Stars shared the recipes of New Year's dishes


Cheesecakes from TV presenter Olga Buzova

Ingredients: 350 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 6 tbsp. l. Wheat flour, 2 tbsp. l. Sugar, sunflower oil.

Cooking: Put all the cottage cheese in a bowl and spread it with a fork so that there are no large lumps left in it. Drink eggs, pour sugar and mix thoroughly. Add to cottage cheese 5 tablespoons (with a slide) flour and mix thoroughly. You can put a little more flour, then cheesery will turn out more dense. And if the flour put less, then the cheese will come out more gentle.

Put the pan on the middle fire and pour sunflower oil into it. Pour a bit of flour on a plate. To make several small balls from the resulting curd mass and put them on a plate. Then take turns to run the curd balls in the flour, it is a little to cry and put it on the pan. Fry cheesecakes 1-2 minutes before the appearance of a golden crust. I love cheesecakes with sour cream or condensed milk! Serve them hot and in the morning of January first!

Cake "Medovik" from actor Andrei Gaidulian

Andrei Gaidulan with his wife Diana

Andrei Gaidulan with his wife Diana

Ingredients: 300-500 g of flour, 200 g of sugar, 100 g of butter, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 2 eggs,

1 tsp. (without a slide) soda. For cream: 300 g of butter, 1 can of boiled condensed milk,

100 g of walnuts, almond petals or chocolate for decoration.

Cooking: In a refractory bowl, put butter, sugar and honey. To put a bowl on a water bath and heated, stirring, about 4-5 minutes, until the mixture becomes homogeneous, and sugar is partially dissolved. Add soda, mix well and heated, stirring, one minute. Remove a bowl from a water bath, add eggs and quickly mix the wedge to homogeneity. Pick up flour (300 g) and mix. Remove the bowl with a refrigerator dough for 20-30 minutes. Take the table to flour, lay out the dough, too much to cut a little flour. Quickly form from the dough harness and divide on 8-9 equal parts. Dough pieces rushing into the balls and lay out a board or a plate on the puffy flour. On the back of the opposite side (you can roll out each ball as thin with a silicone mat or parchment paper). Top to put a plate (I used a ring for a cake with a diameter of 21 cm), crop the excess dough with a knife and a clay for a fork so as not to swell during baking. Bake the cake is 3-5 minutes before the rush in the oven preheated to 200 ° C. Trimming (from all cortes) to fold into the container and save - they will need to decorate the cake.

Prepare cream. Creamy butter room temperature lay out in a bowl and beat the mixer to puff. In 4-5 receptions add boiled condensed milk, without stopping the beat. Beat the cream before homogeneity. Crimples from korh grind in a blender. Walnuts are also chopped in a blender or chop the knife. Half nuts to connect with crushed cortex cropping and mix (remain the remaining nuts). Korzh lay out on the dish and smear a piece of cream. Sprinkle with crushed nuts (which were postponed). Top to cover the second korzh, etc. Thus collect a cake. Upper korzh and sides of cake to deceive with cream. Cake sidewalls to decorate the chopped sandy-nut crumb (dial to the palm of the crumb, press to the sidewall of the cake, the surplus of crumbs shake). The surface of the cake decorate with sand-nut crumbs and, at will, almond petals. Cake to remove in the fridge and let it brew 6-12 hours.

Salmon Cheese Pie from Nastrithic Singer

Anastasia Krainov

Anastasia Krainov

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. Butter, 1 tbsp. The ground paprika, 2 Luke-Shalot, 75 g of grated Russian cheese, 3 eggs, salt, pepper, 1 tbsp. Long white rice, 2 sprigs of parsley, 1 tsp. Dry mustard, 1 tbsp. Milk, 250 g salmon in its own juice, 2 tbsp. flour.

Cooking: Onions clean and crush. Rice rinse and put into baking shape, add chopped onion and pinch salt. Pour 2 glasses of hot water and put in a microwave for 12 minutes at full capacity. Add 1 tbsp. l. Cream oil and 1 egg, mix. Tightly press the resulting mixture with a blade. Salmon Disassemble into small pieces and put in fig. Melt the remaining butter in the microwave oven. Add flour, mustard and pepper. Prepare 1 minute at full power. Add milk, mix and return to the microwave oven for another 3 minutes. Add to the sauce crushed parsley, grated cheese and slightly whipped eggs. Mix and gently pour into shape with rice and fish. Sprinkle with a paprika from above. Cooking for 5 minutes with full power. Then reduce power up to 70% and prepare for another 7 minutes.

