Svetlana Ivanova: "Simplicity - Pretty strong weapons"


The fragility of the actress Svetlana Ivanova did not speak only the lazy. And in this she is absolutely not changing. But with soulful fragility occurs, according to her, some changes. No, there was no shelterness in it, but today it is not naive and defenseless lady, but a woman confident enough. This confidence, Svetlana believes, it gives her the attitude of close people.

- Light, you have repeatedly said that they do not play in life and, they say, many are surprised that you are a real and simple for the actress. But people can use this sincerity against you ...

- In the modern world, it is often honesty and frankness of the interlocutor, partner, colleagues, the director-sulfur disarmament. Simplicity is a rather strong weapon. But not that, completely monstrous, about whom they say that it is worse than theft. I am simple and open, but not at all naive and far from a defenseless person with these qualities.

"So you don't share the secret and tell you a cute, but an unfamiliar person about my weaknesses?"

- No, I am very filtering it. So I opened, a person should be close. The impression of the openness I make is only thirty percent of me. And ninety - already for his own.

- And when do you fall in love? At this point, it is difficult to portray something, hide, play ...

"No, here I am for openness, I'm for Tatiana Larina." If you want to write - write. If you want to say something to someone - say. Do not think: "Probably, it is necessary to pretend that I slept, and then he myself ..." In my opinion, it is terrible, because so much time is spent as a result, and you lose life and your happiness. You can be happy for a week longer or a year. Yes, you can deceive and get a sneaker on the nose, but then you will have experience. And if you won't let yourself, then how do you know what happiness is? Never pay correctly, all the factors do not take into account, because life is unpredictable. And in family life, you can only love, be sensitive and sincere.

- You probably get closer than Dostoevsky?

- for sure. And at school I loved Dostoevsky more. But this is a youthful thrust. Fortunately, I quickly realized that I was closer than Tolstoy, Bunin, Nabokov. There, too, not without difficulties, but this is not the winding of the intestine on the fist.

Dress, divershop; Earrings, QueensBee; Sandals, Stuart Weitzman

Dress, divershop; Earrings, QueensBee; Sandals, Stuart Weitzman

Photo: Alina Pigeon

"I really liked your phrase:" You can train yourself for happiness. " It is almost like Alexander Volodin: "It's a shame to be unhappy."

- It's true. Among other things, the despondency is sin. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to at least be glad, you need to do it. I remember that in the senior school classes I read the book by Elinor Porter "Polianna" (although it was designed for the age of voyage) about the unfortunate girl, who had nothing good in life, and she began to play it - to invent reimers for joy. Then it got into the habit, and she made this game play everyone around. So in life - if you hate Mondays, when it came, you can exhale that it will not come after six days. In each manifestation of life, you can find some joy. I really liked this thought. It happened that I was nervous, because there were catastrophic situations. Once I was late for an hour at the rehearsal to Galina Borisovna Volchek. And it is impossible to do this categorically. There was some kind of monstrous story, up to the fact that I had an accident. But in principle, now, if I understand that I can not change anything, I can not get out, take off, it happens that it is even impossible to quit the car and jump into the subway, I try at least not nervous. Better I will come in a good mood, beautiful. (Smiles.) It seems to me that you need to have fun in many stressful situations to enjoy life, otherwise you can just go crazy. Even late on an important meeting and surviving, you can look at the city, listen to a wonderful program or audiobook, that is, find some kind of joy.

- But you warn others so that they do not worry?

"Yes, I always try to reassure people, I call, say that still food." (Smiles.)

- Light, and you have days or weeks, when it still fails to feel happy and joyful?

- No, I do not have this.

- And when they broke up with someone, Casting did not pass? I'm not talking about tragic events ...

- I was upset when I did not work out to go to the institute, because I didn't take me to theatrical universities, they said that I was small as an increase, but we are not needed. But I can not say that it really knocked me out of the gauge: I always understood that there is a carriage carriage, in front of me a lot of roads - and I can choose another at any time. In principle, I still live with the feeling that I still have so much ahead, although I already have a slightly woman in thirty. (Laughs.) The wonderful Indian philosopher Dipak Chopra has a wonderful phrase: "I still think about what I'm growing when I grow up." Although he wrote her, being a very adult man. And I suddenly reading, I realized that it was about me. And there are pensioners in spirit, when they are not even forty. But I try to distance yourself from such people, because it is very contagious, as well as happiness. The more you communicate with successful people, the more you charge it.

- A couple of years ago, you were very funny than saying that everything would change soon, because even in stores there are creams on which "30 plus" is written. Did you scare this age?

