How to become a star wife?


It is believed that the bartender is a specialty mainly male. However, adorable ladies look at bar counter surrounded by strong alcohol very romantic. Yes, so that some representatives of strong sex are not able to resist - in all the senses of this word. It was Bartender named Lucian Barroso that could not only draw the attention of the Hollywood actor Matt Damon, but also to become his legitimate wife.

Matt Damon and Lucian Barroso. Photo: Rex Features /

Matt Damon and Lucian Barroso. Photo: Rex Features /

Sometimes one hundred grams is not required to see your destiny in the charming barrenche or waitress. Prince Dubai Said Ben Maktum Al Maktuum ordered in one of Minsk restaurants only a glass of juice. And seeing the girl who brought an order, immediately decided to marry her. After five days, he appeared before the father of Natalia Aliyeva (the name was his chosen) and asked him to give his wives to his beautiful Minsk. Not only Natasha went to the Emirates, but her whole family, as well as girlfriends, so that there was someone to serve the new princess and to kill her leisure. After all, Natasha is not the only spouse of the prince, so he cannot give her all his attention. But this can be completed - it is enough to mention that her husband's condition is estimated at sixteen billion dollars.

Full David Lawrence Shvimmer, familiar with all of Ross Geller in the series "Friends", met for many years with Singer and actress Natalie Imbrulya. In the acting circles even made bets when finally the couple get married. However, David surprised many when unexpectedly led to the crown at all no long-standing beloved, and not a famous girl named Zone Bakman, which he brought to Hollywood from London. The story of their dating is very busy. Schwimmer went to the English capital on the shooting of the film "Run, Tolstik, Run". As he recalled later, almost every evening the group almost fully went to drink and eat into some pub. In one of these institutions, he discovered a fragile beauty that managed to hold in one hand almost four beer mugs simultaneously. In short, David immediately forgot all his previous hobbies and no one flew into Los Angeles.

The eternal bachelor of George Clooney has not yet instilled his hand and hearts offer. However, among his passions, waitresses were also observed. With one of them - a peddler of cocktails named Sarah Larson from Las Vegas Casino - he even lived for half a year. Record for clubs, by the way!

Full Chris Notes, the same man of dreams from the cult series "Sex in the Big City", and many years have been listed among noble bachelors. And too left and rightly revolved novels. The loudest one is with the waitress of Tara Wilson. She came to work in a restaurant with which Chris Noth owned, and almost immediately had a relationship. Everyone was wondering if the girlfriend will be able to "turn around" an impregnable actor. For almost ten years, Chris, similar to his hero Mr. Bow, happily avoided marriage. Even when Tara gave birth to him the Son, he did not dare to part with the status of a free guy. However, years later, Chris unexpectedly took and married his child's mother. The wedding took place on one of the beaches of the Hawaiian Island of Maui, and only the closest friends of the couple attended the celebration. It is noteworthy that the keeper of the wedding rings of newlyweds was their four-year-old son Orion Christopher. They say it was he who was most happy with the wedding stroke.

Under the wing of the aircraft

Another pretty popular profession at celebrities of all the masters - Stewardles. No wonder the songs and even movies are devoted to her. Everything in the same series "Sex in the Big City" is an indicative episode - when Miranda is sitting in a cafe, and one man is sitting to her, then another. However, they all quickly retire, barely hearing that she is a lawyer by profession. And as soon as Miranda reports that actually works with a flight attendant, her bets are immediately rising, and the cavalier is instantly!

One of the first actors who took the stewardess to his wife, Henry Fund became. True, the favor of Shirley Adams, who worked in American Airlines, he sought for several years. For a long time, Shirley remained impregnable. She did not shine the attention of the Hollywood celebrity at all, because she sincerely believed: the actors are non-permanent, today he swars like you in love, and tomorrow with the same ease will find another passion. Therefore, Henry had to make a lot of effort to convince the girl in the opposite. But this marriage became in Hollywood exemplary, and the daughter born from spouses, Jane Fonda, inherited the beauty of the mother and the talent of the Father, continuing the acting dynasty.

The relationship of the world-famous opera singer José Carreras and Stewartes Jutety Jager are worthy of a separate novel. For the first time they met many, many years ago during one of the flights, passion broke out between them. However, José was married and changed such a state of affairs. Nevertheless, when the singer put a terrible diagnosis - leukemia, it was Juteta danish and dazhily duty at his bed. And when José went on amendment, he returned to the legal spouse. Juteta, and without waiting from the singer's sentences and hearts, took and jumped married an Austrian businessman and even gave birth to three children. However, you could not forget my beloved. And twenty years after dating, the couple finally registered her relationship. True, they launched only five years.

