Three symptoms of the crisis in family relationships


Even in that marriage, where the relationship between spouses can be considered perfect, the stages that psychologists are interpreted as crises. The most harmonious relationships can crumble in dust during the crisis, without preparing the difficulties of this difficult period.

Family over the years passes in its development of a kind of step. The transition from one stage to another can occur smoothly or may be accompanied by a crisis. And how spouses were able to cope with him, the next life stage lays down. In other words, some experienced crisis can rally (the very "and in the mountain, and in joy"), other psychologically removes each other. It all depends on how much husband and wife are willing to perceive each other's position, take a point of view different from their own.

Like many problems, the crisis can be prevented if you make an effort on this on time. It is much more difficult to collect married relationship literally in pieces, from the ruins, and not yet the fact that for this after all the storms will remain forces and desire. How to prevent it? Pay attention to small in a relationship with his spouse, analyze what is happening changes. A loud single scandal on some separate occasion is not yet a reason to believe that the family is at the crisis stage. But if from time to times, certain symptoms pop up on increasing - it is worth not only to think, but also to act.

Even the most harmonious relationship over time pass through crisis stages

Even the most harmonious relationship over time pass through crisis stages


Anxiety symptoms to pay attention to:

1. The spouses mutually disappeared the need to share their experiences , problems and joys with each other. Closing in yourself, each of the partners is inevitably distinguished from the other, which can form a habit of "boiling in its own juice."

If you see that in your family there is this alienation - stop this trend on the root. Share with your spouse that you please or disturb. Talking about what at the moment it takes you or grieves, you give him to understand that you are important to be with him "on the same wave", to have his support, hear his opinion.

2. The desire for intimate proximity becomes less. Intimate intimate is a peculiar indicator of married relations in general. Mutual cooling in the physical plan signals that there are problems at the psychological level. The advice here is only one: manifest the initiative. Please the partner with attention, flirting, romantic in the evening with a hint of continued. Perhaps cooling occurred only because they stopped those the most preliminary moments that always preceded your stormy nights. If you put this situation on a samoneck and wait for "everything itself will improve", it is possible to exacerbate the problem of physical (and in the aggregate and psychological) alienation to a critical state, which will inevitably lead a couple to the state of the crisis.

Share your problems and experiences

Share your problems and experiences


3. Irritation. This symptom is not easy, for deceptive. You can annoy some external manifestation / action of a spouse (literally, how he eats, for example), and in fact the cause of irritation will go in the other (permanent fatigue from work, lack of rest, bad marks in children, lack of intimate proximity with spouse and so on). Irritation is an explicit signal to "decompose yourself on the shelves" and find out what exactly you worry, takes on negative emotions. In this case, it is useful to visit a psychologist, alone or together with a spouse who will help to deal with the problem.

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