Baked apples - lean dessert


The baked apples contain very useful pectin and the mass of trace elements, it is also considered that they are very useful for those who have elevated cholesterol.

If there is no time or oven, we use the microwave.

So, we take apples (one by one for a portion), carefully cut out the core, but not to the end, we take out the contents, put the holes in the hole, raisins, poured top with honey or jam. If this is not, you can just pour some sugar. We put in advance preheated oven (180 degrees) for 30 minutes or in a microwave for 6 minutes at full power. Depending on the variety of apples, you may need to add a few minutes in the microwave oven.

We use and we serve: you can sprinkle with vanilla powdered or cinnamon, pour a cognac or a liqueur, decorate with berries from jam or still warm to the ice cream ball.

What are the baked apples?

The apples contain pectin. Especially a lot of it in baked apples. When digesting food, pectin forms compounds with toxins, salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, which, not sucking into the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, are derived from the body. In the intestine, pectin substances shift the pH of its medium in a more acidic side, while bactericidal effects on pathogenic bacteria.

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