Alena Yakovleva: "Become a grandmother I am ready"


The continuer of the acting dynasty played in numerous films, serials and theatrical productions, and Alena goes to the podium and herself adds a plot in the country.

- Alena, not so long ago you celebrated your birthday. How was the holiday, what did you give?

- noted in a narrow circle with daughter and friends. There were no special festivities. From Masha, I received a very beautiful handkerchief as a gift, Dmitry Kharatyan handed me the original doll. Young actresses from the theater presented a vase with flowers and a very beautiful mirror.

- This year you also made a gift in the form of a new production - the play "Gorgon", where you play Hollywood Divo ...

- For me, this is an important job. We are not spoiled by dramatic roles, since our theater is now mainly oriented on comedy. The "Gorgon" shows the history of the relationship between two Hollywood actresses: their struggle, intrigue, love history and hatred. In addition, inside the play, the shoots of horrors occur. We play with Masha Ilyina, my long-standing partner, we have the established duet with her.

- When there are two professional actresses on stage, do you feel with any other competition?

- No, we help each other while working. I have a lot of companions, and our relationships last for years. Of course, somewhere far in consciousness, maybe there is a thought of competition, but it is not expressed in any way. I am generally more interesting when a strong partner. Masha is a very talented person with directories and scenario brains.

Actress Alena Yakovlev with daughter Maria Kozakova

Actress Alena Yakovlev with daughter Maria Kozakova


- If we started talking about friendship ... You managed to become girlfriends with your daughter?

- Certainly, we are girlfriends, although very different. Of course, we can argue because belong to different generations, but always find a common language. It is clear that I have a huge experience in the sense of profession, I can advise something. This is already its right, use the Council or not.

- In your joint interview with my daughter, you personally admitted that you do not believe in the princes on a white horse, and Masha said that it still believes. Did you try to convince her?

- Why, maybe her life will refute my ideas. I did not encounter this, but maybe she will face. Each person has the right to believe in wonders and fairy tales. I do not give Mache out. Like advice on men. Why set the choice between mom and your favorite young man? I think she sacrows itself.

- You are just a perfect mom ...

- Not perfect. I do not know what I encounter. Anyway, life prevents different surprises.

- And if the prospect will appear to become a grandmother?

- It's fine, I will only be glad. I am ready, but until I see objective prerequisites for this.

- For you, was the surprise that Maria chose an acting profession?

- In childhood, her talent was not particularly manifested. She was a modest and squeezed by a girl, as I am in my time. When she was invited to the film "Carmelita", she was 15 years old, I remember, Masha said that it was necessary first to understand whether she could withstand it physically. And here she went, while she had exams - music, English. She starred, slept for three hours, he studied, but everything was withstanding. And I realized that he wants to do it.

The legendary actor Yuri Yakovlev with the granddaughter of Masha Kozakova, who already in the adolescence began to be filmed, and the daughter of Alena Yakovleva

The legendary actor Yuri Yakovlev with the granddaughter of Masha Kozakova, who already in the adolescence began to be filmed, and the daughter of Alena Yakovleva

Photo: Personal Archive Alena Yakovleva

- What period of your life could you be called difficult?

"It was in 2005 ... I went to shoot, I built a house, my mother had health problems, Masha is only 12 years old, I divorced my husband. But in the end, I stood everything: Masha grew up, with her husband we had a wonderful relationship, the house built. Now I look at the garden, the garden, the alpine slide and think: how did I thank you all?

- So you also have a gardener?

- Well, in some semi-perched degree, of course. We grow pears, apples, plums, currants, gooseberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, and still peonies, lilac. Something I sazed myself, something was already on the plot. Friends or specially trained people help me. When there is time, I am glad to pick it yourself.

- What else do you like to do if free time is issued?

- I have many hobbies. I love to study myself: I do massages, I use cosmetology. I have a lot of friends, girlfriends with whom I meet, I love to go to theaters. Now I want, for example, just lie down, read, watch movies. I also collect dolls ... I can not say that this is an insanely expensive doll, but they are all interesting. In my apartment Masters of the "Perfect Repair" program, a huge wardrobe is built specifically for them.

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