, at least, this is the wave with which it is impossible to fight.

- Kohl, and how did your relationship with Makar develop?

Daria: Makar knows all my friends, we do not separate our children from the adult company. Makar is a real man, Kolya - too. Therefore, they feel each other.

Nikolai: The issue of adopting a child of an adult or indecomplication is not in which relations in adults, but that the child feels: is sincerely recognized with him. My Makar and I got acquainted skating. And immediately made friends.

Nikolay Sergeev - Oh Kalmykova:

With TV presenter Mikhail Zelensky Nicholas New interesting project "Ticket in Big"

Photo: Personal archive Darya Kalmykova and Sergey Nikolaev

- Dasha, and Makar did not show egoism droplets when Kolya appeared?

Daria: On the contrary, he is now such a friend! And to me, Makar is primarily as a woman. He is surprisingly very correct perception of mom. More often: "My mom, and that's it, and she cannot communicate with anyone." Makar, on the contrary, wants mom to be happy and in work, and in personal, and friendly relations.

- And from what age did Makar be treated for you?

Daria: It seems to me that immediately. My mother, laughing, says that in Makar, even embarrassing to appear in a disassembled form, and from his very birth was an estimated male look. And he immediately notices changes in my appearance, makes compliments, and vice versa. For example, in the play "Lev Gurych Sichkin" I played Raisa - a very eccentric, capricious person, an intrigue. And when I went out in this role on the scene for the first time, and Makar sat in the hall, he said: "Oh, Lord, as a shame!" He was six years old. He does not love me in such manifestations, although perfectly understands that I actress and this role. And in the movie He does not like my scenes with kisses. And when I first changed the color of the hair and Makar saw me dark, I spent very touching on my head and said: "Mommy, Summa of the Voloschiki."

- Kohl, and in your perception of actress Dasha Kalmykova at the time of dating what was?

Daria: He did not know me! (Laughs.)

Nikolai: But for the next meeting, I was already prepared. (Smiles.) And then I only had the feeling that I saw this face somewhere.

Daria: I invited him to the theater so that he would come me at once. (Laughs.) The first was the play "Story about seven-haired", I loved this role very much, and then "Senior Son."

Nikolai: I looked at two performances at once. And in my perception, it has become even more inaccessible.

Daria: It was not included in the plans if you have an actress girl.

Nikolai: But this is not from the category of plans, male interest in a particular woman, but something else. This happens, regardless of your desires and actions. Although, of course, Sasha Barshak told me: "Kohl, just not the actress, God forbid!"

Daria: I understand why. We have a certain psychophysics, and there are actresses that fully submit their own life professions. Any normal man is hard to understand. And cola when we began to live together, too, it was too difficult to accept that I was leaving for shooting for two months. He is in essence not a public person. We appeared together on some events, and he always tried to stay in the shadows, so we never gave general interviews.

- Do you have any manifestations of jealousy? Especially with you, Kolya, as the actors perceive a lot fine.

Nikolai: With the advent of Dasha in my life, some things in me either disappeared completely, or seriously transformed. That feeling of jealousy, which I experienced earlier, I am not clear now. I can not imagine that I arrange scenes. (Laughs.) For these three years, I would have already shot himself, being close to a woman who, of course, attracts attention to himself, causes admiration not only for me. Therefore, I can not confess that terribly jealous. But sometimes something strands me.

Daria: It seems to me that any man is unpleasant to watch his woman kisses with someone. It would be surprising if Kohl did not react to it at all. When they and Makar come to me on shooting, it's too unpleasant to my son, he even says Kole: "I have now seen my mother with someone ..."

Nikolai: Then I will say that it strains me. It strains that some artists do not come out of the role. And in Dashina behavior does not strain anything.

Nikolay Sergeev - Oh Kalmykova:

Partners of Daria on the TV series "Resort Roman" were Sophia Kashtoyan and Natalia Nozdrin

Photo: Personal archive Darya Kalmykova and Sergey Nikolaev

- And no wishes?

Daria: There's no such thing. It is impossible to imagine that Kolya say: "Now you will be filmed, please, without kisses," so that he dictated the conditions and climb into my kitchen. Kolya respects me in my profession, and I can't tell him that it is to produce, but what is not. And I can't imagine him to hit the fist and said: "This is already the borders of the permissible." We love to watch movies very much, and always celebrate beautifully removed outstanding scenes. By the way, thanks to Kola, I discovered the world of very good European and American movies.

- What stage does your emotional bursts reach: shouting, whipping dishes, refusing dinner in protest?

Daria: We can not dinner. (Laughs.) We love to eat.

Nikolai: War of war, and lunch on schedule. (Laughs.)

Daria: The dishes also do not beat, we are leaning. And seriously, we try not to humiliate each other.

Nikolai: I need to retire at such a moment, to walk, walk, think about something, breathe air.

Daria: We have a dog, so he takes a woman with whom he changes me, Fifu, and goes to walk.

- Who is softer?

Nikolai: It seems to me that we are both pretty soft people.

Daria: I very much appreciate a friendly support, it is extremely important in relationships. And it seems to me that in me this quality is. Not always, of course, people can understand how psychologists, the state of the other, but even when there are problems related to the work, I know that I will support me at home, will not find fault with the fact that I am welcome. On the contrary, we can open a delicious wine and sit, talk on this topic. Or I recently had a problem related to painting hair for filming, terrible for a woman. I practically spoiled your hair. And the first to whom I called was Kolya. Although he is a man, far from such female problems and could say: "Why are you calling me with it?" And I know why. Because he will hear me in any situation.

