Pavel Savinkov: "My kiss in a joke called the pensioner"

Anonim met with Pavel Savinkov and discussed the "pensioner" kiss in the frame, acting family and humor, which saves on the set.

- Paul, in the second season of the series "Street" to be filmed easier than in the first?

- Yes, because you already know everything about your character, you know partners, you do not need to take each other, just work calmly, and that's it. But the basic difficulties were in the first season. Honestly, working on this role was probably the most difficult for all my professional activities. Just Andrei is very different from me. It is heavier, stern and even more adult than me. Therefore, I needed a lot to change in myself. It is not easy, but extremely interesting and useful.

- What is still remembered from the set?

- There was a fun and reliable situation when we were filmed with Leroy Dergileva in a romantic scene. Her heroine Alice kisses Andrei, he at first responds to a kiss, but then still stops and says that it is not worth doing this. Before that, I already had similar scenes with other partners, and I never thought about them: we just played, kissed where necessary, and that's it. And I was confident that in this scene everything will be the same as usual. And during the shooting of Lera at that very moment came up to me and neatly sacrificed her lips. I was a little confused and neatly leaned back in response. So we leanned each other from the double in the double. The film crew was joking later that it was the most "pensioner" kiss in the entire series. (Laughs.)

- Do you remember when in your life a decision came to act on the acting department?

- The solution arose when I graduated from school and realized that we needed at least to do somewhere. I decided to prepare a poem, fastener and prose I will not be difficult. In addition, there are not many general educational exams in theatrical universities. I came to guitis, stood under the fence and decided that I would not go to the exam, all this is nonsense, and in general I have no mood. I had another year in stock, and I signed up for preparatory courses in VGIK. Terribly lit up on listening! He swept his head ... but they took everyone there, because the courses were paid. Parents, fortunately, could pay them. In general, I did it badly poorly, while I continued to be mad, I even said to me that I was not a place in this profession. But gradually I relaxed, liberated, and I have what is called "flooded." I successfully passed all the universities, but I chose VGIK. He was most sympathetic to me, and the course was typing Alexey Vladimirovich Batalov. How to make such a master to go? Learn, of course, it was hard. Especially at first. In the morning lecture, then professional items: stage speech, movement, skill. In addition, I traveled to learn from Krasnogorsk, and this is an hour and a half. Often flooded in the subway. It happened, just sat on the ring line and cut off, rushing in a circle.

Pavel Savinkov:

In the "Street" Paul plays a not very successful businessman. Work on the role was not easy because, according to the actor, this character does not like it at all

"You confessed somehow that the series" Happy together "has become a sign project for you - you even have a photo from there hanging on the refrigerator. Do you still communicate with colleagues on the series?

- With Natasha, Bochkareva and Dasha Sagalova, we communicated more as a colleague, but with the vita Loganovy, Sasha Yakin, Julia Zakharova and Kirill Kondratov we had friendly relations. I still consider them your friends. Although I have not seen Vitu and Kirill, I will see. Only here with Sasha Yakin occasionally support communication.

- I wonder what other photos hang on your refrigerator?

- I have a fun fridge at all. (Smiles.) On him a lot of stupid magnets from the towns, where we were. Family photos, ours with son drawings. From the photographs of the projects, in addition to the "happy together" hangs another piece of the film "Exercises in the beautiful" film, in which I starred. It is necessary to hang something from the "Street". In the near future I will do!

- As far as I know, your wife is also an actress. So, do you have complete mutual understanding in your family, including in the professional sphere?

- Yes, my wife is also an actress, and yes, we have a professional understanding in the professional sphere. We are equally treated with it. And I consider the acting profession, and not by calling. And the acting game is not a sacrament, but work - will forgive me Shchepkin.

- Are you discussing at home working questions?

- Honestly, not very discussing. We try to share work and family. In addition, everyone needs a personal space.

- Your children took acting talents from you? See in someone's potential?

- I generally love children! And your especially! I really like to spend time with them! How they behave what they say - this is something amazing! And about the actors ... somehow did not notice this. Well, that is, that my son put on black leggings and began to read something from "Hamlet" - this is not.

- Would you never want your children to do an acting profession?

- For me, as for any parent, it is important that they take place. And in the profession too. I will not insist on the actor, but if they have a soul lying - why not? I will support them in everything. The most important thing is that they were happy!

Pavel Savinkov:

After the series "Happy together", Paul became a popular actor. In the photo with a partner in the project of Julia Zakharova

- And what is your father yourself, what do you think? Children or, on the contrary, a formidable dad?

- I am a good folder. In any case, according to the reviews of my children and by reviews others. I am very much their ball, especially my son. We play a lot, I turn his toys, books, movies and cartoons. Perhaps even with a bust.

- When is free time appears, what do you like to do?

- There is little free time. And it is mainly engaged in children. Probably, this is my main hobby. And in general, I love books, I love movies very much and I watch it a lot. I love music, I like to draw, we often do with your son. I can play PlayStation with great pleasure.

- Something I do not notice in this list of sports activities ...

- I'm just very lazy. Although I understand that the form needs to support. But I do not go to the gym. In the morning I shake the press, I pressed. I would like to do something else, but there is no time. I would go to the hall, and on the box, for example, I was signed up or on oriental martial arts, some, on the Longboard would have learned to ride, and I would try my climbing. But so far it is problematic.

- I am on your answers noticed that you are a person with humor. How does this help you in life and work?

- Humor is a livestock at all for a person in different difficult situations. Sometimes it seems to me that I am too much joking. Once I even decided that this greatly interferes with work, and decided that I won't be joking anymore on the next shootings! Immerse yourself with your head to the role and so on. I lasted half a day!

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