Jennifer Aniston is pregnant?


Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston again attribute pregnancy. And the magazine in touch, which posted this news on the cover of the new number, even knows the sex of the child is a girl. According to the publication, Aniston has all the signs of a woman in an interesting position: it suffers from morning nausea, quickly gaining weight and already has some food addictions. Allegedly 45-year-old Aniston managed to conceive after a long age of treating infertility. The magazine even publishes photos of the interiors of the children's room for the future of the firstborn actress. At the same time, Jennifer Justin Tera is always near his beloved and performs all her whims.

Jennifer Aniston on the cover of the new issue of the magazine in touch.

Jennifer Aniston on the cover of the new issue of the magazine in touch.

Note that the rumors about pregnancy Aniston appear regularly. True, not so long ago, all foreign media were confident, Jennifer and Justin are looking for a surrogate mother who makes them the firstborn. An Eiston herself in one of the recent interviews stated that they would really give birth in the very near future, but until she talks about pregnancy only hypothetically.

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