Savor hair: secret remedy - coconut oil


Savor hair: secret remedy - coconut oil 59171_1

In childhood, I often spoke something good about my hair. In the hairdresser, they were called healthy, her mother's moms - beautiful, they herself also really liked. Such a number of compliments firmly fixed in my head an understanding that I have everything in order with my hair. Apparently, so I beautifully painted them and felted from 13 years.

By 20 years, the hair remained long, but the compliments were dull. Somehow I knead the French braid and noticed that below the blades and to the end, the hair was grained, dry, sticking out in different directions. Dead.

For several days I could not understand why instead of beautiful and healthy hair I have what I have. And then cut them down their shoulders and began to raise new ones.

Such radical measures forced me thoughtfully to treat shampoos, masks, that is, to all means for hair, and then to the rest of the cosmetics too.

I will definitely tell you about my goals and facilities on the way to beautiful hair, but now I want to share my unequivocal Must-Have a tool for which I pass and recommend it to everyone and everyone.

It is really wonderful, and that is why:

- This oil refers to penetrating oils, that is, its molecules are quite small in order to penetrate the inside of the hair. This allows it to work not on the surface, like most oils, and from the inside, which is much more efficient;

- the result is very quickly noticeable;

- relatively well washed off and does not give the effect of "dirty hair";

- oil is inexpensive and affordable;

- can be mixed with other oils, reinforcing their effect;

- has a pleasant smell and convenient to use consistency;

- Suitable absolutely for all hair types.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, more precisely, features.

First, this oil flips the paint from the hair. If the hair is painted quite recently, then this side is invisible. But if there were three weeks after dyeing, and the hair has already begun to lose color, the coconut oil will very much accelerate this process.

The second point is a way of application. I am sure a means of dreams for each - a mask that you need to hold 3-4 minutes and wash off with water. This is not the case. To really feel the effect (not visual disguise disguise, and the present result), the oil must be kept at least 8 hours. And better - 12. Even better - in warm, putting a hat and clogged with a towel. Why is that? Oil required time to penetrate inside, and then another time to have time to do at least something useful. Coconut oil is better to use overnight, if you do not use more than you need, the pillow it does not pack - verified.

And the last moment - how to wash it off. Honestly, coconut oil is flushed better than all other things that I tried, but still the process requires active ingredients in shampoo and 2-3 inhales.

But the result is worth it.

By application: Applied on dry hair in pure form or in combination with other oils. The amount depends on the type of hair and length, usually grabs 1 teaspoon. At the tip, you need to apply abundantly, then smaller, on the roots of the hair you need quite a little bit, you can simply drop on the palm and make a head massage. After applying, explete the hair to distribute the oil well, remove under the hat.

Who needs:

- Those who believe in favor of natural products;

- owners of split tips and damaged hair;

- All who grow hair.

Who may not be:

- Those who paint hair and does not want to do it more often;

- Who does not like the smell of coconut;

- Who scares oil for the night.

Where can one buy: For use, even ordinary food oil from the supermarket is suitable. Excellent oils in India or Indian store, good quality coconut oil from Thailand.

The author of the author can be found here.

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