Maria Kozhevnikova: "I advise all women: if there are no contraindications, give birth to yourself"


The daughters of the famous hockey player Alexander Kozhevnikov predicted a brilliant sports future. From the early years, Masha was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, received the title of Master of Sports and became the champion of Moscow. But the sports field our heroine chose the acting. Popularity came to her after entering the screens of the series "Univer", where Maria Kozhevnikova played a sexy blonde Allochka. Probably, representatives of strong sex that loved this image of a blonde frivolous Barbie, would be quite disappointed, talking to the actress itself. Mary with her heroine is actually little in common. And now even the external similarity has disappeared. For the sake of the role in the new film "Battalion of Death", the actress Liho said goodbye to long curls, having mastered naked.

Have you easily given this sacrifice?

Maria Kozhevnikova: "In fact, parting with hair is the simplest thing that I could do for this role. I play one of those women who, during World War I, voluntarily entered the battalion of death to raise the morale of our soldiers at the front. Our army was demoralized, men refused to fight, broke with the Germans, and a double burden fell on the women's shoulders - to protect their homeland and return the fighters into operation. This role is serious, dramatic, it has become an important milestone in my creative biography. I try to honestly approach the profession and to everything that I do in life. If my heroine dared to such a step, then I should have passed through it. She did not just cut his hair - she left her last life, realizing that it would not return back. I was preparing for this role ... And the hair is not a teeth - they will grow. By the way, I was shaved right in the frame. Now I am very comfortable feeling with a short haircut. Correctly say that our hair contain energy information. When I got rid of "superfluous," felt with nothing comparable ease. Yes, and the hair has become better - stronger, thicker. Although I understand that long curls are very feminine, and afterwards I am going to return to the previous appearance. "

Maria Kozhevnikova:

For the sake of the role in the new film "The Death Battalion", Maria spread up with long curls, having sodged naked. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

It is interesting that such an experiment with appearance coincided with the date of your wedding ...

Maria: "Wedding had to take place seventh of September, and shooting - the tenth. Since we did not want some great celebrations, few were aware of the upcoming event. The director Igor Korolnikov also did not know about it. My wife and I were planted and went in the middle of August to relax in Europe. But, as they say, a person suggests, and God has. Igor Korolnikov called and reported that for technical reasons, the shooting is transferred from the tenth of September for the thirty-first of August! I, gently say, hesitated. I say: "Igor, I have a seventh wedding. Everything is already scheduled ... Is it possible to change something? "He replies that he is very sorry, but no: two thousand people participate in the filming and they, of course, cannot adapt to me. I stand and silently think. The bald bride is, of course, bust. It turns out that we must be responsible before? And in August, it was just a post, and the only date when a rite could be held, - the thirtieth of August. But in the St. Nicholas Cathedral - the only Russian Orthodox Church in Nice - two weddings were already appointed for this number. Thanks to Father Nikolai, who entered our position. We have become a third pair that he agreed to marry that day. Another problem is a dress that it was necessary to find on the most squeezed dates. As it was called, in stores for some reason, there was no appropriate style, or the desired size. Called two Russian designers - their friends: "Girls, urgently need to sew a wedding dress, you have five days." They were shocked. They said: "Masha, you probably have to joke?!" But in the end, I myself took the measurement, sent them, and I was sewed a dress without one fit. Oddly enough, it is just perfect. Picked up shoes, organized the flight of relatives to France. (By the way, buy tickets to these dates are also a big problem.) Witnesses became Ladlena and Vyacheslav Fetisov. These are our family friends, they know me since childhood. And the wife accepted immediately. Despite the fact that everything happened so spontaneously, I remember that I was incredibly happy that day. After all, I and Zhenya and I joined our fates, became husband and wife. Somehow the magnificently celebrate this event we did not become, noted in a narrow circle. And in the same evening I flew to Moscow, and in the morning I was already on the set of the film in St. Petersburg. "

It was important for you to bore the wedding rite of the rite?

Maria: "Yes, since I am a believer. It seems to me if you are confident in your feelings, you need to live in a wedded marriage. After all, you do not promise something to society, but give an oath of loyalty to God. Unfortunately, the seal in the passport in our time is less and less. You can get married, then divorce, then get married again ... Wedding is different ... I do not know how to express, but I felt God's grace. I feel that our family is protected, God keeps our union. Of course, people themselves must work, work on relationships so that the family hearth does not go out. "

Psychologists believe that we are subconsciously trying to recreate the family of parents. Girls often choose men resembling their father.