"Just in my childhood (and I lived next to the House of Culture" October ", which recently burned) held evenings" For those who for 30 ". And I still walked past the posters and thought: "What is 30?", Thinking that this is not a number, but letters. And now I am already thirty.

- But now everything has changed - and children give birth far in thirty and forty ...

- I like this story. You did not notice that today all the series are removed about thirty-year-old, forty-haired and then? Although everything related to age is relatively. But in our country a lot is incorrectly formulated. Why the word "insurance" we have from the words "fear", and in English Insurance from the word "confidence." This is the codes. We program themselves.

Dress, divershop; Earrings and Ring, all - QueensBee; Coat, Weannabe.

Dress, divershop; Earrings and Ring, all - QueensBee; Coat, Weannabe.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Many girls are waiting for thirty years, as it is the mysterious age of Bulgakovsky Margarita, when everything is possible ...

- Indeed. And I did not think about it. And changes began to happen to me. Psychologists say that a woman is so many years old how old is her younger child. Accordingly, I will soon five. (Laughs.) And now my view of life is measured by these categories. I waited for his thirty years from that position that the daughter is already four.

- With the birth of a daughter, for a minute did not feel like an adult, solid?

- No, absolutely not. There is no such feeling now. Sometimes, however, the thought arises: "I am mom, I answer it! Stop, light! Gather. " And in general, as they say: "The first child is the last doll." We generally have a very teenager family. And the daughter is wonderful that she has such foolish (laughs), such hooligan parents, because, as a rule, they are completely different.

- And when you need a weighty word Polina to say or take an important decision, do you easily do it? Or is this function lying on a man in the house?

- The weighty word is always to dad. Papa chief. You see, I'm in some trifles rolling soul. That is, it is very difficult to choose the wallpaper for me or I can buy the same shoes of different colors due to the fact that I can not decide but in global things I make the choice very easily and quickly. And I can refuse something easily, I'm decisive in this sense, even in working issues. By the way, the main talent is to refuse so that you are not offended. I try to learn this. And from recently, I can refuse it in life. And before me it seemed to me that I could offend a person that it was awkward.

- Did you reach this or with the help of someone?

- My close, I mean my current family, help me feel big and important. (Laughs.) They perceive me so much and make them feel like this. In general, I think that only a strong male shoulder can give a woman real confidence in its own importance, beauty - yes in everything. If a loving man looks at you, then you feel yourself and keep yourself with others and really look different. For the past years, two I do not paint in everyday life at all. After all, the combat coloring of the chance? From the desire to draw yourself another face, another destiny. And as soon as you become confident that you are beautiful, then makeup is already not very necessary. This does not mean that the woman, having married, should spit on himself and stop painting, no. Just unwrapped it suddenly begins to look better. Makeup is protection. Very often women wear a hat, glasses, because they are blocked from the world. But, even though now I almost do not paint, I believe that cosmetics is the greatest invention of humanity. You can "draw a mood" yourself. She crushed his eyes in his mastery or lips lipstick, and you have an emotional state improved. (Smiles.)

- In the nineties, when you grew, there were a lot of ugly and gloomy, but the changes began: our designers began to actively appear, sell fashionable imports, good cosmetics ...

- I was small, and we lived very well, so it all seemed distant from me, somewhere on TV. But it wanted: beautiful things and surround himself with beauty, but it was not always the opportunity.

- How did mom come out of these circumstances?

- My mom fantasically organized himself at the time. I remember that, although we lived very hard and not well, never regretted money on food, books, theater. I went to theaters all the time, and we had food: meat, chickens. Mom somehow twisted, but we loved to eat tasty. (Smiles.) In principle, life priorities, now in my family, about the same, as amended for the fact that more opportunities are more.

Dress, the eights; Decorations, QueensBee.

Dress, the eights; Decorations, QueensBee.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- And then you became a popular actress and were able to provide themselves, and not only beautiful dresses, but even a living space and, probably, help parents ...

"When my daughter was only born, I bought an apartment on the next street with my mother." And before that I had another apartment, I sold it and bought a little more. Not in vain I starred in some long series. (Laughs.)

- But in the fact that quite sober, you did not shoot?

- Never. Of course, like any artist, I have more successful works and less, I do not regret any one. But there were those after which I was really able to afford serious purchases. Although they gave me a lot of good and in a professional plan, and I was happy that I could myself earn myself on the apartment, and even help my parents, please them. Sometime I depended on them, now they are from me. Mom has already retired. First, she helped me very much with Polina, now - no, she just decided to engage in himself.

- Today all your dreams come true?

"Yes, only with Johnny Depp has not yet become acquainted, but no longer necessary." (Laughs.)

- Sure. Near the man is better than Johnny Depp, and partners are wonderful ...

- Of course, it is true.

