Andrei Gaidulan: "I admit that I dragged with marriage"


- Andrei, for you 30 years - is it a lot or a little?

- It seems to me a lot. Everything seemed to: twenty-twenty, and in 29 I realized that the thirty was coming. Friends persuade the grandiose, but I honestly, I don't like to celebrate my birthdays, to organize everything, to think over. Last year they convinced me, but I set the condition: we arrange all at home, and I only buy beer and pizza, no restaurants. And it turned out very cozy, family-friendly. And this year he himself wanted to celebrate this date; Most likely, we will gather in my favorite restaurant.

- Many say that after thirty goes to the second value plan, which were important before: Meeting with classmates, evaluations in a diploma, who in school was a two-person who is an excellent student, etc. Do you agree with this?

- Such values ​​have long begun to leave. I have changed very much, I don't even know myself. The attitude towards the family has changed, attitudes towards the beloved woman, attitude to money. I ceased to be such a perky, cheerful, optimistic what was before. You can say, a little rejoice ... But I used to do everything before. What circumstances? Spit! Money? Now Gulna, then I will work! Now it became more restrained in his decisions, I try to think through everything.

Andrei Gaidulan:

In the series "Sashahatany", the hero of Andrei Gaidulian Sasha Sergeyev is married to the heroine Valentina Rubatova Tatiana. In the cinema they raise the son of Alesha. We can say that the actor has already prepared for family life. .

- You were born on April 12th. Never wanted to be a cosmonaut?

- Of course I wanted! Until six years I was sure that I would be a cosmonaut! Very proud of his date of birth!

- Twelve years ago you risked and went to Moscow. Remember, how did you leave the house with?

- leaving in full confidence that I was waiting for me that I was needed that I would come and everyone would break. I believed in myself insanely and did not doubt in good luck ... It seems to be an adult man, 18 years old, I heard different stories about the conquest of the capital, knew: "Moscow beats from the sock," but I was sure that I was waiting for me here!

- Parents of horror stories about Moscow told?

- especially not. They were not opposed to come here and even accustomed to theatrical. It seems to me that they have no doubt that I will come back and I will continue our family business. Did not happen. But while studying, I was on their absolute trustees: they took the apartment to me, sent money. And I did not work! So my story is atypical.

- lucky. And then many tell how they worked at night, like starval ...

- ... I'm still hungry! (Laughs.) I spent all the money and then shy to ask yet. And how did I manage so much? I remember somehow my parents sent me money in advance. I immediately strolled them, was not theatest. And half a year lived the injignment. I remember these sensations. One month lived on $ 30. It was 8 years ago.

- And what did you eat?

- Buckwheat, pasta, milk was on Sundays.

- Many of your classmates settled in Moscow?

- Honestly, I did not hear a lot about my classmates. I know one who lives in Moscow, but rarely communicate with him. I have two best friends with whom I studied in the same class. They live in Chisinau. We see. They come to me in Moscow to visit or on business. And I go there. So the connection is not losing.

- Have you ever heard in your address "Ponheli here"?

- There was no such. I have Muscovite friends who know how to joke appropriate and thin. They can call me a migrant worker or Moldovan. I love to play yourself, put on myself. But it does not detract from my love to the Motherland. The funny thing is that I am often taken for Armenian. (Laughs.) But Guidulyan is Moldavian surname.

- Probably, everyone dreams about how to live in 30-40 years. What kind of picture did you imagine?

- Well, I thought I would be a millionaire. In childhood, I dreamed of becoming a car driver, while still I can't drive a car. (Laughs.) I sick for Michael Schumacher and now I am very worried about his health. And there were no specific plans. Now - there is. I live three and a half years with a girl regarding which I have far-reaching plans.

Andrei and Diana together for more than three years. They long consider themselves families, but they thought about the wedding recently. .

Andrei and Diana together for more than three years. They long consider themselves families, but they thought about the wedding recently. .

- Marry finally gathered?

- I'm thinking. I admit that I strongly delayed with this question. I generally have a positive attitude towards the Institute of Marriage. I am not from those men who do not want to marry or believe that the stamp will kill love in the passport.

- Probably, and Diana hints at it?

- There is a little. (Laughs.) But she understands the woman, and no pressure has no pressure. We both want it.

- About children, too, are already thinking?

- There are such conversations. But first you need to decide on the wedding, and then think about children.

- You have a hard schedule: shooting, touring with three performances, come in clubs as DJ. Diana without you is not boring or she accompanies you on trips?

- In the first years of our life, Diana went with me almost all tour. But over time, she understood that it was useful sometimes and parted, to be alone, bought each other. In the run of the week two per month. And shooting are held mainly in Moscow. But if I'm going to some interesting city or a new country, I try to take Diana with myself. For example, we flew together in Vladivostok - it's so interesting!

- In honor of the thirty years, arrange a vacation?

- It will not work because of the filming: From April 1, I began working on the new season of the series "Sashatany". But two days as a gift for your birthday, I will spun from producers. (Laughs.)

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