To not be painful ashamed: 5 prohibitions on the corporate


A series of pre-New Year events has already begun, everyone is in anticipation of the holiday and rest. However, it is not necessary to think that the coming corporate party is a reason to finally relax. On the contrary! After all, at this party, you relax primarily with the authorities and colleagues. Therefore, despite, it would seem, the informal status of the event should behave carefully.

Do not refuse!

Of course, no one can make a person rest. But if the corporate company is scheduled in your company, it is better to visit it. It is not necessary to sit until you stop, you can simply come to an hour and say hello to colleagues. Because most employers perceive ignoring such events as violations of corporate ethics.

Be modest

First of all, this applies, over, to the representatives of a beautiful sex. Tortured strict dress code, women begin to perceive the corporate as the only opportunity to appear before the team, so to speak, in all its glory. And forget about the sense of measure. The abundance of rhises, deep neckline, crazy hairstyle - all this is hardly appropriate at the evening with the boss.

Drink or not to drink?

If you are not pregnant, not driving and not encoded, then the answer is unequivocal: to drink! But in moderation. A pair of champagne glasses will help support a relaxed atmosphere, but for non-driving colleagues, drinking are always treated with suspicion and try to avoid if they have already allowed themselves alcohol. But the key point here again measures the measure: to demonstrate all its skills in drinking alcohol in any case.

Do not gossip

No about whom and under any kind. It is better not to frank even to yourself. It's now you are cute with anechka, together with her sincerely laughing at the tricks that justify their regular delays. And the next day, Anna Stepanovna, the Deputy General Director, who had an excellence could have been abused. Like your chances of raising.

No love intrigues

The phrase "service novel" is good only as a name for the film. In the real life, the lion's share of romantic relationships, knitting with colleagues, does not behave anything good. Especially if these relationships were inspired by the festive mood and the excessive number of those champagne glasses. Of course, no one has canceled the flirting, but it's better not to go further. Your love dust will disappear the next day, but working communication can be broken forever.

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