- And you did not notice: the desire was fulfilled when you passionately wanted it or when was a little calmer?

- And I always just just want a little bit to the end. Not to fuel. Where it from me, I do not know, it seems to me that congenital. Maybe this is defense in case if suddenly does not come true. I will leave the clearance for depreciation. When you think about something, you think, and then it seems to be forgetting, it is in your life and happens. It happens to me with New Year's desires. In the ashes, however, it was already stopped playing, because I press the paper with plain points and I tastefully, and I really love champagne. (Laughs.) I just correctly formulate. You can even write in advance on a piece of paper so as not to confuse and pry at the moment when you need this energy to send somewhere. (Smiles.) And during the year, all the desires come true, which I make for the battle of the Kurats. Naturally, it must be something from the real area.

- It seems to you, was it all the same who were correct of the wishes or gifts of fate? Or is it the same?

- Properly formulate your desires - already half of the success. Because abstractly "I want to be rich and famous" - this is nothing about or "I want to be an artist" - a good desire, but you need to understand what you are specifically waiting for. Good question, I'll think about it before the New Year. (Smiles.)

- Do you have a great need to be loved not only by your man? I am about directors and friends, and about partners. How much are you at all dependent on love for you?

- I have such a feature - I really like those people who like me. (Smiles.) If I see that it is interesting and a person wants to communicate with me, I will respond very much for it. I'm trying to analyze and understand that all my close friends grew exactly from this story: from what I felt that they were interested in and good. I am very accustomed from this.

Dress, maya; Decorations, QueensBee.

Dress, maya; Decorations, QueensBee.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- And just as love for a man?

- No, not the same. But about it, I will not tell anything, it is very intimate. (Smiles.) It seems to me that love is harder to explain than friendship, there will not understand why it starts.

"But I often heard from women that they never fell in love until they saw an interest on the other side ..."

- The instinct of self-preservation works: you do not allow yourself to plunge into love until you feel that it really needs not only to you. Although watching his daughter, which is not yet brought by adult rules, I see that it is good when there are no restrictions. We try to raise Polina very freely, and it is so open in their manifestations, which sometimes scares other children, not such open. So, she can come up, start hugging and kissing. Recently, on one children's holiday, she played with a boy, he apparently liked her, and she would run for him with a cry: "Sasha! I'm a kiss now! " And adult men stand, look and say: "Sanya, run!" (Laughs.) We, adult people living in society and scientific scientifics and the fact that Mom says: "No, no, no," often restrave yourself a little bit. It seems to me that I could be much brighter in manifestations in life, if I didn't give it a kindergarten, a school and a moral code.

- You said about the daughter that raise her freely. All-all allow everything in any public places?

- In principle, yes, with amendment to the freedom of other people. But I lived two months in Israel and saw their education system, when it is really possible to children. They run, yell, and it is terribly unusual. But it's cool! Of course, if something is thrown into me or hit the head on my head, I won't like it. And at some point there were concerned about the opportunity. With the fact that schoolchildren can be very rude to handle teachers, throw something in them, say in Hamski, wrap. The fact is that free adults grow out of free children. And in the absence of ideas about what is good and what is bad, can be very different.

- So, still limit her freedom?

"We are trying to explain that there are many other people and your freedom nearly where the freedom of another person begins. It is clear that I am also alive, I can get tired and lazy, and then we have no discipline. And sometimes I want the child to lay on time, and the regime suddenly appears. In this sense, I am a very natural mother, but I like that the daughter is open, bold, says what he thinks ... Like when she is enjoying embedded in a conversation with adults and asks questions from which they are lost. We had a wonderful story. Galina Borisovna Volchek showed a film in the theater, which once removed about her. I had no one to leave Polina, and I took her with me. Moreover, in the theater, everything is very loved. I was told: "My God, did you take a child with me?! We will watch the movie for two hours. " And two o'clock daughter sat and watched a cinema very carefully and thoughtfully. And when they showed a moment, where on tour in London, the wolf cried, Polina asked me: "And why Galina Borisovna cried?" And I told her: "Probably, it is better to ask her about it." Galina Borisovna was very troubling with this issue and told us all, young artists, as far as there were important tour. She was worried about how the theater of Critica takes, and during the performance she brought a newspaper with a good review. And she burst into tears from happiness, from joy that everything turned out. Polina provoked her for such an interesting story. That was great. And I was struck that from the whole movie my daughter remembered this emotional moment.

- Yes, amazing. And what could be the most serious punishment for Polina? And from whom this often comes: from mom or from dad?

