7 Main Wall Table Dishes


Once the new year was celebrated at another time, and the main winter holiday was christmas. He was preceded by a 40-day post. To the first star, and it was usually considered a polar, there was nothing. Only then could be warmed up.


Also, this dish is called "sochily", it is from this word that is called January 6 - Christmas Eve. According to the rules, Kuti is prepared from wheat, but you can take rice.

The croup is boiled, and then nuts, raisins, poppy and honey add to it. This is a memorial dish in honor of the ancestors. Grains symbolize life, the poppy is identified with the souls of the dead, and honey personifies sweetness and joy from the birth of Christ.


It is clear that how many raisins do not add, and the croup is dry. Wash the bout of the tail. From the summer dried in summer, pears and apples are breeding. In general, the usual compote from dried fruits, but the ancestors believed that they contain solar energy.


Even in the most hungry year, saline vegetables burned to the festive Christmas table - they are a symbol of the crop of next year. Salted cucumbers, tomatoes, uroin apples and sauerkraut.


It is from the Christmas table that the Soviet New Year crossed all possible keys and the bay. In the noble families, the bay from Sudak was served on the table, in the merchant - from the beef language, and the peasants cooked the choke from the hooves.

The vinaigrette

Or any salad of boiled vegetables. It is used as a snack, and as a side dish to the main dish. They also symbolize the crop.


Oh, here you can write pages, chapters, poems. A hot dish for Christmas to be required. And who will be depends on the well-being of the family. Traditional dishes are considered: a piglet with buckwheat porridge, goose with sauerkraut, duck with apples.


And on the sweet baked cookies or gingerbreads in the form of cows, sheep, goats, deer - Kozuli. To win them is a good lesson for the whole family. The dough can be any, what you love. And if it is too lazy to sculpt, take a mold for sand in a child.

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