Nikolai: We can vote some questions to two, up to three o'clock in the morning, although in the morning you need to get up and keep a child to school or Dasha go to shoot. And this is my need, I am not a closed person. I need to tell Dashka and receive support from her and even the Council.

Nikolay Sergeev - Oh Kalmykova:

With Oleg Tobakov in the play on the play Mikhail Bulgakov "Kabala Svyatosh" ("Moliere")

Photo: Personal archive Darya Kalmykova and Sergey Nikolaev

- Kohl, are you proud of Dasha?

Nikolai: I am not just proud of, and I brag it right and left, constantly and everywhere. The first time in life is. I use social networks, calling close to relatives and friends so that they watched the movie with her. I brag, and myself, too, that there is such a woman next to me!

- Dasha, and you admire the track as a professional?

Daria: Sure. It seems to me that a woman is very important to be proud of a man. If there is no such feeling, it is trouble. Probably in this pride there is a feeling of security, as it seems to me. And, of course, now I am very proud of his work. Kohl and earlier did interesting things - both in business and in creativity, but now he has a wonderful project associated with a large theater - "Ticket in Big". I am proud that he collected an excellent creative team. I saw shooting: Taking advantage of my position, he drove me for the scenes, it's so interesting! And I was struck by Colin the choice of the lead Mikhail Zelensky. Misha is as far as a multifaceted person and so organically fit into this story that I no longer imagine in his place.

- Kohl, and how did you get on television?

Nikolai: I always wanted to do it. But I have never had an installation to work in the format of the Culture Channel, just so fate ordered. I dreamed of working on television, I came there in the year 96th. And at sixteen, I got to Kommersant, was a reporter.

- What did your parents do?

Nikolai: Dad, Alexey Sergeyev, was a very famous journalist. In the newspaper "Kommersant" he had a position that was canceled after his death, "the Golden Feather". He wrote essays, in Soviet times he wrote to Moscow Komsomolets.

Daria: Kolya encyclopedic knowledge is delighted. He can answer the question associated with any sphere of life.

Nikolai: I have a good genetics (smiles), my grandfather is a scientist, a famous historian Alexander Abramovich Galkin. He wrote the fundamental work "German fascism". Mom - Candidate of Science, Grandma - Doctor of Science, Grandfather - Professor. And my mother has good books slipped from thirteen, when I got fascinated by reading. I love bookstores, even in childhood, walking school, went to the book.

Daria: I and Makarra Kolya advises literature. And although I always considered myself a person read, I understand that there are gaps. I'm afraid to knock it out, but Makar is a very fondant guy. We had an interesting case in St. Petersburg. He then was in love. We went with him on Nevsky in the bookstore, and he says: "Mom, I want to buy poems about love", I answer: "If about love, then, I think, a collection of the best poems Pushkin, Tyutchev ..." bought. I think: "He is now looking at him, and all, but even though I read." However, all four hours that we went back in Sapsan, he studied this collection. I can not say that he does not get out of books. Like any normal boy, he loves and play, but we try to eat so tremendous in it.

Nikolay Sergeev - Oh Kalmykova:

"His care can manifest itself a surprise and a major mark of attention. Maybe - and deliciously covered dinner when I come home after filming, "says Dasha about her husband

Photo: Victor Goryachev

- Male education is present?

Daria: It seems to me that Makar is a very happy person, because he has an example of two stunning men in front of his eyes. This is his grandfather - my dad Konstantin Grigorievich, they have a very close relationship, which I am insanely glad. And he had an example of if. It is very important that Makar sees their attitude towards a woman - as a man can take care, to provide signs of attention.

- Became of attention What do you mean?

Daria: This is very personal. And I have already been taught your experience that when you start to polish it, something disappears. His concern can manifest itself and a very large mark of attention, and maybe in a tasty covert dinner when I come home after filming. The point here is not in material values, but in the fact that the person thought he could give me pleasure. And this, of course, discourages.

Nikolai: Dasha made such surprises several times that I was happy as a child. This is absolutely children's happiness even on the film recorded!

- Can you reveal at least something?

Daria: Cut the cake.

Nikolai: I do not know how Dasha found him in this God forgotten place called Glasgow, where we turned out to be in winter. And this is exactly the God forgotten, it rains, everything is gloomy, gray, droop. Such a vampire interior. And I woke up in this city on January 2, in my birthday. And suddenly some knock at the door, I open, and I bring it ... a chocolate cake with candles. Such a birthday cake was given to me in a distant childhood. I remember how happy on that day.

With loved men: Nikolai and Son Makar

With loved men: Nikolai and Son Makar

Photo: Personal archive Darya Kalmykova and Sergey Nikolaev

- Dasha now removes a lot. Are you rather glad that she is so in demand, or a little upset?

Nikolai: I am very happy, but I miss much.

Daria: Kolya rejoices that interesting projects appear. For example, now I am shooting in the TV series "Celebrated" stunning director Vyacheslav Nikiforov, who removed the "executioner" and much more. Beautiful acting team: Love Tolkalina, Anatoly White and Two Wonderful Young Girls. For me, this film is very interesting, unexpected, with a difficult role, because I have not played this yet, the heroine doesn't have my psychophysics at all. I really hope that everything will work out. In general, my energy should be sent to work (laughs), then everyone will be calmer.

Nikolai: It also seems to me that the Dasha must work a lot, and in this sense my joy is stronger than the thoughts about how I miss her. But Makar and I come to her shooting.

- And you did not think about connecting efforts in creativity, burn the series with Dasha?

Nikolai: Why not? Quite possible.

Daria: And how I favorably grabbed a man! (Laughs.)

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