How to improve skin tone?


I lost weight, and now the quality of the skin of the body is terrible. How to cope?

To prevent the loss of elasticity, many brands, including Thalgo, produce special modifications of corrective and sculpturing tools that must be applied regularly. Our brand has a patented Sculpt-Active technology: the combination of sea silicon and the plankton complex has proven its effective impact. Recent (pink) stretch marks are corrected by creams, which contains elements that seal the structure of the skin (marine glycoproteins, precious vegetable extracts). A good product should stimulate 3D generation of elastin and collagen fibers. To improve skin elasticity, Thalgo laboratory has developed Fibrelax technology, combining the effect of two fibro and muscling active ingredients. To increase the tone effectively taking thalasso baths with micronized sea algae. They remove toxins, excess liquid and improve skin tone.

Natalia Antonova, Thalgo brand expert.

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