Sergey Stepin: "I'm optimist in life. It seems to me, there is always a place to yumor "


- In the movies, you started with episodes, and woke up by the famous after the premiere of the TV series "Chop". What did you feel?

- Somehow it is all in parallel. What was engaged in, those and engaged in - theater, cinema and children. Nothing such special - type stood up, and my hair grown - it did not happen, I did not feel.

- Never thought: Eh, would be the glory at eighteen, would it all be different? ..

- I do not know what happens if Glory suddenly early. Probably, the roof breaks at once. In my years more calm about everything. Somewhere it helps, breaks somewhere.

- In general, the star disease went around you?

- Yes. Now you understand, what problems do you have, what disadvantages, professional shortcomings, where you can still improve. More modest, more modest should be! It is especially nothing to come. And what am I so special made in order to be a star? And at eighteen, I remember: I entered the theater - and all, you're already talent! And the foundations of the profession ... We in the theater there was a surcharge: "They work on the profession of Salieri, and I am Mozart!" There were such guys who did not speak directly, but in all this was felt: like, I have inspiration, I have a talent ... we laughed.

- How did the family react to your popularity?

- Wonderful. Mom was very happy. She is nice that her son pass through her through her. I have two children. Seventeen daughter, she is also nice - when I meet, I come to school, and everyone is surprised and do not believe in your eyes that I am her dad.

- And the younger?

- While he is the main artist. Mironu five and a half. When something happens - how it is absorbed by the problem, as he reflects, how he is honest and clean in a relationship! He loves so much. Does not like, then does not love. Might and main! With age, much leaves, this purity is some. And then I observe and I can not turn out. All with love that would be neither. A person can be offended by me, on mom, cry, and inside the love of love. How is it? .. Connected, it would seem intact. I'm learning again at your son ...

Sergey is confident that acting skills are purchased and honed only in the theater

Sergey is confident that acting skills are purchased and honed only in the theater


- You have a lot of theater work - admit that closer: Cinema or theater?

- It is possible to specifically separately like this: you get the skill and exhaust, of course, in the theater, and you use it in the movies. Cinema still uses the artist. You will not give a lot to rehearse, try something, experiment, dream, ... immediately say: it is so, and this is like that. Go! Remove!

- There is a difference, who is the director - a man or a woman?

- Of course have! Although the unicumes are found, which destroy all stereotypes and patterns. Now I, for example, I work with Nina Chusovoy in her performance "servant of two gentlemen." So, Nina has a male approach, and female. She is a very rare person who perfectly owns his profession. And the fantasy is stunningly working. She is an exceptional professional.

- You are increasingly happening as a rascal. And you joke that you are ready to play a positive role, but, alas, you are far from handsome. What, without high growth and correct features, the positive image will not be released?

- Well, this is a joke about the beauty of a positive hero. (Laughs.) But you know, in fact, positive heroes are difficult to play. Negative - they are in sight. And positive - find it. Life is quite complicated. Fortunately, in the movie and theater today, there is no such thing when all the heroes of one paint are Majut. Now they are looking for in negative good, in positive - bad. I, playing a scoundrel, speaking in the role and prosecutor, and a lawyer. I do not just need to play a bad person. I wonder that both I, and the viewer understood why he became so. What happened? Why does he do that? Indeed, sometimes for the for the sake of good intentions, people make bad actions.

- You are moving a lot of comedies movieography. In the usual life of the joke perceive?

- Adore! I know the optimist in life. It seems to me that there is always a place to humor. Well, or almost always. All nonsense in the world is made with a very clever face. Therefore, it is possible to laugh at the situation, take a look at the part. This is useful.

- And when you joke on you?

- I also normally treat. When serious things speak seriously - it seems to me that oil is oil. Always a joke is appropriate. It is easier to perceive some serious things through it.

Sergey Stepin:

A vivid role in the comedy TV series "Chop" made Sergey recognizable actor and opened the road to the movies and on TV

- They say, in life you need to try everything. Is there anything that you will never try?

- It is necessary to specify here. I will never try what? Never climb into the mine? Never jump with a parachute? .. I never put such restrictions and do not put. I'm talking now, and I fantasize this topic myself, I imagine ... Probably there is no such thing. Acting profession - she implies that the actor can play anyone. And for the very artist, you need to try everything that fate throws you. You need a repertoire spiritual to somehow expand. Yes, probably, I will never be in the mine, but a person always remains a man - that's the main thing for the profession. Everywhere there are human relations. Here it is the territory of the knowledge of the artist. And what suit you put on - this is the second thing.

- What are you in temperament?

- When I have everything subject to theater and cinema, I and fast, and slow. Moreover, I am a characteristic actor. When it was a linger, even played old people. And now I do not give up. For example, in the "servant of two gentlemen" at Nina Chusovoy a lot of dances. And dancing professional and fast. So, involved in the performance of our generation (and this Valera Yarevko, Volodya Kapustin) is never inferior to the young.

- That's the World Cup. Are you a fan?

- I can not call yourself a fan. But the world championships and football, and I look at hockey. When the strongest teams are going, it is always interesting.

- How to motivate yourself to work when it becomes lazy?

- The most important thing is to go to work. It came out - all. Coffee. Tea. Some talk. Swim the soul is warm up. Jokes, humor - and forth.

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