Makar Zaporizhia: "Father's role I fulfill with pleasure"


The star of "youths" and other serials almost all the time spends on the set. Nevertheless, for a year and a half, Makar diligently performs the role of the father of the baby named Alya, who gave birth to a spouse and colleague actor Ekaterina Smirnov. The other day, Makar returned to his beloved girls from St. Petersburg, where she starred in the new series and play athlete again. He turned to the actor for comments.

- I heard that in the new series you have a rather "unexpected" role ...

"Yes, I play athlete again, but this time a boxer." My hero Denis Astakhov is a talented athlete who will break the case of a very important duel for the title of the city champion. To go to the ring and recoup, he needs to bribe officials. There is no money from my hero, so he decides to take part in commercial tournaments, where dirty sports schemes are involved. Denis also learns that his wife changes him with his own father ...

- During the preparation for the shooting in "youth", you had to master hockey. How did you get ready for a boxer role?

"I trained with Oleg Borisenko, with whom he worked in the film" 22 Minutes "and which put boxing fights in the film" Fight with the shadow ". It was exclusively my initiative, because I was so dreamed of waving my hands in the ring, and then the reason appeared corresponding. It was not without injury: I damaged my left hand when the duel rehearsed with novel Kurtsyny. The doctor, fortunately, said that there is no fracture, but ... in general, it is now for a long time.

Makar Zaporizhia:

The idol of the girls Makar Zaporizhia began after showing the TV series "Molodezhka", where the actor played a goalkeeper of a hockey team

- What brought the daughter from St. Petersburg?

- Teddy copper rider. In general, our toys are responsible grandmothers. They do not regret themselves. Despite the fact that the toys have nowhere to give, they buy them and buy ... it seems to me that it is even more pleasure to them than daughters. And I believe that the tablespoon can be interesting, it can be played. It is necessary to develop imagination!

- The tablet from the child does not pay off, so that it does not indulge? ..

- Without a tablet, we also do not do. It happens, get up at 5.30, feed porridge, and still sleep, it is impossible to make noise, you have to endure a cartoon ...

- To whom the baby looks more like: on mom or dad?

- When she was only born, it was me - one in one. Then he grazed, it became absolutely like my wife Katya. And now it is already seen that my width is mine, nose - Mother, eyebrows - mine. It is all clearly divided.

- In one of the interviews, you expressed the hope that the role of the Father in the near future will become the main one for you. So what happened?

- Oh yeah! And I fulfill her with pleasure. And now or increase the role of the father in the form of replenishment, or do something big and important in the theater or movie ... I want to go further.

- Probably, paternity books look ...

- Yes, I read a few. The spouse insisted. There were, of course, interesting moments, but mostly you are more armed with practical knowledge more practical knowledge than theoretical. I do not think that the literature gives a lot: well, I read, well, I learned, but in practice it's all unlikely when you have a living child.

Makar Zaporizhia:

In the new series "Defense Avenue" Makar plays a boxer. Before shooting, the actor had to be seriously engaged in boxing under the supervision of specialists

- How do you like to spend your free time?

- Three years I played hockey in the amateur league, just got sick. But for a year and a half all your free time is my daughter. Family, family, family. And travel, if possible. I try, of course, everywhere to have time. In principle, the appearance of the daughter did not affect the meeting, but meetings with friends, campaigns in the cinema, etc. I had to forget what I am partly very happy. In many respects, he stopped spending time for any nonsense, even for the child I am giving up.

- By the way about hockey. Before the start of filming in "youth", did you know this game?

- I did not play hockey, I was not interested in hockey, only once in my childhood I drove. Then, however, still had to go to the ice several times, there were samples in the film "Legend No. 17".

- repeatedly heard that during the filming of "youths" among the actors were injuries ...

- Of course were. During the preparatory period, I unsuccessfully fell on the already dislocated shoulder, got a rupture of the articular lip, I had to make an operation. This is if not counting local stretching and abuse. But at the same time it was fun. When people like fetisov or Bondarchuk were on the set on the set, it was not trembling, then excitement. And I always wanted to play, driving the puck. As soon as the "Stop Motor" team sounded, we immediately started playing truly, but it terribly prevented the film crew.

With his future wife, Ekaterina Smirnova Makar met when he received in Gitis. Now Makar and Katya grow a daughter alone

With his future wife, Ekaterina Smirnova Makar met when he received in Gitis. Now Makar and Katya grow a daughter alone

- Makar, can I say that you always dreamed of being an actor?

- I was born in the acting family, I had a childhood behind the scenes, on tour, in theatrical hostel. It was a great time, and, a little matured, I wanted to get off the rails, but as a result I did it all the same way. And now, when I realized that you can love in acting, I was much easier for me. In general, of course, admission to the institute is one of the best periods of my life, surprisingly poor time when a lot was obtained. I did the first time, where I dreamed, in the better workshop I know.

- Do you feel a popular artist?

- I feel it when they ask for photographed. In general, it seems to me that popularity is some kind of flag: you are the same as all your colleagues, friends, comrades. He studied, worked, drank tea from the bag, ate noodles ahead with breadcrumbs ... But just found himself at the right time in the right place, unlike the rest.

- Your relationship with my wife began as a service novel?

- Yes, we came together. At first, I did not pay attention to it, and so it was a whole year, until the moment on April 6, 2007, I realized that I could not live without Kati. And went, went ...

- The main audience of the TV series "Molodezhka" - girls under 18. They constantly surround you. Wife is not jealous?

"She understands everything and knows that I am a kind soul man, with a king in my head like."

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