Kira Dikhtyar: "Start abide by the diet is easy. Harder not to relax at the first results "


The beautiful shape of Hollywood stars and models suggests that the celebrity ocean is sitting on some superdiete. Model Kira Dikhtyar has long been living and working in America and familiar with popular diet.

I eat almost everything, take nutritional supplements, I love organic fresh meal. But no sweet and practically no flour. The same with alcohol. I can afford a glass of red wine or champagne at a party, but nothing stronger. Another rule is a dream in sufficient quantities. There were times when, because of stress and experiences, I did not get enough sleep, and it immediately reflected on my face. Therefore, now I adhere to the mode of the day, in which SNU is given at least eight hours. And of course, if you want to look young, fresh and well maintained, then less spending time in clubs and on parties. In our business, beauty is a question of not age, but freshness! It does not matter how much the girl is years, it is important that she looked fresh! Waking up in the morning and looking into the mirror, she should see a fresh, well-groomed face, without traces of "bounce". (Smiles.)

After the protracted New Year holidays in Moscow, I remembered California diet. Its meaning is that for four weeks to gradually take some products from the diet and replace them with others, as well as monitor the sleep mode and lead an active lifestyle. In the first week I excluded all the fast food, snacks on the run and the entire depressive meal in the form of sausages, chips and semi-finished products. Any nutritionist will tell you that a sharp change of diet is stress for the body. Therefore, you need to be patient!

Kira Dikhtyar with her experience in the model business perfectly knows how to make a diet part of a healthy lifestyle

Kira Dikhtyar with her experience in the model business perfectly knows how to make a diet part of a healthy lifestyle


Start abide by the diet is easy. It is more difficult not to relax at the first visible results and not be content with small. The second week was marked by a complete abandonment of sweet. In parallel with this, I started taking a vitamin complex and after some time I was pleasantly surprised by the result! At the third week of my experiment, I realized that one right nutrition was not enough, and decided to do what was postponed for a long time because of the lack of time: go for fitness. I tried to exercise more in the fresh air, using the mild climate of California, drink more water. Fourth week I was so accustomed to a new diet that I no longer wanted to change anything. Felt perfectly, my reflection in the mirror more than satisfied me!

The American fitness fans is popular with Ketodette. Its main task is burning fat and preservation of muscular body weight. The mechanism of its action is simple: to switch the body from the process of obtaining energy from one source to another - with glycilation, other words of cleavage of carbohydrates, on lipolysis, fats cleavage. In the absence of a carbohydrate component in the diet, the body itself switches to combating fat stocks. The ration for ketody is different types of meat, fish of fatty varieties, eggs, cheese, a small amount of vegetables - carbohydrates are contained in vegetables, so you need to use it caution. Facts are known when the adherents of the keton diet arose carbohydrate breaking. A cyclic ketody was invented when one day is selected during the week, which is used to use carbohydrate products, and this day is allowed both simple and complex carbohydrates. At the same time, the number of products containing fats and proteins should be limited, respectively.

8 tips from Kira Dikhothar:

1. The diet will not bring an effective result if you do not play sports. But no simulators, let's leave it for men. Elemental running on a path or bike is good cardion.

2. If after training it wanted to eat, then it is better to eat snacks than sweet bars. No sugar.

3. For the products, go on the full stomach. A hungry man buys food more than he needs.

4. Put on a plate a little less than usual, and stick to the rules: I am content with what is already lying in it, and never report.

5. For a walk, it's best to go after breakfast, lunch or dinner, since the calories in this case are burned more than an empty stomach.

6. Prepare in advance for a second breakfast or afternoon person: Safety milk, a small cheese sandwich, a piece of chicken with a leaf of salad, a handful of prunes. It is very important to have something in advance prepared so that there is no temptation to eat.

7. During food, do not read books and newspapers and do not watch TV. Watching the filing of the film or reading an interesting book, you can eat much more than it would be.

8. The number of calories must be brought in line with the rhythm of his day. In the morning, before work, you can give yourself a light and eat more, to limit yourself to lunch, and dinner should be quite easy, especially if it falls for a while before bedtime.

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