Olesya Vladykina: "After an accident, my personal life has become much brighter"


When she entered the cafe, where we appointed a meeting, my heart was filled with pity. Young, high, slim, beautiful - she is in order to cover a glossy magazine. And here is misfortune - no hand. I noticed the reaction of others as they experience such emotions. People looked at Olesy with sympathy, some embarrassed their eyes. Her, it seemed, did not care if it did not care. She confidently went to our table, smiled. And such suddenly by force and calmness from her did that after a while I stopped paying attention to the fact that my interlocutor "some is not so." Just admired her grace, smooth movements, noted the mind, a sense of humor and did not cease to be surprised: how can you be such an optimist? So be able to enjoy life? It's just talent.

Someone believes that the fate of a person is predetermined and we come to this world with some kind of purpose. Olesya since childhood was afraid of water, and to save her daughter from phobia, parents decided to record it in the pool. After some time, swimming liked the girl so much that she abandoned all her other hobbies - both music school, and ballet, and English courses. She participated in competitions and even fulfilled the statutes of the Master of Sports. But with the receipt of time on swimming time, it was not left completely. Olesya also got a job in a boutique Armani. And I never thought that the sport would return to her life again and therefore would be the rescue circle that would help to keep afloat.

... A trip to Thailand, they planned with friends for a long time. Bought beautiful dresses, beach accessories, pleased with the journey. No one assumed that everything would end so tragic. It was raining. A two-storey bus stuck in tourists, flew along the road at a speed of one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour. At the turn, the driver did not cope with the control. Several people, including the best friend of Olesy, Alexander, died.

Olesya, you remember the tragedy that occurred five years ago?

Olesya Vladykina: "Only when they ask about it. First time - yes, the picture stood before my eyes. In fact, everything happened in an instant. The bus flew somewhere, all shields - in the middle, I could not really understand what was going on. And then he felt pain. He opened his eyes and saw the blood circle, people moan. My shoulder was pressed by a piece of fused metal. When I raised him, I saw that my left hands ... just not. The first reaction is shock, horror: what now to do, how will I live?! But the awareness came after this, the main thing that I did not die. "

I was struck by one of your early interviews. Answering the question about the accident, you uttered the phrase: "But now I have the opportunity to wear beautiful belants and ride on the car."

Olesya: "I even remember why I said so. After the accident, I lay in the hospital in Bangkok - passed the rehabilitation course. Mom came to me. She supported me very much morally. We talked a lot about the situation, what is life and what should I do next. You see, it all depends on how to perceive the incident. You can say that everything is over, but you can try to find some positive moments, focus on new opportunities. Mom said: "Well, that means, now you will not ride the subway. We buy a car. And you will wear beautiful belants. " She brought me one such as a gift. And so far in my wardrobe there are a lot of all sorts of shawls, scarves, Palants. True, I do not wear them already with the purpose of which I wore before, - to hide injury. But then, in the hospital, I decided for myself: I will never give up, I will not break. "

Do not happen the tragedy, Olesya could well become a fashion model. Photo: Personal archive.

Do not happen the tragedy, Olesya could well become a fashion model. Photo: Personal archive.

What was the reaction of surrounding, close people, friends?

Olesya: "Native and friends experienced more than me. But later I proved that I do not need their pity. When I began to drive a car, my girlfriend called me and said: "You know, and I also tried to keep the steering wheel with one hand - and it turned out that it was even more convenient." I have learned everything gradually: I can tie a lace, I can put your hair beautifully, put the socks, fasten the buttons, even make your nails! Sometimes I observe with interest how people are changed in the pool. I look at them and I think: Do they know that all this can be done only with one hand? In fact, we don't even have ideas about your potential opportunities! "

Did you deliberately abandoned the prosthesis?

Olesya: "I am very uncomfortable with him. And then - why should I take care of the feelings of other people who are unpleasant to look at me? To suffer to no one to give God, I did not notice that I had no hand. These are such colossal energy costs! At first, of course, I was in a state of shock, I had to get used to myself. I dreamed, and still dreaming, in which I see myself with two hands. It was somehow uncomfortable and uncomfortable from what was constantly paid attention to me. And first time I tried to turn the right side, covered my shoulders with a cement. And then I learned to love and accept myself what I am. After all, all people are different. And probably, you need to look into my eyes, get to know me better to understand what kind of person I am worthy of pity or admiration. It is a pity that in our country, Paralympic sports is given so little attention - I know a lot of striking examples, decent people, courageous. "

Why did you decide to go swimming again after the accident?

