Salvation of drop-down: how to keep a magnificent chapel


Sadly, but the fact: we lose up to 50 hairs daily. However, this should not be disturbed: this amount is considered absolutely normal. But if you see whole strands on a comb, then you need to urgently be alarming and take rescue measures. The main thing is to choose the appropriate means.

Collection "Protection against hair loss" from Pantene Pro-V

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Specialists of the Research Institute Pantene Pro-V to understand the causes of hair loss, turned to the science of proteomics - it studies the protein composition of biological objects. So, it turned out: the smallest cracks in the protein structure at the base of the hair rod become often the cause of weakness and hair loss. Get rid of these problems and help the means of "Protection against hair loss". "We spent testing showed that the new Pantene Pro-V series Protection against hair loss protects the hair structure and prevents the loss of proteins, making hair strong from the roots to the most tips," says Dr. Joel Coret, a member of the Pantene Research Institute V, world-class specialist with more than 20 years of experience in the field of new technologies involved in the study of the hair structure. - This collection has embodied the best achievements of modern technologies for damage protection. Shampoo protection against hair loss contains a new complex that protects hair from the consequences of the negative effect of various harmful substances. They accumulate in hair from time to time and weaken them, destroying the structure of proteins, which leads to fragility and loss of hair. "

In the lineup - at once four funds that are perfectly used in the complex. It is shampoo, a rinse balsam, an intense strengthening mask firming tonic. The four-stage system, promise specialists, in just two weeks not only will strengthen the hair significantly, but will stop their loss.

Solid shampoo for strengthening and growing hair from "beauty triumph"

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The cause of hair loss may also be a silicon deficiency. It will help to fill its drawback to help solid shampoo for strengthening and hair growth from the "beauty triumph", which contains the extract of the horsetail - the "supplier" of organic silicon. Shampoo has a strong strengthening effect on the roots of the hair, reduces literacy and loss. Increases the inflow of beneficial substances to the bulbs of the hair and strengthens the hair rod, preventing fragility and cross-section of the tips. In this remedy you fall in love gradually. At first, you pay attention that the hair has become more shiny and silky, they became easy to comb. Then interest that they look clean longer. And after a while notice that there was less hair on the comb, there was less hair, and the curls themselves clearly "went into growth."

Toning shampoo against hair loss with aminexyl Dercos from Vichy

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The AMINEXIL Active Molecule was obtained after ten years of research, and its effectiveness was proved after a series of tests. Aminhexyl is struggling with a seal of connective tissue, reinforcing the filixation of the hair in the skin. What is the statistics: restored hair - 80 percent, stronger hair - 78 percent.

It is amaminexil and entered into a toning shampoo against hair loss from Vichy. This is real hair protection, especially in winter. The improvement is noticeable after a couple of weeks - that is, before the new year you will quite have time to stop the "leaf fall".

Firming hair growth tonic with rosemary from Weleda

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Brand Weleda, one of the oldest in the cosmetology market, this year celebrates the 95th anniversary. Found a brand in 1921 Rudolf Steiner (scientist, philosopher and founder of Anthroposophy) and Ita Vegman (doctor). And one of the first tools they submitted to the public court was just a strengthening tonic for rosemary hair growth.

Years passed, generations changed, and this unique beauty product continues to stay on the toilet tables. Moreover, over time, the tonic has become even more popular: because modern studies have confirmed its effectiveness.

The secret of tonic - in its composition. The main ingredient is rosemary - has a strong warming effect, stimulates blood circulation and nervous system. It is no coincidence that this plant was a cult still in the ancient Greeks. Also, the remedy contains the extract of horseradish leaf, which in the complex improves the supply of hair roots with nutrients, reduce the loss and contribute to the natural growth of hair.

Argan oil "Huilargangan"

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Sometimes the cause of hair loss can be dry skin of the head. The symptoms and causes of falling out and dryness almost coincide. Therefore, as soon as you decide one problem, then get rid of the other.

Of course, for the beginning, it is still better to consult a dermatologist and trichologist: possibly dryness is a consequence of skin diseases. Or even serious internal problems, to identify that only a specialist can. But in any case, if you spend the revision of your jars on the dressing table and add natural beauty products to them, your hair will be only grateful.

For example, argan oil with constant use softens the dry skin of the head, and the hair themselves makes healthy, shiny, well-groomed, fills moisture, vital power and fills the structure of the hair. It has a magic regenerating property and is indispensable for hair tips.

Argangano oil "Huilargang" arrived straight from Morocco, where it is called "liquid gold" and apply not only for the thickness of the hair, but also to care for the skin of the face, hands and bodies.

Rule of means "growth activator. Prevention Prevention »SE Selenium + from Compliment

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Often, hair loss is seasonal. And, according to experts, the most dangerous time of the year for our curls is winter, when we "test" for strength hair with permanent temperature drops. Therefore, it is during the winter period that they need reliable protection.

To be sure that the fight against hair loss goes on all fronts, perfectly work in the complex. That is, serum or masks are added to the obligatory shampoos-balm. In the collection "Activator growth. The prevention of loss "from compliment is very effective ampoules, which are based on the patented Baicapil® complex (Spain). Its active ingredients stimulate the cellular metabolism of the scalp and contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen. The complex helps to normalize the life cycle of hair follicles, increasing the thickness and amount of hair at the stage of growth, enhances metabolic processes and restores the structure. Moreover, the result is noticeable in a few days, although manufacturers recommend a 16-day course. Also in the lineup - the incommable serum, shampoo and the rinse balm, which together in a state to significantly improve their hair and leave their loss.

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