Regina Todorenko spent the weekend in the primitive tribe


The Luineo tribe is known that over the centuries, his members used each other in food. Now the barbaric custom remained in the past, however, in general, the way of life did not undergo changes from primitive times. There are no electricity, water pipes, calendar and money in the village. Any currency in the tribe is not valuable. If the guest comes to the village, he is obliged to prevent her elder gifts: a bag of rice or, let's say, live rooster.

Casting group "Eagle and ripe. On the edge of the world, "managed to agree on a unique experiment and leave the lead program to live in the village for two days. What to say, she tested indescribable sensations.

Regina Todorenko and Aborigine of the Luineo tribe. .

Regina Todorenko and Aborigine of the Luineo tribe. .

"Little anyone managed to visit where the primitive way reigns. These people do not know at all what money, telephone and electricity, is about my soul at all. What souls there? They go a few kilometers to the river to wash, and do it not very often. But the most important thing is that people from the tribe are absolutely anyway, as others live, they are very happy and smiling all the time, "says Regina.

Aboriginals of the Luineo tribe did not hide interest in the innovations of technological progress. .

Aboriginals of the Luineo tribe did not hide interest in the innovations of technological progress. .

The most terrible for the girl was the need to climb for the night in a tree house. The house, or rather two woven walls without a roof, was located at an altitude of seven meters from the ground, and climbing it on the trunk and the branches of a large tree. Having overlooked at such a height, Regina was so mastered that he was not afraid to take souls there.

"There is no water in the tribe, so I took a whole box in advance. I wash great! Standing behind the screen, which made a towel, at an altitude of 7 meters from the ground, at the very edge of the house, I watered myself with a bottle with water. At the same time, two meters from me operated the cameraman, and another man of ten men from the tribe stood under the tree and did not understand why these stupid tourists pour out such a number of water to the ground?! " - with laughter recalls Regina.

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