- It seems to me that I am more strict, I have a bad policeman. (Laughs.) But it is still incomprehensible who brings someone. All the books that I read by child psychology, the transmission, which I look, are needed not to raise your daughter, and to raise yourself so as not to interfere with it. Because, of course, the simplest thing is to crush the authority, age, the volume of your voice. I am living and can shout, though, I always apologize when it is wrong. I think it is very important to be able to apologize to the child. There was a very funny story when we were knightened with her in Israel. Polina has a very good memory, and she argued with me about the title of the street on which we are going. I started to start, because a four-year-old man tell me that I am mistaken. And she, because I do not agree, began to capricious, cry. In general, we quarreled. We come to this street, and I see that it was wrong. I understand that I can not tell her about it and save my authority, but it will be much more correct to recognize my mistake. And I saw that it was important to her, and she comforted me and said: "Mom, do not worry, all is well." I am for such relationships.

- Some girls begin to think about marriage and a wedding almost from childhood, and someone has such thoughts and desires only to thirty. How was you?

- I remember that thirteen-fourteen years I dreamed of having married at eighteen years. For some reason, I wanted to have my own: family, a house, although with my parents was wonderful. And it happened a little later, thank God (laughs), because now I can not even imagine what it would be if I got married at eighteen years! But I always really wanted to have my own world.

- News about pregnancy pleased or, on the contrary, scared?

"I had so much affairs (laughs) that it was completely serious about it to think about it." It seems to me that everything happened very on time, I gave birth at twenty-six years. And even in his work did not let anyone. Everything was very natural and organic. I did not specifically invent and did not try to fit.

- Light, you are brave. And not in moral terms you are not a coward?

- I'm not a coward, but careful. The woman should be careful and far from that, because the man jumps on horseback, waving a checker and kills Mammoth, and a woman must support the fire in the hearth. Therefore, she needs to have another angle of view and the image of thoughts.

- At the set began to relate to the dangers attentively?

- At the August of the eighth, there were a lot of all sorts of dangerous pieces, but Dubler was given to me and nothing was allowed to do anything. They said: "Svetlana, you have no last shooting day, you still need you, so if you want to take a chance, jump at the end." (Laughs.) There were cases when I and a cluster on the set. We shot a picture of the "Dark World" in Karelia, and in the same scene and Lena Panova lowered through some hole in the ground in the underground lake. It was terribly inhuman. Not even because I am afraid of the height or closed space, it's just some kind of inorganized state - to climb into the hole, where another five hundred meters of depth.

Sweater, graviteight; Decorations, QueensBee; Sandals, Stuart Weitzman

Sweater, graviteight; Decorations, QueensBee; Sandals, Stuart Weitzman

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- And it was impossible to avoid this nightmare?

- There were cascaders who helped to descend, but it was necessary to shoot something. I, of course, descended, but it was very scary.

- See always your pictures?

- Always, because it is also a job.

- Are you advised about new filming, invitations with your husband?

"I can consult, but I accept myself." True, then I can understand that it was not necessary to do this, and ask: "Why didn't you forbade me?" "What do I always answer me:" I can't stand on your evolution on your way. " That's cool. (Smiles.) Of course, it is better to learn without mistakes, but negative experience is also an experience. It is difficult to learn how to learn from other errors, because it is not your bump, not your pain, and you do not produce reflex to it. It is said that if the cat once burns out about the stove, she will no longer go there. And a person is much more stupid animal, but at the same time his experience gives himself to know. Already later, I will carefully read the script, talk more carefully with the director, to understand, I need to go there or not.

- And what evolution did not happen by itself, but thanks to his beloved man?

- Everything has changed. My personality revealed. Because everything I know about delicious food, good cinema, about a good theater, about beautiful cities, about life in general - it came exactly with him.

"You recently said that with age became in a man to appreciate the mind, mind and the mind again. But what about men's kindness, reliability?

- As a rule, it is still a sign of mind. Oddly enough, I went here and for some reason I thought what kind of people I most appreciate, and I realized that I was terribly loved by light people. I began to think, and more importantly: a smart person or light? And suddenly realized that a smart man is always light.

- What is "Easy Man" for you?

- This is a person without inner obsession, without confusion, malfunction, an active desire to like. With a comfortable person and silence conveniently, and I really do not like Natage Conversations.

- And if a friend has something heavy happening in life, how to be?

- This is not connected with what is happening in life. Even if a person downloaded you with his problems, it does not mean that he is not easy. It is difficult for me to formulate how I feel it. But you know, there are sultry people. Of course, we all in different periods of life are different, but the silent person and lightweight in stressful, the hard situation behave differently. Easy person is not the one that does not cry, not sad, he can be in depression, it is just a way to communicate. Even if the person is crying and asks for help, and you console it, then the feeling of light that is in your communication, and there is a lightness about which I speak.

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