Unknown Facts about Sketch Show "Our Russia"


Mikhail Galustan's hair was painted three times. At first, the actor was painted the beard in the redhead color for the sketch with tourists. Then he was turned into a blond - Sketch about Major Dronova. And then the actors again made a brunette - so that their relatives began to learn him again.

Mikhail Galustyan: "It turns out that all this hair paint is very harmful. But it turned out, in my opinion, funny. "

Unknown Facts about Sketch Show

Photo: TNT4 TV channel

The fan of the series for the filming made it possible to defeat his hotel in Turkey. Everyone remembers that in the final season of the Skatchkom appear tourists. They were filmed in the Turkish hotel, where there were real vacationers and staff.

Dmitry Efimovich, director of the fifth season: "Everything became possible thanks to the hotel director, who turned out to be our fan. Take at least an episode where Vovan moved at a dinner at the buffet, and his beginning, sorry, tear ... for some 10-15 seconds the whole restaurant, tables, chairs, tablecloths, floor, windows, the crowd was in oatmeal. And the owner of the hotel silently watched this. And we looked at the episode and realized that I needed a double. Our benefactor, without blinking with the eye, said a few words by the administrator of the restaurant, and at the same moment, from nowhere, either a man appeared in the hall, thirty cleaners with all sorts of brushes, rags, mop, etc. In ten minutes, the restaurant shone as new, and we flooded His kid again. "

Unknown Facts about Sketch Show

Photo: TNT4 TV channel

On the set of Sergei Svetlakova fed quickly brewed noodles. Spectator from Taganrog Sergey Yuryevich Belyakov constantly communicates with his TV and eats, sitting on the sofa. However, if on the air it is only four-minute sketch, then on the set, the actors had to perform the same action for twelve hours.

Sergey Svetlakov: "Somehow I had a twenty double in a row there is a soluble noodle. She did not have time to brew, so I absorbed it in a semi-dry form. At the end of the day, I confess, even the tea did not risk drinking, because I imagined the whole eaten noodles from a glass of boiling water and I'll swell and smoothly swell me. "

Unknown Facts about Sketch Show

Photo: TNT4 / Nikita Pavlov

Two seasons "Our Russia" removed the director of the film "Boomer" Peter Beadov. At first he refused to work on the series, but then turned out to be the first Russian film director who received experience in the sketch.

Peter Beadov: "I asked: everything is so normal, why do you need a film director who can only complicate the process and is much more expensive? And at first refused, because the filmmakers towards TV are applied with caution and try to stay away from it. But I was offered to work in a new comedy genre for me and in the new capacity: there is a ready script, there are producers and there is an invited director. I thought: "OK! Why not?".

Unknown Facts about Sketch Show

Photo: TNT4 TV channel

All humorous appliances in the Sketch show voiced actor Vladimir Zaitsev, who, by the way, is the official voice of Robert Downey Jr. in Russia.

Vladimir Zaitsev: "I voiced the eyelid to the project, and I even managed to write some of them alone. For example, those that were before the sketch about Chelyabinsk, - My Copyright. "

Unknown Facts about Sketch Show

Photo: TNT4 TV channel

The heroes and sketches were much larger than the ether. The film crew had to abandon some characters if they did not fully fit into the overall concept of "create a portrait of a whole country." So, I had to remove the military, emo-mayor, the ghost of the bribery and the employee of the FMS.

Sergey Svetlakov: "I think the people would have laughed, but I did not know me. I had so many plastics! Even more than on the grandfather from Novosibirsk. The meaning of the plot is simple - guests of Russia from the countries of the near abroad come to Moscow and are trying to register, and this woman does not know any nationalities or geography. It turns out that she accidentally insults. I think it would be a gigantic resonance. Fry guests from Central Asia. "

Unknown Facts about Sketch Show

Photo: TNT4 TV channel

Stories about Ravzane and Jamshut are taken from life. It was insisted by Garik Martirosyan to embody the sketch of a guest from neighboring Asia - he was repaired by such guys.

The image of the head of Svetlakova has long pursued Svetlakova for a long time. After the end of the shooting of the first season, the actor entrusted the repair of his apartment to the builders who recognized the Proba in it.

Sergey Svetlakov: "It happened that in the apartment I bought in 2008, repairs began. Did his man and a woman, too, some oriental nationality. Repair was led by the wife of Julia (the first spouse with which the artist divorced in 2012. - Ed.), They did not see me. And finally I came with tours with bags, and they just worked as a spatula. When they saw me, they had this spatula from her hands. Stand and watch. I quickly oriented and strictly told them: "Well, what is we worth it, which we do not work?" They immediately without laughter: "Outside". And they began to whisper with each other about their something. And then, when I learned that I was the owner, immediately the price I was thrown off, and one room was completely made for free. Even ceased to touch. And I also went to them all the time, serious such ... ".

Unknown Facts about Sketch Show

Photo: TNT4 TV channel

The famous phrase "Tagil Rulitis!" It was not in the script. Tourist Vovovan, the character of Mikhail Galustyan, originally shouted: "Tagil is resting!" The popular phrase was invented directly on the set.

Mikhail Galustyan: "Tagil!" It turned out to be impromptu, and a gesture, when I knock on my chest, I was definitely not registered in the scenario, he intensified in the course of business. "

Unknown Facts about Sketch Show

Photo: TNT4 TV channel

In the plot of one of the lines of the show on the highway Penza - Kopeisk, the traffic police inspector Gavrilov and the prostitute Elvira are working. The image of the last authors spied in one of the hotels.

Sergey Svetlakov: "The phrases of our heroine Elvira were invented together with the director and the authors, taking the basis of a stupid glamor blonde and a real prostitute from the Magnolia Hotel.

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