Who and why goes to the institute after 50?


I love the volume and depth of a dream metaphor! What can then be outlined in 3-4 sentences can be interpreted into different frets and choose the one that will respond. I will give below the dream of our readers. From its example of a dream, it becomes clear how much about it for years, and the dream is too transparent, so I introduce you to the essence of the question.

So: "I dream that I should continue to work, return to the 4th course of my institute, and the session will soon begin, and on the yard on December 2. I was neither one lecture since September, ahead of the exams, and I also understand that I have 2 "tail" that I could not pass because of the conflict with the teacher. And in a dream, I am surprised, because I work, how could I put it again to the institute after 30 years, how did I finish it? ".

The dream itself was not able to answer the question of what her sleep. It was too seriously reacted and maintained. And in order to bargain a message, you need to see if everything is happening on the part.

A mature woman sees in a dream that she needs to return to the time of his youth, in which there were unhappy conflicts and difficulties, and pass them in adulthood, now, having life experiences behind his back. What can it tell her about? And why now?

I can make sure that it also has the same difficulties in relationships that even then has become over twice. But from the pores of his youth, it belongs to the conflict, as to the exam, which must be passed and residing the "tails".

Probably a dream tells her that in the soul she still continues to graze before stricter communication as a young student.

Perhaps sleep reflects her fragility, which over the years could turn into experience, flexibility or pressure. Probably, in terms of communications and communication, she has yet to learn and take their exams, overcome life lessons.

A few words about conflicts. Open the Internet and climb in the proposals of the resolution of the conflict, the wishes to live calmly and harmoniously. At the same time, the conflict is the necessary aspect of growing up, the formation of a person. Without conflict, there is no organization. You will not find a family that does not know what conflict is. The conflict is the normal phenomenon of human nature. We can't think the same, want one and the same, feel and live in unison. Through the conflict, we exhaust our understanding of who we are, what we want and where we are moving, that is, differentiate, stand out on a general background. Being a conflicting side is sometimes more useful to the stock edge for our personality than to smooth it and displace it. The conscious resolution of the conflict, and not running away from it, gives life new meanings. You can talk infinitely about the conflict, as it is found inside any human communication at home, at work, at school, with children - everywhere. The most correct step would learn how to treat this part of human communication, to be flexible, be able to resolve them for themselves with benefit.

And what dreams of you? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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