Anastasia Meskova: "Familiar said: With the child you are a rotten product"


Early start invariably increases self-esteem and expands life and professional perspectives. Anastasia Meskov is the rare case when a person who shook immediately at two hares, caught both. She and the first soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, and the actress, and removing in the cinema from the very early age. Plus, the wife, mother of two sons and a secular lioness shine on the iconic parties. However, as our heroine is recognized, now its life priorities are changing, as the desire disappears all the time to keep themselves in the iron fist. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Anastasia, tell me, do you definitely ever scatter?

- In no case. I try to combine family and work, and as for the theater and cinema, then I do not share these areas. This is all creative, artistic environment, different forms of art and the implementation of their own potential. I am for a comprehensive, synthetic approach.

Already from the young age, Anastasia knew well that the ballet was a cruel regime and self-discipline

Already from the young age, Anastasia knew well that the ballet was a cruel regime and self-discipline

Photo: Personal archive of Anastasia Meskova

- In the new season, you will again come out again on his scene, but for now you are on maternity leave ...

- Yes, Savelia, I gave birth to a year and a half ago, and from the first days everyone noted that he was absolutely my copy: purposeful, no mutual eyes, in the first minutes of the appearance of the appearance into the world carefully saw and mother, and dad, and then fly on the windowsill. Such he had an adult, practical entrance to this world. Actually, like me, and it pleases. Savely grows active, artistic, fashionable guy. Loves beautifully dressing and even from stylish cap does not refuse. Moreover, children can not be tolerated hats. Moreover, to my surprise, he now shows musical abilities - dancing and stretches to the instrument. No further as the day before yesterday in the institution from our friends became strongly interested in electronic piano. Before that, the son had never seen anything like that, and then it seriously attracted him, and he began to drive his fingers on the keys. So, most likely, we will give him to a music school. Although in principle, in our family it is not customary to deprive the children of childhood and occupy their time on the full program. Here is my eldest son, twelve-year-old Vasily, except for the mid-education school, did not go anywhere. But the humanitarian abilities were discovered, however, as an acting, and a year, as he visits the acting studio. Although at the same time she dreams of neurosurgery. Well, wait and see.

- Many actresses such dreamy dreamers, and you, apparently, a person action that does not hovering in the clouds ...

- And there is. But you know, I'm a little even with a white envy look at my girlfriends actresses who can seem to fly over the ground. Although this is so subtle moment between the "charm of what a fool" and "Horror, what a fool." Fortunately, my girlfriends belong to the first option. (Smiles.) And I am very specific, real, landed, possessing simply by some hypertrophied sense of responsibility and iron discipline. There is a huge number of things that I would like to afford, but I do not allow.

After hitting the Bolshoi Theater's troupe, Meskov was only seven years old received the status of a soloist. In the ballet "In the room upstairs"

After hitting the Bolshoi Theater's troupe, Meskov was only seven years old received the status of a soloist. In the ballet "In the room upstairs"

Photo: Damir Yusupov / Press Service of the Bolshoi Theater

- For example?

- Well, this is a whole list. And so ... let's say, if I promised someone to attend his event, I will not bring it, I will come. Although the other day I gathered, put it, went to the salon, put my hair and only already in the door of the apartment realized that I really don't want to go there at all. And, probably, for the first time I did not go to yourself - I stayed at home. And straight happiness some incredible experienced. Moreover, he always adored a secular life, her festive atmosphere. Maybe just a little tired of it. I did not expect from myself, but clearly becomes more and more home. I am pulling to the comfort, to delicious cooking ...

- At the same time, parties where your name is not becoming less, and they require the appropriate wardrobe. Do you consider yourself a shopaholic?

- Now it is unlikely. Paradox, but the more you earn, the less the desire to spend money on any nonsense. In my youth, I could have a closer to the brand Tekchka. Today I do not even mind. And my boys, I am not particularly scalring: they are growing, and in my opinion, it is strange to throw money on things from Couture, which will be worn so a short time. So if someone needs advice on economical budget, contact. (Laughs.) I love to spend, but reasonable. First of all, the impressions, traveling, which really develop.

- Now you live in an equally tough schedule to which you got used to young people?

- Of course, it helps to keep the body in a tone. As a child, I was already in the Hall of Gymnastics at eight in the morning, where I was quite rigidly stretched. By ten, the personal driver attacked me took me to the choreographic school. He watched me so that I did not shoot the cap, behaved something about, so I did not have the chance of string. Up to six, I sat in the lessons, then remained for additional classes or rehearsals for another three hours and only then it turned out at home, where on the carpet, already rubbed to the hole, I brought my rotations to perfection. But this is not all: at ten in the evening I finally sat down for general educational items. The homework usually ended the night of the night and immediately fell asleep to at once to jump on the alarm clock. But I did not complain, it was my conscious choice.

