Victoria Makarskaya: "After half a year, I got pregnant regular prayer"


- Victoria, Masher's daughter birth for you truly gift heaven. You've been waiting for her almost 13 years! Do you remember your feelings when you know that I will soon become mom?

- When first pregnant in 38 years, without any medical intervention is really a gift to heaven. The joy is incredible and at the same time a huge responsibility for the life of a child. With our crazy artistic schedule and lifestyle, I had to change everything in one day. I flew the first plane to Israel, to Mama Anton, canceling tour and recording solo album in America.

Is it really a miracle or just "all your time"?

- It's time for a miracle! Our Masha is a fatty child. In the most direct sense of these words. Now, analyzing everything that happened to us before the birth of our Masha, I understand that before we would be absolutely not ready to become the parents of this wonderful child. I am sure that now we all live during a big change in the minds of people. Time when even skeptical atheists gradually begin to understand that our physiology is, one way or another, the reflection of our spiritual world. I never pregnant, and this is despite the fact that he has always been, according to doctors, physically completely healthy woman. As soon as Anton and I have been paying attention to our spiritual health - Masha was born.

-In one of the interviews you told that at that time your husband was worried about the real crisis ... How did you cope with it?

- When people who loving each other are initially ready to pass all the crises together, you can cope with any troubles in family life. We love each other very much. The crisis in the consciousness of my spouse was not due to the lack of children, but because of doubt in the correctness of the choice of profession. And because of the lack of children, I am very complexed. We both helped a visit to the old town of Bulgaria, in the temple of Abrahamia Bulgarian, and the conversation with the father Vladimir Golovna. He helped us to understand that, firstly, everyone should be in its place where God had determined, deserved to live and nice to work. If you are an artist - I'm glad to people, there is nothing wrong with that. Secondly, Batyushka dissuaded us from the artificial fertilization procedure, advised to pray for a child's date. And Anton and I obeyed him, did not go to Eco, and after six months of regular prayer, Masha became pregnant.

- During pregnancy, the female organism on "such" is capable ... and how did you have it?

- With the beginning of pregnancy, my body seemed to heal again. According to personal feelings, I seemed to have grown up for 20 years. In Israel, it is not customary to call a woman "akin to". No one is "nightmare" me with horror stories about late birth. In my opinion, it is so unethical ... how can you call the old woman who can become pregnant? On the Holy Land every reception at the doctor - only positive emotions. Perhaps that is why my pregnancy has passed very easily, despite the abnormal even for Israel in the summer of 2012. Even the premature false contractions at 32 weeks from dehydration did not disappear completely. I did not leave confidence for a second for a second that with our child everything is in order! Premenhenev, I began to eat completely differently. It was a feeling that Masha strictly dictates me that it is possible, and what is impossible. I could not even see the whole pregnancy without nausea for all meat and fish delicacies, although before my diet consisted mainly of salty fish and dried meat. I started to eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, ate "basins" sauced cabbage and very loved pasta and cakes. Such a strange forced "diet" was a little disturbed. But my doctor Dor advised not to go on the prejudice, in no case "there are two" and liquefied to their desires. There is a pregnant woman who requires the body without raping himself, if I do not want to pregnant with "useful" cottage cheese and other supposedly binding products.

"Victoria, you are not only a mother, but also a singer, and therefore a creative personality." Is it possible to combine two of these roles or from some reason I had to refuse?

- No matter how trite it sounded, but, as it turned out, to be a mother - my most important purpose. When a woman becomes a mother and correctly treats this event, everything around becomes a real meaning. In my case, motherhood opened me such indescribable with any words of life joy and new feelings for creativity, which I want to hug the whole world with love with love. I completely changed the attitude towards others. I used to be protected from the world. Now - love every person, regardless of age, because I see in it primarily a child. When there is a helpless old grandfather, I know for sure that his mother from Heaven sees him and also loves himself and helps, as in those days, when he kept him on his hands and fed his breasts ... Of course, all this was "pouring out" to fully Scenes during my speeches. Maternity gave me an incredible stimulus for new professional ideas. But! Masha - in the first place. All these ideas and grand plans I implement only when Masha can fly around the world with me. Now I am constantly with my daughter and depart only for the concerts you need to earn money, which I myself have planned tours no more than 7-10 days, every two months. Next to Masha at this time, our favorite grandmother, Mom Anton, remains. She loves Masha to the breathtaking, besides, she is a wonderful teacher and with their granddaughter a stunning relationship.

"Victoria, it's no secret that the birth of a child is a" Lacmus paper "for spouses. How did the birth of a daughter influenced your family life?

- The birth of Masha forced us to love each other, what was he used to annoy. In our daughter, all our qualities were surprisingly intertwined. When the Anton was angry and raised his eyebrows, I could not look at it indifferent: "Broval to lower! .." When Masha is now exactly also raises the brings - nothing but mie, it does not cause me. But the most important thing is that with the birth of Masha finally become a full and truly happy family. In the relationship there was such a depth of love, about the existence of which we were before the birth of a daughter and were not suspected.

- Victoria, you and Anton - believers. Do you comply with church post?

- The most common and erroneous opinion is such that the church post is connected only with nutrition. If you are watching TV in the morning to night in the morning, you swear with your neighbors, you can not forgive someone, it doesn't matter what you eat. I like how one priest answered to people interested in lean power: "The main thing in the post is not each other."

- And last. They say that with age, the couple "gets used to" to each other. Already everything has been studied, exhausted, said. What is the secret of your so-long marriage?

- We are not boring together. Over time, we change so much and, I hope we grow that it is impossible to "get used to" each other in the negative meaning of this concept. Nothing else in this world is not really studied, not exhausted, it is not said! God is love. We do not know anything about God, so love is impossible to argue and understand the human senses fully. And when a person lives in this constant desire to expand his perception of love - old age does not occur at all. Just once comes the time of transition to the world is the best. To the world where love lives forever.

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