One of the richest people of the planet - Sultan Brunha Hassanal Bolkhah - also chose himself to his wife Stewardess. Mariam Bell, the daughter of an ordinary customs official, worked as a flight at the aircraft by the jurisdiction of the Sultan airline Royal Brunei Airlines, and soon became the legitimate wife of Hassanal. True, not the only one. But Mariam received the honorary title "Her Royal Highness of Hydier Hajjary Mariam" and the right to live in luxury and adoration.

Roman Abramovich. Photo: Alexander Astafiev.

Roman Abramovich. Photo: Alexander Astafiev.

In the sky met his second spouse and Roman Abramovich. Irina Malandina, whom, thanks to the relatives managed to get a stewardess on the prestigious international directions of the domestic airline, struck him at first sight. And after a few months, the couple officially registered their relations. There was no oligarch at all at all, but in an ordinary novice businessman, however, in any case, he replenished the list of men who did not resist before the spells of the flight attendants, even after many years these spell melted, pushing it to the divorce.

But actor Daniel Svivakovsky is confident: his love with the former flight attendant named Svetlana is not terrible for years or the distance. Their love story is very romantic. Somehow actor flew to the shooting at Peter, Svetlana worked on this flight. She herself did not initially admitted in the next passenger of the famous artist, however, when the girlfriends enlightened her, took autograph from Daniel - well, just in case. Spevakovsky girl noticed, that's just the phone for some reason I did not ask. And only after landing understood: But it seems to be his fate. He then launched all his connections to find a beautiful stewardess. It took almost two months to get her phone finally. Then a few more months to meet: Svetlana flew to other cities and countries, Daniel left for shooting. But when a date still took place, the actor was convinced that it was not for nothing that spent so much time in search and waiting. Today, the spouses grow three children, and Daniel does not get tired of repeating that the family is the meaning of his life.

Samovar I and my nanny

Young and seductive nanny and housekeeper also do not remain without male attention. And let them not all become legal celebrity spouses, but many of them get money and glory. For example, a certain Daisy Wright earned a considerable state when her name appeared on the first bands of newspapers. I would still - after all, it was she who caused Jude Low to break with a blue Miller. The girl who worked the nanny of the children of Low from the former wife Sadeidi Frost, dragged the actor in the bed, and in the end herself became a celebrity.

Jude Lowe and Sienna Miller. Photo: Rex Features /

Jude Lowe and Sienna Miller. Photo: Rex Features /

Mildred Patricia Baen, a household assistant in the family of Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his free time gave birth to the actor and governor of the Son. When the boy had already demonstrated to the public, a serious scandal broke out. Schwarzenegger's wife Maria Shriver, having learned about the extramarital child, immediately filed for a divorce. Arnold is for several years now and does not try to restore the marriage, but does not rush to divorce: what if she finally changed his mind?

But there are examples when the novel with a governess smoothly flows into a family union. Arisa Wolfe, the nanny of three children of the actor Stephen Sigala and the model Kelly Lebok, not only destroyed this strong, as it seemed to many, the Union, but also achieved a sentence of hands and hearts from his beloved. She became the third wife of the actor and gave him a daughter (in 1996) and Son (in 2009).

Yogic power!

If your profession is a sports instructor (best on yoga), then the chances of becoming a celebrity wife is also quite high. For example, the appetizing bachelor Alec Baldwin, who, after a difficult divorce with Kim Bacyinger, publicly swore never marry him again, changed his word. Because he was captive by the excellent Yoga Yoga Hilary Thomas. At the end of last year, her daughter was born in their family, and Alec assures that she finally had to fully know the joy of paternity.

The spouse of the soloist of the group "Ivanushki International" Kirill Andreeva with a beautiful name Lolita, too, was once a fitness instructor. And now gives recommendations solely to my husband. Cyril is recognized that he is largely due to Lolita today in an excellent sports form. "I can boast," he says, "I am now forty with a little, and I still swim two kilometers a week in a week!"

Kirill Andreev and his son and son. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Kirill Andreev and his son and son. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

The oligarchs also love to lay on girls with perfect stretching in a free minute. The wife of the scandalous businessman Sergey Polonsky Julia once worked as a yoga coach. Why there! Even ex-spouse Anastasia Volochkova Igor Vdovin exchanged the glorious ballerina to an unknown instructor on yoga. It seems that these girls have some kind of sacred knowledge about what men want!

By the way, beautiful ladies also often pay their views on sports designers. So, Lolita Milyavskaya found his happiness with a tennis coach and Squash Denis Ivanov. Although he is her fifth husband, the singer argues that on this account will be over: the search for his ideal it completed.

The heirs of the Swedish throne, the eldest daughter of King Sweden Charles XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia Princess Victoria also married a personal trainer - Daniel Westlong. And Madonna from his coach, Carlos Leon, gave birth to a senior daughter Lourdes. So, you can say the slogan "let the sport in your life!" Many celebrities perceived too literally. But it seems no one in the claim!

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