Anastasia Meskova:

In the "Lake Swan" at Anastasia, the party of the Spanish bride

Photo: Damir Yusupov / Press Service of the Bolshoi Theater

- In his interview, you honestly confess that from nature you do not have any unique ballet data, in this area, in this area, seek a serious difficulty. Tell me why your parents (dad - academician, an expert in mathematical logic and philosophy; Mom - the teacher of aesthetics in Moscow State University) did not dissuade you? Since you were born in an intelligent Moscow family, I suppose, other paths were opened in front of you ...

- Recently, I was fascinated by Human Design - self-knowledge based on numerology and astrology, and here it is very accurate about my character that I am not inclined to trust someone else's opinion: I only listen to myself and I myself accept all vital decisions. Already in four years, I improved on the topic of the dying swan and came out with this dance on the stage of the MSU Student Theater, where students played their parents than ensured a crushing victory over rivals. And when at the same age when admission to the Lokonev ensemble, one lady said Mom: "We will not mess with your pots!" I replied her offended that I had been going to the toilet herself. (Smiles.) Waving the gymnastics and figure skating at four years, at the age of five, I also added a music school - I began to master the game on the piano. True, a teenager music still abandoned, although I hope, if you put the notes before me, I will have some kind of decent to play. Also at the age of five, I went to a secondary school with a choreographic bias, not suspecting, of course, the ballet is hellish work, with daily overcoming himself. And then I was supported by my wise, a persistent mother, who later pushed all my violent, with sobbing attempts to leave the course, for which I am infinitely grateful to her. Thus, it turned out that I was a man of early development, all these years dreamed of a Bolshoi-theater troupe and achieved it in seventeen years. Everywhere, where it was possible to stand the thirty-third swan at the water, I stood. Yes, I was entrusted with the game of Juliet in the ballet Declan Donnelllan, but then again in educational purposes sent to the most last line, in the scenes. So my way was uneven. But I did not fall into despair, although only seven years later received the status of a soloist.

- Many of your parties that you really proud?

- I gladly danced each of my performance. And the debut - the queen of Bala in the "Casanov" - to which the great Mikhail Lavrovsky and Ludmila Semenyak, my teacher, and Mirut in "Giselle", which was waiting for me for a long time; and Serenad Balanchina, with the smallest technique, nuances trusted to me Alexey Ratmansky; And Zinu in his "bright stream" ... and how good the ballet "Flame of Paris"! It is so complicated that when it ends, you are happy that I survived. And I'm taking new forms. The classic pounds into a stencil, and I am attracted to freedom of expression.

With such a spectacular appearance, it is easy to create an image of a fatal beauty

With such a spectacular appearance, it is easy to create an image of a fatal beauty

- You are an early not only in the profession, but also in your personal life: at the twenty years I got married and became mom, without fear of losing the form ...

- I didn't even stand in my question. At the nineteen I became pregnant and, despite the protests of my father, younger brother and quite unstable relations with the chosen one, left a child. Moreover, it received a tiny salary, alone lived, it was necessary to pay for the rental of the apartment and it was unclear, I will marry my future child or not. But I stood firmly and because I wanted a baby, and because on the eve of the doctors set me a very bad diagnosis, scared that I could not get pregnant. It turned out, it's nonsense! The other day we sat with Vaska on the balcony, I hugged him and admitted: "Son, you are my most reckless and better solution!" Correctly say that if God gives a child, he gives both a child. Yes, I did not care, ate the instant noodle, often stood before choosing, buy milk or diapers, but it was not at all trouble. Especially since I treat money without greed with fire in my eyes. Yes, high-quality food, dear car, luxury resort is beautiful. But also the lack of finance for me is not a disaster.

- Your first husband is a brutal man, in tattoos ... Have you been together for a long time?

"I thought it was my second half forever, was charming his virtuoso cold weapon, more precisely, with a knife ... But after the bones got married, very quickly stopped watching one way. The husband was not agreed with my public existence, it shook him, and gradually instead of the beloved woman I became an annoying element for him. We lived three years in frequent quarrels and diverged. And mostly, our marriage destroyed a computer game in which the husband hung up and answered my household requests, which is busy - goes to the raid behind epic armor. (Smiles.) When you and the child do not see, do not hear, because forever in the headphones, and after childbirth you are in a durable, unprotected condition, there is a firm intention to get out of the current situation. But at the same time you still see the familiar women, saying that you are with a child - now the spoiled product and you will not need anyone else. Now I would definitely hit them for such words.

Anastasia Meskova:

In the popular TV series "Sweet Life" Actress reincarnated to a wealthy Muscovite July

- Tell me, and a period of romantic youthful love you missed myself, immediately becoming a married lady?

"Well, my first love was unrequited - at twelve I fell in love with a classmate." He was so trembling, gentle, in love with another, and I, to be closer to him, helped tips and nights cried in a pillow ... Today, this is my reliable comrade and one of the best partners on the scene. But this is a children's story. And in my youth again covered feelings, and again to a classmate. This time mutual. (Smiles.)

- And definitely you were lucky with the second husband Alexander. Did you meet at the bottom of the birth of common friends?

