Alexander Melman: "We are all sick football"


On TV is now one solid football, well, there is nothing more. And if there is, it does not look at all. Against the background of such a football, nothing looks at all.

After all, what is television in principle? Programmed, predictable, polished spectacle. If you are an experienced TV viewer (and there are still a lot of such in our country), you know perfectly well, at what about minutes Andrei Malakhov will make big eyes, and Dmitry Borisov will call in the "killer" studio ... Well, or at least illegal son Spartak Mishulin, what's the difference . And there is nothing to say about political shows. There everyone is playing according to the rules linked to the CPSU Central Committee, and one team is always defeated - Russia. And there are no questions.

And then His Majesty Football. When you do not know how it all ends. When the favorites are losing with deliberate outsiders. When everything suddenly can change at the very last minute, and the account will turn over to absolutely opposite. When such passions boil, emotions, feelings - mom, do not burn! When you still see this box?

Of course, I mean the world championship, before which the rest is fading. World Championships as a spectacle. Therefore, on our TV, everyone suddenly became famous football fans. You look at what hears Katya Andreeva, that he allows himself! How does she go this red T-shirt! And how she hits his head - God, it's so sexy.

Ivan Urgant before the beginning of the World Cup put on the mustache from Stanislav Cherchesov. Probably on Fart. And the mustache helps, our wins!

Andrei Norkin also remembered how he was still practically announced in the stadium: "In the Dynamo team, the replacement, instead of the 11 number 11 comes out number 13." That is, also in football understands how it turned out.

Mikhail Shvydsky, intellectual to the brain of bones, which before, maybe never and did not see how they hit the ball, they took in the form of an honorary guest to the opening match. And he liked this, wound up, wanted that his purely concrete program "Agora" was devoted to football all before the droplet. In the philosophical plan, naturally. And called for this occasion of Alexander Shirvindt himself, a fan with 70 years of experience. Which is sick for Torpedo, the team that is no longer.

Because of the football, the "Time" program is cleaned somewhere, change its exit to ether. Represent this sacred cow? Because of the football, Vladimir Posner is canceled, another sacred cow. Sometimes even for this occasion, it is necessary to turn off from the grid of Vladimir Solovyov itself, which never turns off. That's what a football is!

And the ratings, what are the wonderful FM ratings! Our TV has not dreamed. It follows that? Nothing special, just spectators await from the television activity of life, unfiltered feelings, clean emotions, experiences, inconspicuous intrigue, only and everything. And the TV does not give it. Especially now.

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