Toothpaste from the future, self-confidence and brush-movie star


We are talking about the correct cleaning of the teeth, it seems from early childhood everywhere and everywhere - at home, in kindergarten, and then at school. And all the same at some point we are faced with the fact that the campaign to the dentist is inevitable. Probably, each of us who waited for their turn at the reception at the Dentist, dreamed of a magical paste, which would act like a seal. So, good news: such pasta already exist.


The splat brand this year presented at once two revolutionary innovations in the segment of professional toothpastes for sensitive teeth. Minerals reinforcing toothpaste Sensitive Ultra reduces the sensitivity of the teeth, intensively restoring the enamel. Sensitive White toothpaste carefully, but effectively lightes enamel and suitable even for people with increased sensitivity of teeth.

New toothpastes Sensitive Ultra and Sensitive White, thanks to the unique component - zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite, act like a seal, sealing the microcracks of the enamel and reducing the sensitivity of the teeth - just about such a miracle to the agent, we dreamed.

Important rules

Just in case we will remind you the rules for cleaning the teeth - let them have already imposed in the teeth. So, that's what you need to remember.

1. Brushing teeth should twice a day (in the morning and evening) at least two minutes. Select toothpastes and brushes, based on the features of the oral cavity (the presence of inflammation, increased sensitivity, dental stone, etc.) and the recommendations of the dentist.

If you want a guaranteed result, select the tool tested. For example, the pastes of the Solgate Total.


At one time, the appearance of this pasta became a real revolution. After all, it is produced on a radically new, highly efficient technology and provides 12-hour protection from 12 problems of the oral cavity. Today it is sold in more than 100 countries of the world, and independent dental associations in 30 countries of the world have awarded her compliance marks. This year, the slogan brand sounds like this: "Be absolutely ready for everything with Colgate Total."

2. When cleaning the use of motion moving from "red to white", that is, from gums to the tooth. It should not be strongly pressed on the brush - the pressure force does not affect the degree of purification in any way, but may damage the gums. At the end of the cleaning, circular massaging movements can be used, capturing the surface of the gums.

During the day after the food and the use of sweet or acidic drinks rinse with a rinse or foam. This contributes to the removal of a soft laid and a decrease in the acidity of the oral cavity, and therefore reduces the risk of caries.

For high-quality oral hygiene, only a toothbrush and paste is not enough. To remove the residues of the plaque, it is necessary to clean the interdental gaps with the thread. Depending on the distance between the teeth, you can choose an ultra-thin or bulk thread.

If possible, use irrigaters - at least 2-3 times a week. Now there are a lot of portable irrigators, which can even be quietly taken with you on trips - they do not occupy a lot of space, but the benefits bring a lot. The use of an irrigator allows you to better clean the interdental gaps and hard-to-reach places, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the risk of occurrence of oral cavity. This is especially true for people using orthodontic designs.

For those who already use an irrigator, specialists R. O. C. S. Developed a special fluid - R. O. C. S. Pro Oral Irrigator Liquid, which effectively removes the flare and prevents the development of caries in the interdental intervals.


Due to its special composition R. O. C. S. Pro Oral Irrigator Liquid significantly increases the efficiency of the irrigator. Laminaria extract removes and prevents the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, magnesium and phosphorus is actively saturated with enamel minerals, and xylitis reliably protects teeth from caries. Efficient and secure formula R. O. C. S. Pro Oral Irrigator Liquid without alcohol, peroxides, fluorine, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes and parabens allows the use of a product for daily cavity care.

Choose a brush

Of course, special attention should be paid to the toothbrush. Fortunately, today in the market you can find absolutely any suitable for you. But, frankly, while in favorites at the Beauty Department for a long time - unique ISSA 2 brushes from Foreo.


It is an ultra-hygienic alternative for ordinary brushes, as well as radically different from any other brushes due to its material - medical silicone. This decides at once a few problems: a soft and flexible head of the brush cleans all the corners of the oral cavity and parallel to the bristles gently massage gums and do not scratch enamel. It is important to take into account that a medical silicone is a non-porous material, quickly dries, 100% waterproof. It makes it very hygienic.

The standard ISSA 2 brush head includes a combination of silicone and nylon bristles, however, Foreo also developed an exclusive set for those who have sensitive gums - with a fully silicone head.

By the way, the ISSA 2 brush, which Celabriti and bloggers have already managed to evaluate, the world celebrity itself. After all, she starred in the 5 episode of the cult saga "Star Path"!

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