Maria: "In my case, it is not. Parents divorced when I was twelve years old. Hard, transitional age. I then hardly worried my father's care, could not understand everything that happened ... But in that situation there were our advantages. We are accustomed to Russia that parents almost to gray hair take their children, the "straw straw" to be softer. And this is wrong, because some tragedy is happening - the children will be simply unsuitable for life. Personally, after my father's departure from the family, I realized that everything could happen only to ourselves. We must learn, work, make every effort to break through in life. And my husband was only four years old when his dad died. Mom alone raised two children. And Zhenya early became independent, from fourteen years earned money himself. I never sought to meet a man who at least something like me dad. I do not need a husband athlete, and an actor too. Two creative people in the family are busting. (Laughs.) I asked God to send me a kind, smart, calm man. And finally he met. My husband and I work hard, and at home we do not need African passions. I want warmth, love, support, care.

Major Kozhevnikova told the readers of his microblog on March 8. Photo:

Major Kozhevnikova told the readers of his microblog on March 8. Photo:

How did you get acquainted with Evgeny?

Maria: "In the shared company. At first I did not pay special attention to Zhenya. Our relationship has developed slowly. We spent half a year on the phone as good acquaintances. I was impressed by his views on life, the relationship between a man and a woman, his correct reactions to some situations. Probably, at first I fell in love with his voice. (Laughs.) And at some point I realized that no longer existed without this person. My morning begins with a call to him, in the afternoon I think about him, I want to share with it news, and before bedtime I must wish him good night. Zhenya smoothly entered my life, not all the space immediately. And it was wise from his part. Before that, I was called, they tried to take Nakhp. There were fans who are ready to quit everything at once to my legs, the name was married almost from the first day of dating. And it scarecrowed me and worried. It seemed that if it all starts so sharply, it was also quick and comes to no. "

What do you think, from Evgeny, was it a thoughtful tactic?

Maria: "No, of course, just the circumstances were so folded."

By the way, how does a husband belong to the public side of your profession?

Maria: "Calmly. But it is categorically against any interviews and photo shoots with his participation. He said that he would never sign for it. He does not tend to pose in different images for some magazine. Zhenya says: "You, please, let's interview, if you want, but do not let me in this." We did not advertise our relationship for long enough. That's why it was very important for me to keep calm and comfort of your loved one. But still, information about my marriage was leaked in the press, they began to write that, they say, Kozhevnikov secretly married. In fact, my husband is not hiding. Just like all the couples, we go to the movies together, we meet with friends. "

Masha, your spouse is a specialist in the field of IT technologies, mathematician. And what did you have on this subject?

Maria: "Algebra Four, and on geometry - three. According to teachers, I was a capable student. But I had to spend a lot of time, and there was no time to learn. My husband and I are different: in character, temperament. I am an emotional man, sometimes make decisions, guided by intuition. And Zhenya knows how to clearly decompose on the shelves and build a logical chain. I often advise him. His rationalism helps me, and he is my "sixth sense." We fully complement and balance each other as Yin and Yang. "

Do you change under mutual influence?

Maria: "Of course, change. I became more home. I want to spend time with my husband, in the family. Changed priorities. I used to be concentrated on myself, and now - on your beloved man and son. The birth of a child is the happiest event in my life. We have a wonderful baby, boys! And I gave birth herself. Although there is such a tendency: doctors offer to do Cesarean if the child is large. But I was very lucky with the doctor. Elena Nikolaevna is an old hardening doctor and immediately configured me on a positive way. Nature laid a natural birth, and I wanted to fully experience this miracle - the appearance of a baby on the light. I advise all women: if there are no contraindications, give birth to yourself. "

Did you give birth in Russia?

Maria: "Yes, in Moscow. I am not a supporter of the new-fashioned tradition of childbirth abroad. I confident that everything depends not from the location and status of the clinic, but from specialists. I chose a doctor who trust. Since these were my first birth, I was very worried and worried. But, thank God, everything went well. The husband at that time was at home and waited for my call. I know that many women offer their spouse at the birth. But for myself I decided that I could handle it better if I would not involve Zhenya in this intimate process. I listened to the recommendations of the obstetrician, was focused on how to breathe and stumbling, and the presence of her husband would only distract me. Well, and when she gave birth, here the first thing called his beloved: "I congratulate you, you became a dad!"

