Marina Devyatova: "Woman in Russia or mother, or an artist"


For Marina Ninth, the performer of the folk songs and the daughter of their famous father Vladimir Devyatova, the past year was the sign. At first, Marina married, and then the fans learned that the singer was in an interesting position. Meets with the singer and found out all the details.

- Marina, tell me how the past year has become for you?

- This year was quite complicated for Russians, and for people around the world. A lot of events happened. And in my life there were losses, but there were also acquisitions. And most importantly of them are family. This is probably the most important thing that can happen to the woman. And the most pleasant one. I noted this new year at work, despite my delicate position. It sounds funny, but it is so it is: a woman in Russia or mother, or an artist. That is, you have to balance between these two concepts. We traveled our numerous family and loved ones. I love to buy gifts very much, I like to give.

- I can not ask how you transfers pregnancy, especially since you understand, also work ...

"When I ask me how you are, I answer: I haven't born until." And in my case - absolutely serious. (Laughs.) Of course, you want more sun, white snow, like Oleg Gazmanov sang. I want a positive from nature, but for some reason she does not please us. I am a sunny man, red, I have a dependence on the sun, I am very lacking it now. Immediately the mood is falncable, I want to sleep all the time. And now, when the term increases, the young feels the mood: there in the abdomen, wild dances. I feel it hard. This is such a subtle moment that only a woman can understand. Maternity is a wonderful time for any woman who can re-meet with them. Starting with what we change outwardly, our hormonal background changes. And there is almost another person who is now similar to a multi-storey liner, but I don't care. The main thing is to look under your feet. And if I manage to sing with everything, then thanks a big child that he gives me the opportunity to enjoy the latest performances.

- How will your work schedule change in the end?

"I don't want to stay at home after childbirth." And it will not work. I have a responsibility to people, a team. And, thank God, I understand that grandmothers are our everything. My mother and my wife's mother tuned to help us. Therefore, I think that everything should be turned out.

Alexey, the husband of Marina, has no relation to the music industry, but with understanding refers to the work of the spouse and it supports it in every way

Alexey, the husband of Marina, has no relation to the music industry, but with understanding refers to the work of the spouse and it supports it in every way

- Now it is fashionable to carefully plan the emergence of a child. In your case, it turned out spontaneously?

"Since I am a terrible workaholic, I always understood that my mother can only become suddenly and unexpectedly. Planning is not about me at all. Of course, I understood that you need to fulfill duty to nature and a loved one. And desperately thought, how can this happen? How to interrupt tour? What to do? Where to run? But, as you know, you want to laugh God - tell him about your plans. I probably launched him if he said: "Marinka, it is necessary!" God gave me strength to ride in three tours around the country and go to a small decree. And already at the end of April, the concerts are standing again.

- Relatives have already poured gifts?

"Grandfather, Vladimir Ninatites, still holds silence until Giving." My husband and I had already made some acquisitions so that the spouse then did not jump the head of the head in search of the necessary.

- By the way, what are your dad news? I heard that he became a student! ..

- Yes, dad passed the exams and began writing the thesis in the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini. His thesis about what to do with the folk song in our country today. I also know that Vladimir Ninatov began to implement the project "Folk Sphere" aimed at the active coverage of national song culture in various media. So he tries to talk a lot about national culture.

- In November, you got married, but we have not seen photos from the grand party. Are you not walked?

- Guliana as such is to be. I often spend on the gulyans and watching all this. I have a favorite phrase that happiness loves silence. I do not like to talk about my personal life and try to protect her. But to hide the moment of registration, of course, it is impossible: we just went with my husband and signed. And the wedding may be arranged in the summer. Already get together the whole relatives, with friends. Just to do me in my state now and the wedding would be difficult.

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