"It was, one and a half years were friends, because both were in a relationship, and then he looked at me after the injury - drove, helped the farm, entertained. Became an indispensable, in one word. Actually, Alexander gave me everything that was so lacked, and I was conquered. No candidate bakery period - we immediately began to live together. I had a child, and the relationship where children have, much more intense. We immediately plunged into the family life, a year at the bridge at the "Kiev", where they first kissed, Sasha made a proposal, and Vasya began to call him dad. For five years, we are already together, and I make sure every day, as far as it is solid, strong and sure. It turns out that the second spouse is also associated with the restaurant business, and now he opens a napps with partners, but it cooks himself, and sometimes it covers some deja vu. (Smiles.)

With sons. Senior, Vasily, already twelve, and younger, Savely, a year and a half ago

With sons. Senior, Vasily, already twelve, and younger, Savely, a year and a half ago

Photo: Elena Pereverzeva

- Family feeds you by force?

- I can't do without it. I try everyone not to divide attention. And my husband is my closest friend. Somehow, we quarreled with him and did not talk for a week, spent in silence. For me it became unbearable torture. And Sasha, like no other, can inspire me. Never slows down in endeavors, does not jealous anyone to success, nor to partners in the scene and the shooting area. His even bed scenes do not confuse. He is a real stoic. (Smiles.) And I try to match him: I help, I support and never forget that at home you can not allow yourself to be noiem, walking in a T-shirt with stains and in training with stretched knees. No matter how tired, it is impossible to relax. Remember what Chanel said? "How self-chapter is the woman who neglects makeup."

- I know that you studied in absentia also on the cultureologist. Why not on a dramatic actress?

- The foundations of acting skills in the State Academy of Choreography and the shooting sites. That is, I technically equipped and studying in profile theater universities has never considered seriously, being confident that she will definitely hesitate to certain framework. And this contradicts my emotional nature, which I also barely pulled out. Ballet does the same discipline, and the cinema is impossible without restraint. In any case, this is the profession in which it is given to you or not. But no one canceled self-improvement - I always attend interesting acting courses, I go to the intensive master classes of masters from Hollywood, who come to us. So before the famous series "Sweet Life" and "Trotsky" I had a rich cinema past. But believe me, only now I began to give myself a report, what was the youth and how much merit, achievements, regalia and awards. For example, the prize of faith is cold, received by me at eleven years. That year I got it with Elina Bystritsky. (Smiles.) In addition, I have a "golden pearl" "Kinotavra," awarded to me for a major role in the film "Little Princess". There is still "Golden Aries" and the Gold Medal of MMKF.

Anastasia's husband, Alexander, engaged in a restaurant business

Anastasia's husband, Alexander, engaged in a restaurant business

Photo: Damir Yusupov / Press Service of the Bolshoi Theater

- In Instagram, you posted a snapshot from the sound studio with a wonderful Riphem Fains ...

"This is his idea, directorial work - a full-length picture in which I also take off. It is planned that the film will go to festivals in the fall. It's funny that fate so goodly builds my career, that when everything is tight in the theater, I have a calm from the movies. And vice versa. It was worth it for me once to break his hand and get sick leave, as I immediately "fell" "Sweet Life". (Smiles.) So now that I would have happened to me, I'm sure: this is solely for good.

- Western filmmakers recently presented a film about the Bolshoi Theater - "Big Babylon", which said about the scandal, about intrigues and envy ... and they were talking there too.

"Yes, I noticed that there is too much dramatized the backstage life of the most famous theater of the country. Personally, I never came across aggressive manifestations. In some cool corporation, the envy is an order of magnitude more - there the throat is observed due to a favorable contract. In the biggest, even with wild competition, if someone happens in misfortune, everyone is rally and helped him. This is the law.

Anastasia Meskova:

"At the nineteen years I got pregnant and despite the protests of the father, the younger brother and a rather unstable relationship with the chosen one, left the child"

Photo: Elena Pereverzeva

- In the film I was still remembered by your thin dock, which you soap the paws, coming home from the street ...

- This miracle picked up in the nearest pharmacy. I became sorry for the vagabol, and I provided her in the blood. In gratitude, the dog immediately bred twenty-two pairs of shoes and two doors. Gradually ate the Pol Apartments. It turned out to be an absolutely unknown guy, constantly experiencing my patience and believes in his own impunity - I hug it, I stroke. (Smiles.)

- Being an excellent person, now for sure, by all means you intend to seek the status of prikh, right?

- I would not be against such an increase. But, first, I appreciate myself, and secondly, my today's official status in the theater suits me. And now I have several other life tasks - priorities have changed, I no longer want to be depending exclusively from the theater or from cineural projects.

- And what are your current ambitions?

- If you go back to the landing gymnastics, where kids pull, despite their screams and tears, then this inhuman approach, in the root of the wrong, I want to correct. A long time ago there are many auxiliary practices, breathing exercises that no one uses. Therefore, today I have plans to bring cardinal reforms to the educational system of future athletes and ballet artists. I have a lot of energy, and I know that I can do it. In the meantime, I am closely occupied by the activities of the Charitable Foundation "Life as a Miracle", helping children with severe liver diseases; And there my help is required here and now.

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