Coco Chanel: 5 facts about legendary fashion designer


The fragile Frenchwoman changed the world of fashion, turning the idea of ​​femininity. With her light hand in the wardrobe of every self-respecting ladies, a small black dress, tweed jacket and jewelry appeared. Do not forget that Coco Chanel's first became the first to wear wide trousers and made a popular male style.

one. Father noked Gabriel Coco (in French chicken) for little height and hoodoobu. When the girl decided to take a pseudonym, she remembered this funny nickname.

2. Mademoiselle walked in a dream. During one of the attacks in Ritz, she not only carved a suit with a bathrobe, but also attached a flower to Lartkana, carved out of a towel.

Father noked Gabriel Coco (French chicken) for little height and hoodurbu

Father noked Gabriel Coco (French chicken) for little height and hoodurbu


3. Coco Chanel always wore scissors with him - on the rope on her neck or in a handbag. Once on a dinner, she crushed out the outfit of one of his mannequins, which came there in a dress from another couture. At the same time, stating that it became much elegant.

four. "I can not take money from women, before which I kneel," Coco said, removing the measurements from famous actresses, for example, Ingrid Bergman and Romi Schneider.

five. Chanel made fashionable tan. The designer "twisted" in Cannes and decided that what had gone should decorate other women. Before that, the symbol of aristocracy was considered bright porcelain leather, not touched by the sun.

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