Evgeny Tkachuk: "I am delighted with the marginal honesty of my wife"


Evgeny Tkachuk is an actor who is now a little, a reincarnation wizard. He made his debut in the film "Alexander" Sokurov, then there were loud work: "The life and adventures of the Japanese bears", "demons", "Quiet Don" ... and despite this, his few people will know. So much does it look like in real life on his heroes. He also does not seek to become a star. About why he jumped from the bridge in Kiev, to exchange Moscow to Peter, as the theater came up with horses and what role the parrots played in his personal life - in an interview with the atmosphere magazine.

- Eugene, we meet the eve of the next your premiere - the film "First", where you play a certain prototype of Chelyuskin ...

- Completely right. This is not at all a biographical, and the artistic fantasy story - the basis of the tape lay down the play "Constellation of Mary", so we had no need to contact the original sources. But in any case, Chelyuskin - the personality is powerful, and I plunged into another era, in the marine theme, learned to knit knots, articulate ropes, drag deck, climb on masts, walk under the sail. (Smiles.) And now I am shooting in Moscow from Andrei Smirnova, in his film chronicle about the sixties "French". This is a story about a young guy who flies to Russia in search of his father and meets with the realities of hungry Soviet life. Also engaged in the eight-grade project "Boris Godunov", where I have a role of Falsmitria. And the other day I will start shooting the historic thriller "nine". Director - Nikolai Homeriki - extremely sensual, deep, ironic. I hope you get a good thing.

- You are just a reincarnation wizard. It is strange to talk about it, but today most of your colleagues are almost played by themselves, in life and in roles are the same ...

- Honestly, I have no feeling that I can directly get into the skin of my hero, in his inner essence, although, naturally, it strives for this. Sometimes, it happens, reviewing your work, I notice that some moments play as if from another role, and, of course, scolding myself for it. It is unacceptable to use some troubled techniques. But, unfortunately, we now often, especially in the cinema, do not require reincarnations, because there is an active work with media faces, and the unrecognizance threatens the failure of the project. The producers closely monitor the publications in the media with the popularity of a particular artist and pretend, there is a chance to collect the necessary cash register or not. Alas, and for many of my colleagues today it becomes more important than the PR campaign on the eve of the film's release, rather than the shooting process itself.

Wife Marta found an actor in social networks. In the first date, they did not like each other, but now they live happily and happily

Wife Marta found an actor in social networks. In the first date, they did not like each other, but now they live happily and happily

Photo: instagram.com/marta.tkachuk.

- Fortunately, you do not feel about this category. I read that even the observant Valentin Gaft did not recognize you, although I saw in the play "Caligula" in the play ...

- I have such stories. I drive a lot of trains in the country, and, sometimes you will talk with a neighbor on the coupe, he will ask what you do, answer that the artist comes to talk about the movie, and he begins to scold the series and domestic cinema as a whole, but then suddenly recalls Those that I liked - "Quiet Don" Sergey Ursulak or the "Life and Adventures of the Japane Bears" Sergey Ginzburg, and comes in shock when I informs him that Grigoria Melekhov and Japanery played me. Can not believe. It's fun. (Smiles.)

- You are really thoroughly burned into the role. For the Bear of the Japanese, Odessa spells were mastered, and for the Merchka Melekhov learned his left hand to choke a checker ...

- In general, introduced into new proposed circumstances, to master unfamiliar skills in our business is the same Kaif! It is clear that you leop the image of yourself, but the wider your art smears, the more you deliberately put the barriers, the volume, more interesting and ultimately win the winner in the role.

- And how are you organic in the role of scumbags in the ribbons "Winter Way" and "How Vitka Garlic Vise Lech Pin in the House of Disabled"! At the Film Festival in Vyborg, both of these works were marked ...

- But from the third scumbag, I refused the other day, despite a decent fee. I think that enough. I would stop on one, but for the second time I liked the scenario, the director Debutant Alexander Hunt, and most importantly, I wanted to play a couple with Alexey Serebryakov.

To be convincing in the way of a Japanese bears, our hero has mastered Odessa speakers

To be convincing in the way of a Japanese bears, our hero has mastered Odessa speakers

Photo: Frame from the series

- You surprised me when in one of the interviews they said that acting does not give the right to search for a decent material and deprives the possibility of choice. Is not the opposite?

- In fact, depends on the specific personality and its own tasks. Stars are more convenient in the framework of the audience perception, and offer them only what has already been loved by the people. It is obvious. Here it is rarely recognized on the streets, and I do not chase for it. And the star appeal to me myself.

