Does Maksim Roman with St. Petersburg businessman?


Most recently, the 30-year-old singer Marina Maksimova, a more famous to the public under the creative pseudonym Max, on the air, one of the TV shows admitted that now her heart is inconspicuous.

"There is a man whom I really love very much and, I hope he is worthy. Financially he is independent of me, but our earnings are not comparable. Now we have a candy-bake period, where there are a lot of emotions and passion, which I also want to leave with you and no longer talk to keep it intimate, the right home, "said Maksim, without specifying, however, who is her new chosen one . However, the other day paparazzi still declassified the mysterious beloved singer. According to the media, Maksim is a novel with an influential St. Petersburg businessman Anton Petrov, the Son of Gennady Petrov known in certain circles. The father of the boyfriend singer's father, according to reports, earned, being as part of the so-called Tambov mafia. Moreover, Petrov became the hero of the documentary work Andrei Konstantinova "Gangster Petersburg", and over the past 20 years, journalists have published hundreds of articles about him, Heat.Ru writes.

However, Petrov Jr. chose a legal way, rich on construction business, a network of fitness clubs and a jewelry factory.

According to the publication, Marina and Anton are found since last year. They met on a private holiday, where the singer performed with her musicians. Recalling the star, Anton immediately moved to beautiful courtship. The love story of the pair is full of touching surprises and chic gifts. For example, inviting his girlfriend in the movies, Anton will certainly repurchase all the tickets to watch movies exclusively alone with Marina. For rest, his lady heart will take off the private aircraft or business class.

His romantic relationships are trying not to advertise, but recently, on the nameless finger, McSim flashed a ring with an impressive diamond in three carats. The singer itself refuses any comments about his personal life, but, apparently, Anton has serious intentions.

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