How to become sexually attractive


In a day

Without changing anything in clothes and in hairstyle, in one day, and it is better in one evening and one morning completely free you can change the "feed". I can not say that it is very simple, but I am ready to say that it is under the power of every woman.

The voltage of women's competition is helped correctly. On the island, where you are one among men, it may be difficult to feel. In the city, the voltage of women's competition is always present. It only needs to be discovered around himself and in itself. And this detection will give the key to understanding what "feed" means.

For one minute

You can change the Manera to look at men. Start watching a man straight into the eyes. It may not be so simple with unaccustomed. But, like the "feed", it is a purely psychological practice, fast and free.

Watch men straight into the eyes

Watch men straight into the eyes


A man feels "chosen", and it gives rise to him impulse of his male nature. Further, much more depends on what she he has, his male nature. But this is somehow next time.


This concept is most directly associated with sexual attractiveness. But it is rarely spoken about him and write. Manciness - a largely congenital property. But, like talent, to some extent, the macos can be developed.

The mancone is directly proportional to the adoration of oneself and its body. You can apply cream to your feet in business, and you can - with adoration. And in the second case, the path is rising. Not love, namely, with adoration and receiving pleasure from touching his own body, from contemplating her body. And it doesn't matter that you do not consider your legs, hands, neck, chest - further everywhere - perfect.

Men often face very bright and very beautiful women. And a man is difficult to carry a woman who depreciates itself. Adjust what you have, just because it is yours, and you have no other body.

Mancone is directly proportional to the adoration of oneself and its body

Mancone is directly proportional to the adoration of oneself and its body



The last two points "acquaintance" and "proximity" are complex. Often they turn out to be the topic of unhurried counseling. And yet I will lead them in short.

We must love men. Like all psychological ways to enhance sexuality, it is simple, and difficult. Often a woman dreams of loved ones and serious relationships with a man, but to be in them, it is necessary to meet with unfamiliar or at all unfamiliar men.


Proximity is important not to be confused with merger. To keep sexual attractiveness for your husband, you need to keep some distance in close relationships. It is important to remain separate and another person, and not the notorious half, because between half of something one sexual energy does not occur. For sex, you need another and whole. The idea of ​​halves just leads to a merger.

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