5 major confessions in the life of a couple


I respect you

That respect is the key to healthy relations of lovers, did not write, perhaps, only lazy. However, it is important to understand that this is not only about this concept in the global sense of the word. Respect can not only for some kind of accomplishment. The personality of a person who is next to you consists of thousands of positive features, each of which deserves respect. The most important thing is to see, notice them and remember.

I hear you

Any relationship is communication, and ideally - also mutual understanding. However, in this particular case we used the word "I hear" not by chance. Because it is often your partner not so much needs one hundred percent understanding - all the same we are all different, "as in the confidence that he is listening. And do not look. Only on this condition is capable of supporting an open dialogue, which means that any problem is capable of solving.

I support you

You can argue as much as possible about the female emancipation, male strength and universal independence from each other. Yet any relationship, especially romantic - this is a complicity. And it is not so important to which the scope your partner requires support - in matters of business development or in approval of a new outfit. The awareness of the fact that the beloved person supports you, can be painted exactly the same as unreasonable criticism from under his feet.

I thank you

For every day, spent together, for all the joyful moments that you survived, for children, for a thin scar on your beloved ... Well, you understood, in general, for anything. Sincere thanks - this is the cleanest and disinterested feeling that enlisters not only to whom it has been drawn, but also who is experiencing it.

I accept you

Do not confuse respect and acceptance. The first, as a rule, still refers to the advantages of your party. But there are no people without flaws. However, romantics assure that in a loved one and they turn into dignity, but, objectively speaking, with time, when blindness is disappeared by the first flame feeling, it is difficult to turn the eyes to something frankly annoying. Yes, and you should not do this. Instead, it is better to admit it to yourself that this habit / feature / feature in your chosen one or choices there is, you don't like it, but it is not possible to change it (or desire). It would seem that all this is obvious. But the fact that you realized the very fact of the existence of certain shortcomings of your partner, described them for themselves and continued with the relationship, already considering them - this is the adoption. Ideal people do not exist. And if they existed, with them, probably it would be very boring.

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