Daria Kostyuk: "Take a cheetah easier than a man"


Dresser is psychology in pure form, upbringing. And this is a double job: before approaching the animal and ask for something from him, you need to work well on yourself, because a weak person without an inner rod can not be a trainer. Dresser is not to force the animal to obey you, it means to understand him, to earn his trust and to convey to him to convey to him what you want from him. And for this you need to listen to them, adapt to. Trainer is essentially a good psychologist and a good teacher. Animals, like people, all very different: more talented, cunning, uncertain, bold, arrogant, honest, devotees, hardworking, erudented ... Each of them is a separate person.

Cheetahs I took because I wanted to make an unusual attraction. Today, they will not meet them in the circus, no one works with them due to the complexity of the care of them. Yes, and my motto "Impossible maybe" worked and this time. Now I can not imagine myself without them - they are just cosmic animals! They are very wayward, even the stalls are very unstable in terms of mood. I am often asked if my profession helps me in life, in relations with people. I can spend a parallel between the public with the predator and with a person, in particular, with a man. There is a lot of common here. Attitude towards a person and to the animal it seems to me - this is sincere love, sincere attitude. If this is your person, he will definitely appreciate it, and everything will work out - be it a love relationship or friendly. Here are some more points.

- Animal is impossible to deceive Some tinsel, it fits thinner and immediately sees a lie or what you hide. And even a bad mood for a man can be taken by a smile, at least for whom the relationship is just beginning (their native husband is already at one turn everything will understand), but the animal - no matter how you smile, if inside you anxiety, it too Start nervous. In men, intuition is not as developed as in women, and cheetahs in this plan are even more sensitive.

- Cheetah will not lie in relation to you And if he has a bad mood, it will be immediately visible. If you don't like you, he will show it right away. A man can hide it, somehow even use if something needs something from you. A man can deceive. Animal - no. This applies not only to men, I'm talking now about parallels with relationships with men. But it is acceptable to any relationship. If you yourself do not know how to see a deception right away, it is to understand that feelings are insincere, then you spend more time on a person. With a predator, everything is easier - it can be seen immediately. But at the same time, you don't need a predator from you, he loves you really, not for something and not because he wants something from you. And people, in particular, men, are different.

Daria Kostyuk - the only trainer in the world working with a group of hepardians

Daria Kostyuk - the only trainer in the world working with a group of hepardians

-To earn trust and in the animal, and the man can be the same way - It is a delicious food, caress and love. There are a lot of similar and many different things in this parallel.

- If we talk about mood, then Cheetahs in this regard are very unstable but for me still predictable. Of course, it did not come immediately to understand how to understand the time. As with any man, they need to give time to relax, think, to be alone with you. It is necessary to any living being, but hepdrads it happens more often. Generally, as for the hepardians, they have a lot of cat in character, although their dedication is a dog.

- in human relations the most difficult thing - to believe because you never know what you need a person from you. You can open someone, and then he will turn away from you. Maybe anything. And the predators have no such. There are more honest relationships, more justice, everything is extremely clear right away. But you do not have the right to be dishonest - they will not allow it. You once settled contact with him - and the basis is put. But under the establishment of contact here it is meant to adjust the predator, because you want something from him, and not he, and, if you need something, it means you take their rules of the game. But it is also necessary to do this in a smart and sincerely respect for them and love. And to each animal, each cheetah in particular - their attitude, its own rules. If you found a point of contact with an animal, then it is already forever, there will be no meanness in this relationship, and everything depends on you. And in relations with a person it all depends on two, and you cannot fully adjust under a man - then you will not lose yourself and speeches about happy relationships. Here tandem. And there is no such confidence that this time and forever. Today, a person is next to you, tomorrow he disappeared or his relationship changed.

- negotiate easier with man, but for what it will lead, you never know . With animals, the path is more difficult and longer, but the result is forever.


I believe that you do not need to tamper men. Because to tame - it means to suppress, press, detect. For me, for me, in principle, this is not a taming, this is upbringing. A man who allows himself to tame, in my opinion, is a bullless, soft man. And it seems to me that the man should be strong, volveev, he should have an inner rod, fire. One thing is flexibility - when a man is ready to find compromises or somewhere to give way to the benefit of happiness of a woman, good relationship and so on. It is right. But to tame in that way to command them, - I do not accept this.

Daria Kostyuk:

"Dresser is psychology in pure form, upbringing"

First of all, a woman needs to understand her man, take it as it is, and then he will also meet. In controversial issues, you need to be able to negotiate in order to take into account the interests of both. For example, you do not like when there are noisy companies at home, but you understand what he wants to invite friends, to communicate. Then you need to negotiate that either I leave at this point at the cottage, or you go with friends to the restaurant, or determine the time you are at home, then you go to another place, and I go to bed. That is, you do not forbid, but, considering that you live together, you are looking for a compromise. Of course, for everyone there are certain taboos. I have this treason, and it is not even discussed. In relations with predators there is one "but": they can not rush at me.

Take someone impossible. Taming is pressure. So, fear appears, and the lies will begin, and so on. Here, I repeat, there can be no question of normal healthy relationships. At the heart of any relationship - with animal or man - love and sincerity should lie. Then you can negotiate. But love and sincerity should not be unilaterally, it should be in both. Only on this platform is possible long-term, reliable and happy relationships.

Personally, I am for a classic family, for partnership. A man should be stronger, it is not discussed, but at the same time I let himself be strong in some individual working moments. And all the moments relating to the family, we decide together, no one presses anyone. There are women who are good under a strong man, and they themselves do not decide anything, they relaxed and everything, they do nothing, are listening in the whole man. Others do not tolerate when a man is stronger than them, it is more convenient to them with a fireless, they just tighten men. Family forms can be different, and if both are good, it takes place. Another question is that often one side is trying to crush another, "tame". I do not understand this. In my opinion, or you love a person, what it is, or not. And if you try to break it and adjust how you please - what kind of love can you talk about?

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