Satishes from the singer Tatyana Kotova

Tatyana Kotova.

Tatyana Kotova.

Ingredients: 1-1.5 kg Veal or lamb, cakes for Beshbarmak (it is better to do from the dough itself, like a noodle), carrots, onions, salt, pepper, garlic and a little seaside for kebabs, vegetable oil, mayonnaise.

Preparation: cut meat medium pieces. In Kazan or in a saucepan (in which it will not nourish) fry pieces of meat (you can take any low-fat), add a waste carrot on a large grater - 3-4 pieces, sliced ​​onions (not finely) - 2-3 large heads and vegetable oil, salt , Picture to taste. You can pour some water. Then add 2-3 cloves of garlic (there must be a light garlic taste) and seasoning to meat, but a little. Stew until readiness. Pellet boil in salted water, merge water, put into a large flat dish with high sides, and on top to decompose hotter meat over the entire plane. Take a 3-4 packs of mayonnaise, squeeze garlic in it, mix and slightly lubricate meat with sauce (it should not be much). Our dish is ready and must be hot!

Chicken legs in a singer Nastya Kudri singer

Nastya Kudri

Nastya Kudri

Ingredients: 350 g champignons, 700 g of puff pastry, 10 chicken legs, 1 onions, 1 carrot, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking: Grind and fry on onions on the vegetable oil. Add wrapped carrot, then finely chopped mushrooms. Salt, pepper and fry to evaporate fluid.

In another frying pan, fry chicken legs to a ruddy crust.

Dough roll out and cut into squares. On each square place a bit of fried vegetables and one leg. The dough collect around the legs in the form of a bag, and so that it is not broken, tie the stem of a green bow.

Put the legs in the dough in a form for baking and send an oven to heated to 190 degrees for half an hour. The finished legs can be immediately served on the table.

Baked goose from TV presenter Ayza Anokhina

Aiza Anokhina

Aiza Anokhina

Ingredients: 2.5 kg carcass goose, 3-4 apples, 2 tbsp. Honey, 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 2 tbsp. Worcester sauce. For marinada: 1.5 l of water or vegetable broth, 1.5 tbsp. Dry ginger, 5 tbsp. Sugar, 2 tbsp. Salts, 70 ml. Soy sauce, 80 ml of apple (or rice vinegar), 2 stars of Badyan, 1 tsp. Sichuan pepper, 1 tsp. Mixtures of peppers, ½ tsp. Cinnamon.

Cooking: Rinse a carcass goose and outside, and inside, wipe dry. Then scream with boiling water (1 liter), putting a bird on the grille in the sink, after which it is again thoroughly cut. Remove the ruin.

Mix ingredients for marinade in the ladle and pecking about 5 minutes. Hanging the goose hot marinade in a large capacity. Goose is best to marine in a wide bowl or a saucepan in which it will pick up within 1-2 days in the refrigerator or on the balcony. The goose will need to turn over from time to time (3-4 times) so that the carcass is evenly soaked with sauce.

You still need to make notches along the entire surface of the breast. The excess fat will be released through them, which will allow the skin to become land, and the crust is even more appetizing.

If you marinate with a dry way, time is worth zooming to 2-3 days: wrap a carcass in the food film and remove the balcony or in the refrigerator.

Before baking a goose, we need to hold 2-3 hours at room temperature.

For stuffing the goose, acidic and sour-sweet apples are very suitable (they will also take extra fat). Cut the apples in half and fill with them abdomen the goose. Bird can be sewed, and tie legs. Starting for the bird is recommended to lay in such a way that the place remains, - then it is soaked in the aroma and fat meat. You can also add quince.

Preheat oven. Put at the lower level a low straight with water. All fat will be drained there, thanks to which he will not give smoke from burning.

Above the opposite to arrange the grille on which goose will be baked. Hold the bird with foil and bake 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake another 45-60 minutes. If the wings in the goose are not cut off, they need to be wrapped with foil, as they can burn. To deceive the bird with a mixture of honey, Worcester and soy sauce - it will give an ideally tanned crust and an additional delicious accent (option - honey and mustard, also very tasty). Bake another 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. A couple of times can be additionally lubricated with a mixture. An alternative way - watering oily water from the opposition.

To make sure the dishes are ready, pierce the leg area: if transparent juice comes out, turn off the oven. Otherwise, bake a little more time.

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