How to learn to exist in society and get benefits from any situation


"If you can't change the situation, change your attitude to it"; "If I'm tired of sailing against the current, swim through the flow, removing the maximum of the benefits" - so say smart people. People are even more smart to these philosophical sayings follow. Psychologists call such an adaptable position "reimprinting". That is, a change in attitudes towards past experience, to imprinting (an event that has formed a certain belief). Imprinting can bring human both benefit and harm - depending on the situation in which he got. Let's say your first husband agreed with you only when you are allowed to tears. And the second husband categorically not accepting such manifestations of female weakness and suits hysterics. Or: Your boss always dismissed professional employees, but recently easily tolerances of your self-director's colleague, which everyone bothers to work. What to do? Output one: reconsider your old experience and make reimprinting.

In general, with the right approach, a person constantly makes reimprinting, that is, reprogrambles itself in different moments of life. This process takes automatically, without regrets of the past and without self-sex: "And did I do that I did that I was coming (did not accept)?" Similar changes in themselves are accepted as a given. But first, you need to make sure that how the situation itself is accepted and the situation itself is - that is, a priori is recognized as a dead end. Typically, such an understanding is expressed by sayings: "That God does, all for the better," "To climb with the knees, you must first go down on them" and so on. And only after emotions are turned off, reimprinting begins, finding out the position.

With the right approach, a person constantly makes reimphim

With the right approach, a person constantly makes reimphim


For this, psychologists advise to look at the situation from: Imagine that you take off the movie where the main character hit the same position as you ourselves. Express his feelings with words. And then look: is there any advantages in the specified situation? Connect third parties that are in your scenario: can they help something? Think: to whom and why was it necessary for a scene? Put yourself in their place.

And then again to overtake your own feelings, but already from the position of the main character and taking into account the knowledge obtained from the secondary heroes. The interchange (solution) will come by itself as soon as you realize that your hero has acquired strength, that is, stopped living the experience of the past, ready to change the future and knows that this future he will take in any of its manifestation.

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