Alexander Feklish: "Farther than the insisting of vodka on hell, I did not go"


- Alexander Vasilyevich, what did you be interested in the project "The Last Magician"?

"I remember, ten years ago I gave an interview, and in his conclusion, the correspondent asked:" Please wish our readers something in the new year. " I remember well that I replied: "It seems to me that we have time to think about tolerance." Then this word is tolerance - no one knew. And now everything is known to him, but there is no tolerance as not. Moreover, it is important to look at this problem not only in terms of news tapes, but also with comedy and lyrical. In the series "The Last Magician" is just there.

- Have you ever been to Armenia, from where, in the plot, the head of the Karen Magikian family?

- Summary. I can give an excellent story on this topic. Once we were in Yerevan on tour - played Shakespeare. For breakfast at the hotel, we liked the pumpkin jam so much that we were asked to give it a recipe. The waiter nodded, went to the kitchen, returned and sorry said that the chef had already left the birthday of nieces, but tomorrow the recipe would be necessary. The next day it turned out that the chef had a teeth, and he was missing. Finally, on the last day in Yerevan, ten minutes before departure from the hotel, it turned out that the chef is alive and has already prepared a recipe for us. The waiter runs away to the kitchen, brings us a sheet A4, fully written by Armenian knitting. Beautifully so, neat. (Laughs.) I had to go to the reception and ask for help translated. Subsequently, the wife of Igor Yasulovich, Natasha (by the way, she is half Armenian) a stunning jam on this recipe cooked. There is another story about Armenia. Once we had a sightseeing program. We started in one monastery, then to the other, then announced that we had a trip to the cable car, after which - a visit to the old temple. After carefully listening to the guide, my colleague Yura Makeev remarked: "Wait, we do not have time to sin!".

- Do you have friends - purebred Armenians?

- I have many Armenian Friends "Half". With Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, we have good relationships, I starred a couple of times.

- And what can you say about Armenians? Are there an increased hotness and hot temper inherent in Karen Machikan?

- I never noticed the Armenians to somehow especially hot or hot-tempered. I do not want to talk for everyone, but those Armenians, which I met, were people tactical, calm, tolerant and wise. Personally, I am very comfortable with this nation. However, as with all others. It is silly to think that some kind of nation is better, and some kind of worse.

- What are your relationship with your colleagues on the set?

- Such what is better not. Shooting ended, and we really miss, go to each other on performances. The other day I was informed that I would play in the new play with Anne Ardova, and I was madly delighted. Grant Takhatan is a wonderful actor, a wonderful person - and this is very visible in his attitude towards children. The grant is incredibly touching and gently belonged to his little "daughters" on the site. Girls, by the way, are also wonderful. And in general, we got a great team.

- Tell me what the character got you? Who is he - father of Egor?

- Nikolai Arsenyevich Shcherbakov - a man who adheres to old men. He very respects Russian traditions and is trying to make them in life, but somewhat wooden. Of course, over time, the life of my character is changing, and Nikolai Arsenyevich becomes a softer, tolerant, tolerant. In particular, it concerns the choice of his son, who is going to marry a girl from the Armenian family.

Alexander Feklists played the role of Nikolai Shcherbakov - Father, whose son is preparing to marry Armenian. .

Alexander Feklists played the role of Nikolai Shcherbakov - Father, whose son is preparing to marry Armenian. .

- And if we talk about you: how modern is you?

- I'm trying to keep up with the times, but I do not always work. Natural subsidiary tells me that it is necessary to do so. In matters of raising children, for example. But life sometimes throws up completely different solutions of these crosswords. Bad, in general, from me a teacher. (Smiles).

- Domostroy - is it about you?

- No, I rather adhere to the Western Lifestyle. There is no such thing in our family that the wife should wash the dishes, and the husband is to eliminate all sorts of breakdowns. We sometimes have everything up to the opposite.

- Karen Magikyan, now and then drawn advice to his ancestors, whose portraits hang on the wall, at a guise place. Do you know the story of a kind?

- Since the beginning of the XVII century - very remotely, and in more detail - from the middle of the XIX. Thank God, my aunt left notebooks, in which everything is written in detail. One of the residents of the village, where my mother was born, a clergyman, for a long time in the archives and, to our happiness, wrote a whole book about this village in the Vladimir region and, accordingly, his inhabitants. So fate itself presented us with a geological tree, almost without our participation.

- What were your ancestors?

- Mostly - peasants. One of the great-grandfather was an old-age on the construction of the temple, which still stands. There were foresters, Melniks are all on the mother's line. Then the terrible twentieth century began, repressions that touched our family. After that, military, doctors, teachers appeared in the family, the Soviet intelligentsia.

- And not a single actor?

- It seems I am first in the family. (Smiles.) Here my aunt sang very well, but not professionally in our family in our family.

- What do you say about architecture, because your character is an architect? Are you interested in this topic?

- Yes, very interesting. I have to drive a lot with tours in the world, and we are friends - Igor Yasulov and Mikhail Zhigalov - I love to get acquainted with the history of the city and his architecture, go to museums, just walk through the streets. I have friends - professional architects. Yes, and I recently built the house. Not himself, of course, but actively participated in the reworking of the project, stressed the partitions, painted the windows, expanded and so on. Let's just say, self-deemed spoke. (Laughs.)

- So you live outside the city?

- Yes, and almost every day, if there is free time, I'm leaving for a walk with dogs in the forest.

- How many dogs do you have?

- Five.

- And all - the docks saved and chosen by your wife?

- Yes, Lena continues to collect this beautiful collection. Sometimes I'm trying to fuse my foot, so the last dog lives on the street. The rest are on my head. (Laughs.)

- Your hero Nikolai Shcherbakov also loves animals. And on the plot in one of the scenes will ride the ride.

- Yes, thanks to Father Dmitry Puttsova, who at one time gave me a few riding lessons. Anatoly Ivanovich was a wonderful strict coach that reminded me of my father. He firmly drove me in the saddle for some ten classes. I can not say that I ride masterfully, but it's like cycling: once learned, no longer aroused.

- They say you still had surveillance with live ram ...

- Karen Magikyan insists that the real kebab should prepare from lamb, and then - let the audience themselves see themselves. In my parents, by the way, one day a very touching story with a ram has happened. At one time they bought a house in the village, where they settled. They included in a full peasant life, and the collective farm allocated her lamb, on meat. And the lambs turned out to be chrome, and instead of slaughter, he began to be treated. In the kitchen, it was often possible to observe the following picture: Mom stands at the slab, and lambs, a cat and a dog are trampled nearby, the lacquer is embarrassed. In general, kebabs did not happen.

- And your hero likes to do different homemade. Do you know this lesson?

- Further than the insisting of vodka on hell, I did not go. Something sometimes makes my wife. I somehow tried to drive a moonshine, but it turned out Nevaznets. And since it goes well with one of my friend, we use it with services.

- Your character is a happy father and in perspective - grandfather. Tell us about your children.

- The older daughter works on television by the director, the youngest finished the managers and is still looking for himself, and the son is a forenswhel. He practiced a long time ago, but was forced to leave the profession and engage in other affairs.

- How many grandchildren do you have?

- Three: grandson - he is thirteen, and two granddaughters are one two and a half, and another year and a half. So I am already a grandfather with experience. (Laughs).

- Do you watch the "Last Magician" on the air?

- Yes, it is interesting for me primarily from a professional point of view. It's curious to see what we did.

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