Olesya: "This decision arose by itself. We discussed this opportunity with my mother. And here my first coach called in Bangkok and said: "Olesya, come to the pool, you have to swim."

And after a few months you won the Gold Medal on Paralympics in Beijing, put the world record! Did you believe in victory?

Olesya: "No, of course! It became a complete surprise for me, and for the coach, and for members of the Paralympic Committee. They supported me in the desire to swim, but no one had a special hopes on me. Everyone wanted me to do business, I trained, did not focused on what happened. Too little time passed for physical and moral rehabilitation. Well, what medals can we say when my best friend died in the accident?! I didn't think about the victories. Just rejoiced that he was alive and I can fly to China, and also in the Russian national team in swimming. I wanted to see such an interesting, exotic country, and competitions (ashamed to confess) at that time were for me in the second plan. But on Paralympiad in London, I was already flying with the solid intention to win. No excursions, shopping. For three weeks of the competition, I never got into the city, but I brought whole three medals! "

After a few months after the accident, Vladykina took part in Paralympicide in Beijing. And won a victory! Photo: Personal archive.

After a few months after the accident, Vladykina took part in Paralympicide in Beijing. And won a victory! Photo: Personal archive.

Next stage - Paralympic games in Rio?

Olesya: "Before that, in more than three years! We will soon have the European Championship. Then, in 2015, the World Cup in Glasgow, in Scotland. These are all qualifying steps to Rio. So while I don't even make it all for a long time. "

You were the ambassador of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi. What implies it


Olesya: "Ambassador must convey information to people. We performed in the media, traveled around the country, told about games, their history, conditions of conducting outstanding athletes. Participated in various events: they chose the talisman, fled the relay of the Paralympic Fire. "

What attracts social activities?

Olesya: "First time after the accident, I did not imagine what to do next. Confused. There was very little paralympic motion information. I did not know where to go to whom to get into the national team. And winning Paralympiad in Beijing, I calmed down a little in terms of my ambitions, I realized that it was necessary to help others. I believe that I bring someone to someone, telling about myself, about my victories, - Let people know that there are different situations in life, but you can cope with them worthy. I am in Paralympic motion for five years. Here each sport-shift has its own story, and I see a lot of examples that inspire, give hope. And I also helped me. All I have today is not only mine. Many people are involved in this. After winning the Paralympiad in Beijing, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov provided me with the opportunity to buy an apartment at a social price. I still do not believe in this miracle! Someone helped me globally, and someone in trifles, information. I am grateful to everyone. It is very important to feel support and feedback. "

Olesya believes that now her life has become richer and more interesting. Together with Natalia Vodyanova, she became the ambassador of the Paralympic and Olympic Games in Sochi. Photo: fotodom.ru.

Olesya believes that now her life has become richer and more interesting. Together with Natalia Vodyanova, she became the ambassador of the Paralympic and Olympic Games in Sochi. Photo: fotodom.ru.

Did you think about how your life could have happened, not happened to the accident? You worked in the Armani boutique, dreamed of becoming a model ...

Olesya: "I never thought about this topic. Initially, it was just not before. And then she said so: what happened what happened. And no longer coming back to this. I live in that there is. I have no reason to regret myself. I was lucky more than other people. They died, and I remained alive. I do not want to forget about the accident precisely because this event turned my life. Oddly enough, I began to perceive increasingly positive and joyfully. I used to be upset, angry and offended by trifles. And then like a revelation came: the life is so short, do not waste her for trifles. Nothing comes back, and every day, every moment you need to appreciate. Happiness that I can see. But among the athletes-Paralympians there are blind. And they also live and rejoice. "

Do you still be interested in fashion?