- For you, creative implementation is clearly worth an order of magnitude higher and fame, and even the financial component, right?

- Glory - Uncle, who walks with his tracks, running meaninglessly, but you can suddenly cross on the corner of the Road of Life. Another thing is Finance - with this you need to learn to work, but often where there is a lot of money, freedom is lost and the Katorga begins. I believe that in everything good measure. Otherwise there will be no movement and development, but only the eternal grips ... I have so, in any case. It is difficult for me to find contact with one or another master. And rarely, when the director calls me the second time. Although I have long noticed that when there is a certain conflict between acting and directorial vision, it carries the necessary energy in the frame, and everything as a result of it only won. Of course, I always try to understand the point of view of the director, even if I do not agree with it. Alas, often there is not enough time. Especially in our production cinema, where the eternal hurry and bustle.

- Do you need a calm rhythm?

- necessarily. I need to venture into the text, analyze, compare ... Alas, rarely, who rehearses before the shooting, and from this dissatisfaction. And recently, fate presented me a gift in the form of participation in the masterpiece of the unsurpassed Rustam Hamdamov - "Bag without the bottom." At the site, you instantly covers the feeling that you got into the encyclopedia about art. Rustam speaks of the qualities that sprouted in you or gather to germinate, and at the same time draws something, gives tasks to the group, builds parallels of reality. Of course, Hamdamov is space. He is not afraid to break his old forms, masterfully builds every frame and completely on a different level leads a dialogue from the screen with the viewer. It is clear that when you come after other directors who require action from you, and encounter such wonders of the texture - you are lost with unaccustomed, but then only enjoy this complex design. (Smiles.)

Evgeny Tkachuk:

In "Quiet Done", the actor played the Lich Cossack Gregory Melekhova and learned to hack her husband with her left hand

Photo: Frame from the series

- You are a rare student who, at the end of Rati, was awarded the award. M. Tsareva STD for the successful comprehension of the profession. What distinguished?

"I have already played in the theater of nations, on the stage of which at the moment I go out in three productions:" Swedish match "," Idiot "," Glass Zodnets ". And that year the award was awarded for the diploma performance "Snegiri". Prizes are always pleased to receive, and then I was happy especially because I was told that there will be a material encouragement. I remember, as I, enjoyed, already anticipating a grand dinner, came ran into the center on a passionate, where the award was held, and, having received my legitimate award, was discouraged by the lack of an envelope with the above amount. I went to the organizers, find out what was the matter, and they admitted that they gave money to another laureate. It was argued by the fact that I and so everything is excellent - won in the theater of Nations work, and that is still a thing.

- You see, you initially impress prosperous. What do you think, in principle, should be dusting into the eyes?

- It seems to me the more myths, the better. These legends attract, accumulate around you different events and make life saturated and multifaceted.

- By the way, about legends. Now you are a resident of St. Petersburg, but for several years lived in Moscow in some brutal loft on Berezhkovskaya Embankment, where they filmed a movie; I experienced a suicide of a friend and once ourselves jumped from the bridge on Kiev ... What was it for the period?

- I sigane from the bridge, because since childhood I wanted to do it when I watched the defortion in Syzran jumped from the bridge to the river. In Moscow, definitely, the bridge is higher. (Smiles.) But my friend Ilyas Tameev was a very gifted actor, but due to character could not find an application ... Moscow does not like the robes. You need to be able to adapt to it. Ilyas was not going to do this. We did not save him. ... I still can not accept it. This catastrophe was the last straw, I had to leave. While I lived in the loft at an abandoned perfumery factory, everything was more or less: our little film studio "Setun" shot movies, clips, people embodied their dreams until we were asked from there to move away. A black strip began, which I interrupted with a moving with my family to St. Petersburg.

Three years ago, the baby Eva appeared on the world, which the happy dad considers his copy

Three years ago, the baby Eva appeared on the world, which the happy dad considers his copy

Photo: instagram.com/marta.tkachuk.

- Last year, under St. Petersburg, you opened our equestrian-dramatic theater "Veleso", where the main artists are horses. We must admit, this is a very romantic project - and there is no analogues in Russia ...

