When does Egor Crea marry?


The famous bachelor Egor Cred during the television show chose himself into the bride Daria Kurkin. But they did not have time to declare themselves a couple, how rumors rumors about parting. What happens in the life of Egor and that prevents him from deciding to the girl. At the request of Astrologer Alina Kuzmichuk called the fateful problems of the singer.

According to the astrologer, despite the bold behavior on the project "Bachelor", Egor is a very sensitive person for whom the family is the main driving force. His sun is in cancer (Egor appeared on June 25, 1993), which speaks of empathy to the world. He is quickly tied to people and begins to experience feelings, but the intense aspects of the moon are sometimes torn off from relationships.

Alina Kuzmichuk

Alina Kuzmichuk

The soul of Egor into counterweights has earthly element, while it is sufficient and impulsive, sometimes even with notes of aggression. Singe is important stability

And confidence, but it only dreams of peace. It gives rise inside it a strong imbalance - on the one hand, he wants to feel feelings, love, attachment, warm, and on the other hand, I need an emotional explosion, a fire that the energy literally knocked down.

It is difficult to be satisfied with him, and he is always waiting for reflection of his personality in other people. It is important for him to be noticeable, bright, beautiful, and that everyone admired them. But the internal voltage does not allow to completely relax, and it is looking for a catch in each compliment. He does not believe in the words, it seems to him that he is like somehow not so, they are not enough high, as if he wanted. That is why he can drive himself into an angle with these torments and chooses girls who support such an imbalance.

On the one hand, Egor loves beautiful, self-confident women with a bright appearance and a powerful inland rod, but at the same time his manitis is a certain immorality. His danger and adrenaline, which, in turn, attract Egor to fiery girls. In relations there must be passion, fire, sexy energy.

If we talk about the portrait of the future wife of the artist, then it is likely to be a versatile person. Beautiful, charming, sociable, knows how to attract attention, but does not pull the blanket for himself. The spouse will warm up in Egor Passion, have increased sexuality, to show will and confidence in its right. At the same time, appreciate the order, comfort, comfort, home furnishings, giving Him to make independent decisions and without limiting his freedom. She will always be his faithful rear, giving warmth and mutual understanding.

When does Egor marry? This question is given thousands of artist fans. According to the astrologer, the artist has a period of return of Jupiter, which indicates the expansion of his personality and popularity in society. It scales its activities, and relationships go to the second, and then on the third plan. Further, this period subsides and the family theme will go to the background for a couple of years, but, given the tense aspects, before marriage may not go. Most likely, Egor will decide on legitimate relations during the return period of Saturn, when he needs to come to stability and order. And this will happen at 28-29 years.

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