Olesya: "Yes! I draw in this inspiration. True, I don't like to engage in shopping in Moscow. First, everything is much more expensive here than in Europe. Secondly, I have certain requirements for clothing, cut. It is enough for me to find a dress on the figure. And abroad that neither put on - everything goes, I like everything. I feel beautiful, elegant, slim, stylish. Immediately mood rises. (Laughs.) Interest in Mom's interest. She worked as a mannequin in the first house of fashion in Moscow, Zaitsev's glory. Then this profession was called the "clothing demonstrator". By the way, a very interesting story about how she was invited to work. Mom always looked spectacular. Once, when she walked in Luzhniki, a woman administered a casting came to her. Invited mom to view. But in the House of Fashion, they said that she was complete for the mannequin, it was necessary to lose weight. So, in two weeks, Mom lost ten kilograms. "

How did she succeed?!

Olesya: "She ran, wrapped the body with cellophane packages, sat on a tough diet. And the dad was terribly worried about her, scolded, but nevertheless helped - did an anti-cellulite massage. Mom and now monitors his appearance, aware of all cosmetic innovations. It was from her that I learned about what BB-cream is, and then I saw this miracle. If she cuts a salad, then definitely imposes a mask from cucumbers on the face. Cooking strawberry jam - wipes the face strawberry. She knows that blondes should rinse the hair with a chamomile, and brunettes - scales of nettle. Many different beauty secrets I learned from her. You can contact her on any question - it will always tell me, give the right advice. I used to be not particularly important, as I look, and now, when I became a public person, you have to be at the height. (Laughs.) I love to walk along with my mother. She knows all my addictions, tastes. "

You did not think about moving a program about fashion, act as an expert, stylist?

Olesya: "I thought about where it could still realize myself, in addition to the sport. Television is very interesting for me, and someone even says that I can get it. I would love to be like some courses of the right speech. In any case it will be useful - now you have to give a lot of interviews. But still, I see myself more by the author of some social program or the leading news, and not necessarily sports. Perhaps someday it will happen. In the meantime, for me in the first place sports. Last year, the World Championship was held in Montreal. I won three medals: "Gold", "Silver", "Bronze" - once again confirmed its level. In general, everything that is now interesting happening in my life is due to my victories in sports. Whatever beauty and clever I have been, no one would take my interview if I did not win Paralympiad. And I would not be offered to become an ambassador to Sochi. So sport is my all. "

What else inspires you?

Olesya: "I love to travel. I dream to make a round-the-world journey. Still began to learn English. It is not very easy to me, but I try to improve my level. I already read, watch movies in English, I understand the lyrics, I can communicate. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​gives many opportunities for development. I think in parallel else and Spanish to do - he likes me since childhood. What else makes me happy? Smart books, good movies, dancing. I do not go to clubs, dancing at home. I turn on the music - and go ahead. By the way, it helps a lot in the post-reference period when there are less workouts, and a lot of energy. "

On the skates, Olesya learned to ride for a month and a half (with Ilya Kulik. Whistler, 2010). Photo: Personal archive.

On the skates, Olesya learned to ride for a month and a half (with Ilya Kulik. Whistler, 2010). Photo: Personal archive.

And what happens on your personal front?

Olesya: "Everything is fine. I just do not like to talk about it. Not so long ago, I was asked a question: "The absence of a hand does not prevent you from building relationships with the opposite sex?" I replied that after the accident my personal life became much brighter. "


Olesya: "Yes. I suddenly appeared a lot of fans. " (Laughs.)

What do you think men see in you a fragile girl who need to protect, or, on the contrary, admire your spirit of the Spirit?

Olesya: "I can be wrong, but for some reason it seems to me that they perceive me as a strong person, with an internal rod. And absolutely self-sufficient. One of my acquaintances told about his first impression so: "You have been written on your face that everything is just wonderful. I didn't even know how to approach you, what to offer such a girl. " (Laughs.)

Are you really self-sufficient? After all, we all want to find their soul mate ...

Olesya: "Of course I want to be a strong, kind, understanding, a caring man next to me. And also - punctual. (Laughs.) I myself am a very organized person, but for some reason the men come across such that are constantly late. "Stuck in traffic" is not an excuse. I also go to the car and knows the situation on the road perfectly. Nevertheless, I try to come to the meeting on time. "

About the family, children think?

Olesya: "Like any woman, I need it. But (maybe it will sound in childish naive) I want to get married once - and that for life. So that it was a union based on love and mutual respect, strong and honest. And I am ready to wait until the meeting of such a person. "

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