Notes of Thai Mommy: "Move around Bali turned out to be very difficult."


Why, why not in one guide or just an online report on Bali is not said about one important thing? It turns out that the island is almost impossible to rent a car with an automatic transmission (and on the other I just do not know how to ride, sorry). It seemed to me that civilization was present everywhere in Southeast Asia, but the conversation with representatives of travel agencies, firms and firms on Bali mixed us all the plans. In response to our request to find a car with a box-machine for a long time drove us for a long time, we walked from one meter-office to another, in each of them shrugged, but they immediately remembered that one person was known with such a car. True, nobody could reach him to him in any of the office. And all - literally everything! - promised to call back to our hotel as soon as this mysterious person is found.

... And we also decided to rent a bike.

... And we also decided to rent a bike.

And they did not deceive. This man really discovered in the evening. However, the information he made us as a result, made it even more to upset. If, before the trip to Bali, all guidebooks reported that it could easily remove the car in just two hundred dollars a month (and on the basis of this, I constituted the budget of our trip), in fact everything turned out to be sad. So, for the box, the machine is asked for forty dollars a day. It is without gasoline. If we take into account that the same amount you can hire a local driver already with a car and paid gasoline, then the point of ride on the island has lost its own.

It was not so easy to ride: then the motorcyclists rush towards meetings, and then the monkeys overlap the road.

It was not so easy to ride: then the motorcyclists rush towards meetings, and then the monkeys overlap the road.

Driver we decided to invite for a couple of days - when we go to the other end of the island. But for the movement on Wombud and its surroundings, we decided to rent bicycles: at least, we promised everyone that this transport was the most optimal option in the "heart of Bali".

Well, I do not know, I do not know. If there is a desire to be shot down carriage in the middle of the motorcyclists (and they are all chased there, it is on the opposite) or to knock down the next delegation from the Chinese (and these, by virtue of their numerous, simply do not fit on the sidewalks, so roam straight along the roadway) , then the bike is your choice.

As it turned out, without danger to life, you can ride only among rice fields.

As it turned out, without danger to life, you can ride only among rice fields.

Therefore, the main thing is to take it great and carry it away from civilization. And here, among the spacious rice fields and local villages, there is a possibility to roll away. And at the same time learn a lot of amazing local legends ...

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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