Marriage is scary?


An interesting dream told me a close friend.

"I dream that it is time to fly on a business trip. And terribly scared, as the plane, a huge liner, takes off between residential high-rise buildings. I am waiting for the landing, and notice my long friend. In a dream, the course of thoughts is as follows: "Together we do not work. So why do we fly by one flight? "After remembering in a dream, that soon she, like me, comes out."

Contrary to the climbing stereotype that the wedding is a happy and joyful day in the life of the couple, in fact it is not only so. Marriage, pregnancy, child birth - let the long-awaited events, but also crisis at the same time.

The word "crisis" in one of the translations means "transition". That is the change of course, the transition to a new state. So the creation of a family, the birth of children can easily be attributed to crisis moments. In addition to joyful unrest and anticipation of something new and grandiose, it is also anxiety, and fear, as before all unknown.

Or fear and concerns that hopes are collapsed, and gloomy expectations are justified, which are taken from the personal past of the experience or past family. For example, divorces, treason, dependence or separation.

Apparently, our dreamy in a dream is experiencing Supbar and confusion. Perhaps about the new status, roles and obligations, which she takes. Regarding what it is waiting for her in the near future, which is about to come. By the way, the plane is very symbolic. It is impossible to get out of time. When he takes off, there is no reverse stroke.

Maybe about this and a dream will be a road road. It is scary and disturbing. Although, I admit that the Social Rules and Frames around say that there is no place for alarm in these changes. Therefore, she lives them only in a dream.

I wonder what you dream? Send your stories by mail: [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazina

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