"Recipe for happiness" from Rosa Xiabitite


Recipes from Rosa Xiabitite

Patties with cabbage "pigtail"

Ingredients: 500 g of yeast dough, 1 egg, 800 g of cabbage, 1 carrot, 2 bulbs, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. Tomato paste, 2 tbsp. Fine oil, 1 bundle of dill, salt, pepper mixture.

Cooking process: Onions finely chopped, grinding carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the onions and carrots on the fusion oil, add a chopped cabbage, pour water, cover with a lid and stew until soft. Add tomato paste and stew without lid before evaporation of fluid. At the end to salute, pepper, add a chopped garlic and dill.

The yeast dough is divided into portions, each roll out in the form of a rectangle, cut from long sides. Stay in the middle filling, wrap your pigtail. Lubricate a whipped egg. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Patties with cabbage "pigtail". .

"Recipe of happiness"

Ingredients: 1 kg of beef tenderloin, 1 garlic head, 3 bulbs, 2 h. Olive oil, salt, pepper. For Drakov: 300 g of champignons, 700 g of potatoes, 60 g of flour, 1 egg, vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Cooking process: Meat grate with salt, pepper, lubricate with olive oil and polish with cloves of garlic. On the baking sheet to lay foil, put on her sliced ​​onions, from above - meat. Tightly wrap and put in an oven, heated to 180 degrees.

For the garnish mushrooms cut into a cube and fry on vegetable oil. Salt, pepper, let cool. Potatoes grate on medium grater, add egg, flour, salt, pepper. Stir, combine with mushrooms. Share Datracy on the pan with a tablespoon and fry on vegetable oil.

"Recipe of happiness." .

Recipes from chef

Patty "Chicken nests"

Ingredients: 400 g of puff yeast dough, 1 egg, 170 g of chicken fillet, 150 g of champignons, 70 g of frozen white mushrooms, 2 bulbs, 30 ml of cream (22%), 100 g of cheese, vegetable oil, dill, parsley, salt, pepper.

Cooking process: Cut the dough into squares. Cut in each square small square, retreating from the edge of 1 cm. Squares with a blank middle to take for diagonal angles and twist. The edges of small squares are smeared with a whipped egg. Put large squares to smaller, set up a distance of 15 minutes.

For filling onion, chicken fillet and mushrooms cut into straw, fry separately on vegetable oil, connect, warm together, add cream and evaporate. Salt, pepper. Share the stuffing on the workpiece from the dough, lubricate the dough with a whipped egg, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Patty "Chicken nests". .

"One hundred percent consent"

Ingredients: 350 g duck breast, 5 pears, 100 cream oil, 50 g of sugar, 70 ml of brandy, mint. For sauce: 250 g of raspberries, 50 g of sugar.

Cooking process: Duck breast cleanse from strey and fat. From the side of the skin make shallow cruciform cuts. Loose duck with salt and pepper, fry on a dry pan from two sides to a ruddy crust, then bring to readiness in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees.

For the side dish, clean the pear from the skin, cut into rings and fry on creamy oil. Add sugar, carameliza, pour cognac and naphlamies.

For the sauce of raspberries to pour water, sprinkle with sugar, bring to a boil, beat the blender and wipe through the sieve.

Serve duck breast with a garnish of pear and raspberry sauce. Decorate with mint.

"One hundred percent consent." .

"Dining time", first channel on weekdays, at 12.15

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