Stop putting on horses taken from the competition


Drink your coffee with pleasure. Although I suggest you only for clarity, illustration. In his place there may be any drink, product or even action. In fact, the topic of our conversation is the past, present and future.

And first, I propose to check what thoughts prevail in your head: about what was, about what is, or what will happen? If you love mathematics, you can even make a proportion, for example, 20-10-70 percent, respectively. And immediately change it by 10-80-10. And that's why.

If you are constantly scrolling in the head of the event that happened to you in the past, reflect on the words mentioned, the actions made, it means that you are stuck in the past. Or, for example, you have a large-scale project in my head, you think about it in all details, savoring the upcoming happiness and, it became, live by the future.

In general, this, of course, is not bad: it is useful to think about past events, realize them, make some conclusions and move on. Plans for the future are also extremely useful, just not worth it to specify everything, otherwise you will never know how unpredictable and the world can be the world, sometimes it happens what you even never dare to dream. Although my own statistics show that the overwhelming majority of our thoughts focuses or in the past, or in the future. This is sad.

After all, constantly thinking about already accomplished or coming, you completely forget about the present. Neither in the past, nor in the future there is no energy, because one has already passed, the other has not come. By betting a bet on the past and the future, you put on horses that are not involved in the arrival at all - a deliberate loss.

Live hereby, appreciate the current moment, get a buzz from life, do not drink your favorite coffee on the run, burning and not feeling his taste. After all, the most important and necessary is happening now - at this particular minute, when you can act, speak, influence what is happening. Therefore, stay more often, make it happening with you and in this you will help my weekly astrological forecast.

January 9 . For those whose New Year holidays ended today, I advise you to easily join the work as smoothly. Do not arrange labor feats today, do not build many plans on this Monday, make interruptions at work more often. The best if you communicate more today, share your impressions than to work.

January 10. . Good day for shopping, visits to restaurants, cooking. You can go to the concert, there is a chance to hear stunning singing, as the energy of the day helps singers.

January 11. . Wednesday can devote to everyday affairs that require seriousness and pedantry. Dates assigned to today will be too landed, and the relationship between partners is cold. Do not risk if it comes to something important.

January 12. . Said today careless and sharp word can hurt. Purge the senior family members, especially women. You can not wait for a special reason, but to give flowers just like this, according to the deck of hearts - such signs of attention remain in memory for a long time.

13th of January . Friday on the one hand pushes on decisive actions, and on the other hand, it gives us creative insights and non-standard ways to solve the tasks facing us. If there are confusing situations in your life, try to destroy them today, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

January 14. . Very good time to start something new. For example, after a series of feasts and holidays lead yourself to a good physical form, make a massage, work with muscles. I suggest you excellent laundry a year of detox. We take 1 liter of fat natural yogurt, sit down in the bathroom and, ranging from the tips of the toes, circular movements rub it like a cream. Do not wet the body. Upon completion of the procedure, fill the bathroom and lie in hot water. Then you can wash as usual. This simple procedure has a powerful cleansing effect, which is especially important after the festive videos.

January 15 . Do not be surprised if something fails at this Sunday. Events will also follow their scenario, it is difficult to influence them and do not need. Today it will help the so-called philosophical attitude. Check how sustaining you are - can you keep calm in any situation that would have happened to you.

Zhanna Wei, Master Feng Shui

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