Eugene, probably glad that the son was born?

Maria: "For us, this issue was not fundamentally important: daughter or son. The most important thing is that the baby is born healthy. So I am very happy. Slightly grow up, and then you can think about your daughter. "

How will you plan work in the State Duma, shooting?

Maria: "In connection with my deputy, shooting has long been moved into the background. I take only those projects that interest me. When my term of my authority approaches by the end, I will decide whether to beat the second time or tightly engaged in acting profession. Now I try to build a schedule so that there is more time to stay at home. Of course, the grandmothers help themselves with the upbringing of the baby, nevertheless mom is me. This is my child. I feel responsible and the need to be with him next. Now we are capricious, the tummy has a hurt. But all through it passed. Sometimes I'm so tired that I fall asleep myself when I teach the child. But I keep his tiny handle in my palms and I understand that this is happiness. "

Now Maria is not only filming the cinema, but also successfully engaged in public activities. Photo: Natalia Governorovova.

Now Maria is not only filming the cinema, but also successfully engaged in public activities. Photo: Natalia Governorovova.

What do you think in the modern world the purpose of the woman is much wider than just be a keeper of a homely hearth?


"It all depends on the needs of each particular woman. Someone gets the joy of what is engaged in the house, children, and beautiful. But if you feel the potential to change something in this world, you need to go to it. I am an ambitious person, since childhood it was. Probably sport forms character. Work in the State Duma is very important for me. And when I see a real result: my bill is accepted (I have in my order of seventy) or managed to help people solve their problem, "for me it is real joy. The press had a lot of skeptical statements on my account: Well, what legislator can come from the actress, a young girl? But dozens of appeals from different regions come to me a day. It happens that it is necessary to achieve a result for a long time. For example, my bill concerning the ban on departure from the Russian Federation of debtors was still adopted, despite the forecasts of skeptics. It affects many people who could not fly abroad due to insignificant arrears on taxes, fees and other payments, including transport tax and fines. At the same time, someone did not know that the debt was listed behind him, someone did not receive a notice of restriction on leaving the Russian Federation, but learned about it only on the border, and someone got into debtors by mistake. "

Perhaps the reason for such statements is the image of a nearby blonde Allochka created by you in the "University"?

Maria: "There are simply trustees who were trying to play. I know, one girl was very unhappy that I eclipsed her on a political field, and constantly let the studs in my address. There were registered articles with type headers: "The pipets came to the State Duma." It was always funny for me: why can I ask the actress? For a reliably created image of the heroine? I think smart, educated people understand what acting profession is. Prove that I am Maria Kozhevnikova, and not Alla Grishko, I have no desire. I absolutely not be ashamed of my work in the "University" series. On the contrary, I consider it successful. Comedy - a complex genre. Well, I did not have fateful meetings with Matrahi director. And there was a difficult path from "dumb" roles in the most important. But these are years of work, casting. And although I try not to notice sophistication in the press, realizing that some journalists are trying to make themselves a name for someone else's account, sometimes it happens very offensively. On September 1, I flew to Krymsk. The patient went there, with a temperature. But it was impossible to refuse - the guys were waiting. I brought them a sports recorder, computers. Umnigi, these children restored their own scholars after the flood. I wanted to make something for them, to fulfill their dream. They admitted that they would like to visit Moscow. And we agreed that I organize this trip on vacation. On the way to Krasnodar, I was back in the orphanage. There, too, thanks to the help of my friends, new computers went, the Internet was held. Late at night, flew back to Moscow, and in the morning I read an article about my trip to Krymsk: "MP Maria Kozhevnikova came to the place of tragedy in Golden Tiamem from diamonds, emeralds and pearls. She could buy five wheelchairs with electric drive to this money. " I was not kept, I called the editorial office of this newspaper, I say: "You cannot print any nonsense to you? Do you even know what the diadem is?! " In fact, that day I had a hairstyle in Greek style, with a golden rim. I suggested this newspaper to conduct an independent examination. She said: "I promise if you find in my bandage at least gram of gold or at least one gem, I will buy the seats that you write about." Do you think they agreed? Not. The world is full of envious people. As the recently said my colleague according to the State Duma: "Alien success is even worse than a personal insult."

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