Red lips, blush and curls in the style of eighties



Red lipstick is an eternal classic: the lips of the models are invariably awaile after winter cold, and by autumn and are completely burgundy. This season in the trend, transparent makeup in contrast with bright lips. Moreover, the lipstick can be absolutely any: glossy, matte, dense or translucent. The choice is yours!

Be sure to use blush in makeup

Be sure to use blush in makeup


Bulk apple

The makeup artists do not get tired to remind: Be sure to use the blush, without them the image will be unfinished. But just to allocate the central part of the cheeks is irrelevant. If you want to be at the peak of a fashionable wave, apply the mainstream direct line, and a little higher - highlight.

Rigid curls again in fashion

Rigid curls again in fashion



Nobody believed, and they returned. So you have to get from the closet of the cloth and hair curlers and remember how to create hard curls in the style of the eighties. For inspiration, it will be nice to revise the cult films of that time, for example, "back to the future" and "dance-flash", or old Madonna clips.

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