- In France, there is Zingaro, in our country the great cantemirov was engaged in it, but he focused on the tricks. There was also a theater of Narts, he is just closest to what we do. We are focused on a dramatic narration, and how to do it with horses - no recipe, so you have to master the new form yourself. The point is that the horses do not serve as a background for people, they are in no case on the second roles, but they are solicing - without an ammunition, free, under the sensitive leadership of coaches. While horses a little. Now we are playing Danger Gulliver, "not invented adventures in the famous forest", and still preparing the summer premiere - the play "Circle is possible" by the play by Alexander the introduced "Holy Flight Flight". And in the plans to change the deployment and build on its land such a thematic, creative village, like the one that Emir Kusturica built in Serbia. That is, the theater will become her core, but there will also be ordinary homes, and clubs, where the actors, directors, musicians, artists will meet, communicate.

- And how do you see this territory?

- Somewhere at the Gulf of Finland or Lake Lake, but not in the usual ethno-style, but in such a futuristic space. I really like dome, spherical architecture, without any angles.

- How did you get involved in these graceful animals?

- I always loved the beasts. The child dragged home all cats and dogs from the street. But horses are something special. After the first year, I arrived at the holidays to my parents and once drove to a stable to a friend. This day became a swivel.

- Surely, coming to her theater, you jump up on the horse and fly with him in the field ...

- Actually, it happens: I sit down and fly! Any fatigue and Handra shoots such a walk. Horse is a colossal feeding with natural power.

Evgeny Tkachuk:

Equestrian Theater "Veleso" under St. Petersburg - a new form of theater-rally, where horses - full partners of people

Photo: instagram.com/etkachuk_ru

- I think you are a romantic. Admit, I write poems at your leisure?

- Seldom. This is better at my wife it turns out, with its non-standard globalism. Martha by diploma journalist, but now my agent and director. I completely trust her taste and always advise with it. We have a family team.

- Did you meet in one of the social networks?

- Completely right. The year and a half were rewritten, and were on the same wave, they were explained in some kind of their own ... Now, browsing those records, we find that we even have phrases that exchanged not changed since then. I must say that initially we were very open, frank each other, and it bribed both. And then I arrived in St. Petersburg, we met and didn't really like each other. Martha came the Red, distilled after the solarium, I was also not the first freshness, but we still decided to drink coffee. And in the cafe we ​​saw parrots-dearranges - they are called that, because if one dies, the other dies from longing for his satellite.

- What are the features of the character of the wife you sincerely admire?

- Martha - brave. Perhaps the only thing that causes her panic horror is snakes and slugs. But this nonsense. And what is she responsible! You can always rely on it - it will not let down. I myself scattered, unshakable, disabled, can easily forget something, then suffer from remorse ... And the spouse in this respect is flint. Thank God, which takes my passion for chaos, in which I find an equilibrium. And I am delighted with its marginal honesty. If something does not suit her, it will not be silent. Even if aware is aware that the truth hurts, it will not all like to reveal. I'm learning a lot. Already as the fifth year. (Smiles.)

Eugene says the wife taught him to travel

Eugene says the wife taught him to travel

Photo: instagram.com/marta.tkachuk.

- You dad two daughters. Tell us about them.

- Senior, ten-year-old Katya from the first marriage. (With actress by Elena Malachova. - Approx. Auth.). She lives in Tarusa with his grandparents, and we are rarely visible with her, unfortunately. She is engaged in music, playing the piano, and unlike me, much more perky, has excellent mathematical abilities. Well, the youngest, three-year-old Eva is my copy. HTR. Constantly says something, sings, dancing, organizes a feast. And I try to raise it through the game, awaken curiosity to life, I do not limit the unreasonable prohibitions, I am glad to give gifts, reading Pushkin and Hars, whom she loves. In principle, I am busy, good dad, where you can ride in those rare days when he is at home. (Smiles.)

- Sorry, and what feast of Eva is already organizing?

"Sometimes she collects a handbag, calling the living room and announces that there will be a picnic.

- This feature is its accommodation - also passed by inheritance?

- Apparently. I love to collect friends of friends and sit for a spiritual conversation until the morning, distracted only on the game of billiards. And then in the bath together go through ... Happiness! It is important for me to be in the circle of like-minded people, comrades. I guess, otherwise, being a single, you will not feel fully all that is happening. After all, only in the refraction of another opinion, in the reflection of each other, we mostly perceive the day today and feel its real taste.

- How do you relax?

- Travel. I also taught me too. Previously, I absolutely did not know how to rest, I have any pastime without work. If leisure dropped out, I was not happy with him, but immediately drove and lay so three days with a sick head. In the family life radically, qualitatively changed. I found out that you can go to another country, see amazing places and enjoy the rest. (Smiles.)

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