A drop of stevia or a glass of wine? Choosing a New Year's drink


New Year's Eve is so capturing you that you enter the autopilot mode, trying to have everything, everywhere and immediately. However, the body, contrary to your expectations, is not at all iron and - oddly enough - in need of rest.

The twenty-first century gave us such a disease as fatigue. Do not be surprised, it is the disease with all the ensuing consequences. And if it is not treated, it can lead to serious failures in the work of the body.

One of the types of fatigue, the most, by the way, is common, this is the so-called adrenal fatigue. It occurs as a result of constant voltage. Its essence lies in the fact that at a certain point in time, the relationship between the brain and adrenal glands is disturbed. And the latter is responsible for the production of several hormones, including cortisol - stress hormone, the level of which is normal in the morning in the morning to wake up and act, and falls in the evening, so that we can sleep well and sleep.

This type of fatigue, in essence, does not differ from its other types of symptoms - this is a sense of devastation, depletion, lack of joy, sleep disorders, depression and everything else is also a complete fog in the head. A physiologically similar failure may even cause blood sugar levels in the blood.

If you are experiencing similar symptoms, it is worth paying attention to. After all, the blurred brain prevents adequately to perceive the reality and you, like zombies, sharpen dozens and hundreds of "important" and "urgent" cases, which are not at all. Therefore, I will offer you a pair of natural recipes to activate the brain-adrenal brain channel. Perhaps strengthening themselves with the help of natural natural resources, you will gladly find that life is actually easy, beautiful and amazing.

The following recipes include specially selected components to optimize the brain operation, establishing the link between the brain and the adrenal glands and the establishment of a healthy hormonal balance of the body. Components for the preparation of delicious and healthy drinks are just enough to buy in a pharmacy or in a regular supermarket.

Tonic for adrenal glands: Clean water (1 cup), Himalayan salt (¼-½ teaspoon), lemon juice or vitamin C (to taste). It is easy to prepare it, you need to mix all the ingredients in the glass and drink in the morning or after severe physical exertion. Vitamin C is the most important vitamin involved in the exchange of adrenal substances, and the Himalayan salt contains trace elements in itself activating their work.

Soothing elixir for adrenal glands: spring water (1 liter), apple vinegar (2 tablespoons), organic lemon juice (2 tablespoons), magnesium powder citrate (1 tablespoon), stevia (1 drop). Add all the ingredients into a bottle with water, throw some ice and mix well. This powerful elixir helps healthy detoxification of the body, and this affects the balance of hormones. Magnesium soothes the stressful brain.

The use of these elixirs will help you to be beautiful and shining in the new year. And my weekly astrological forecast will help to fill the pre-New Year week only with pleasant troubles.

December 26. . On this day, it is very good to cut hair, make scrubs, peelings, manicure, pedicure, in general, to put yourself in full order. At home you can put in order boxes in the tables and shelves of cabinets. I propose a very effective way of freeing space: spread absolutely everything, and then fold it back only the most necessary so that the shelves are filled with about three quarters. The rest, distribute the needy, do not drain what you do not use.

December 27th. Well, if you spend Tuesday in calm affairs. Today should not risk - and especially in what you are not quite sure. It is better to refrain from using pyrotechnics, be careful when handling fire and electricity.

December 28th. Wednesday, on the contrary, day, when everything you do, you should do with passion and maximum efficiency and involvement.

December 29th. Day of measured and wise action. Does not tolerate hurry, fuss. If you want to have a brilliant result today, be conservative, suspended and pedantical, as the British.

December 30th. Very harmonious day. Everything that happens today is very important, you yourself can plan significant events on it.

Dec. 31. Little trick: to move forward with success, you need to thank the universe for what you have today. This Saturday can be summarized by the outgoing year, recall all important events, thank relatives and loved ones for being with you this year.

1st of January. The first day of the new year is a big beginning. Energy of the day more contributes to an active holiday than lazy nonegelia in front of the TV screen. So do not get fond of the New Year's Eve champagne, mixed with ashes of notes and wishes!

Zhanna Wei, Master Feng Shui

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