Anna Gorzhaya: "The situation with Ukraine does not let me go"


He tried to get around the topic in every way with Ukraine and the Crimea. I did not want to talk about the topic, which is voiced every day by all the media 100 times. Moreover, I do not respect myself to the experts. Sorry, like any Russian, that innocent people suffer from the fact that everyone accuses my native country.

But everyone does not fit into the head, but it is better to leave my opinion with him - so it has already been said much. Yes, I do not try to open my eyes to anyone, especially since we will never learn the reality of what is happening, as political games are always accompanied by an information blockade - a filter that has its own in each country. The situation with Ukraine caught me on vacation and since then does not leave, a permanent lump rolling towards the throat and resentment for the fact that the related state gives back to provocations and is ready to abandon the only ally and defender. Even in Rio, I met the Ukrainians, asked them to show the way to the exchange point of the currency, which works on a festive day (during the carnival the whole city is resting). To which, having heard my Russian speech, a stranger began to shout and blame me in the fact that allegedly because of us, Russians, he had to leave his homeland, and that he would not return. They do not want to fight, because, in their opinion, we need them, and Ukraine is the old goal of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, and he will conquer it at any cost. "Russia unleashed the war," he said to me.

I was extremely outraged by me, I raised patriotism from the very beginning of my soul - I refused his help and answered that he was not in himself, apparently. And yesterday, a friend of our family, a congestion of our son, a citizen of Ukraine, was called me, and told the monstrous things. The fact that friends and neighbors do not communicate with him, because his children live and work in Moscow, and he, coming to visit them, spends in Russia for half a year, which means he is Moskal and on the side of enemies. Quarrels for quarrels, but then it turned out to be dangerous, such patriots of Russia in the literal sense can "punish", since the current supporters of the Maidan in power, the punishment can be completely wild, as well as they promote.

And here the whole family of my kuma sits whole days at home, fear of looting and what will happen next. And his eldest son (also lived in Moscow) can not go to Ukraine, as he will not be able to return to Moscow. Upon arrival to his homeland, he will give an automatic in hand and mobilize. To fight against whom - the finger is twisted and will make shooting on those targets that are strategically important.

What is happening is a rift of a cup that has long been crashed into small pieces, but kept thanks to the patience of the strong people. I want every citizen of Ukraine, first of all, felt like a friend of a friendly state, which will not quit in a difficult moment.

If a little plunge into history, you can stumble upon the bitter facts that have already been and now occur in the present.

Hold on, the people of Ukraine! We are with you! We love you, despite the fact that you are now shrouded in a watering myth, which make you believe!

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