Irina Klimova: "I believe in the existence of angels"


Accident This or not, but with the advent of unexpected hobbies - the collection of statuettes of angels - more joyful events began to occur in the life of the actress. As, smiling, our heroine says, apparently, her winged households have moral support in all endeavors. Judge for yourself: she moved ten years from one removable apartment to another, dreaming about their own housing. Two years ago, her desire was finally turned. And with increasing housing, the ranks of the angels were replenished.

Why did this topics attracted you?

Irina Klimova: "It is very important that I truly believe in the existence of angels and even sometimes I feel their presence. Especially often it happens on the road. It happened, you are going, and suddenly there is a feeling of touch, and no matter how mentally hear the advice: look left! Get wrapped, and from there, a car flies on you on a crazy speed. Although this cannot be determined, since the red light burns for it. And thanks to this warning, over time you have time to make a maneuver who saves you. It can be said that there is a small miracle. It seems to me that every person is full of such miracles in the life, just not everyone pays attention to them, perceiving what is happening as something of granted. "

So you started collecting them?

Irina: "I, honestly, did not even assume that I would start collect angels. It all happened by chance. Once under the New Year, I went to buy gifts and came across the charming holy angel. And since my son Nikita, who at that time was six years, was afraid to fall asleep in the dark, we constantly left a lit lamp for the night. And I decided to buy this charming figure and use it as a night light. And now an amazing thing, you want to believe, but you want no, but with this night light, Nikitka began to sleep better. Still, it seems to me that all these angels carry positive emotions and calmness, and not only please the eyes. And after some time, the son told me that his angel needs a company, she is bored for him. And we began to acquire friends for him. "

In these porcelain statuers, the artist finds calm. Photo: Victor Goryachev.

In these porcelain statuers, the artist finds calm. Photo: Victor Goryachev.

Is there any feature of your meeting?

Irina: "Probably the main difference is that all these figurines are decor items and take their place in the interior. They were purchased not only for collecting, but also for decorating the premises. So, for example, when they did the repair of a new apartment, I knew that the bedroom would be made in a pink color - I joking her "Princess Room". And I began to pick up figures that looked well there. Over time, I even had a pink series of angels. The first were three sisters living with me on the dressing table. At first glance, they look like a single composition. Although they really purchased all the apartments and at different times. In the Same Series, a touching angel lying on a bowl of roses. This is a special statuette. If you carefully look at the face of this baby, then notice how outwardly it looks like my son. Therefore, I often ask: "Do you have this angel to do this angel?" Or: "Where did you order a figurine with the features of Nikita?" And every time they are surprised when my answer is heard. In fact, I accidentally stumbled upon this miracle in the gift shop. "

How do you replenish your collection? Purposefully searching for new stores or, as a rule, is it spontaneous acquisitions?

Irina: "Different. There are salons of gifts and souvenir shops, where I love to go, knowing that there are interesting decor items there. And if some thing climbed, I buy it. So I acquired a big sleeping angel. I ran into the store without any particular purpose. And, barely seeing this beauty, I realized that I could no longer leave here with empty hands. Although most often I know what I want, and looking for the desired one. For example, we have a white piano in the living room. And I had a thought to settle on his lid angel-musician. In fact, the figurines of amurids with Liru are very often found, so I knew that I would not find something like this. True, in one salon I came across the trio of angels playing on different musical instruments, and immediately decided that they were the best option. Believe me, it was impossible not to fall in love. I bought them, brought home and told my son: "They will help you to make music."

And How? Help?

Irina: "Probably. He is a very talented boy, and it is pretty easily given this art. Another thing is that he does not want to learn to play on the piano. I hope, over time it will pass, and he will understand how important it is and come in handy in life ... But the trio of angels Nikita had to do. A little later, during a walk in a shop window of one shop, he noticed two small angels from the same line of products, externally very similar to our musicians, however, without tools. And we purchased them. It was his choice. "

Angels in the apartment of Irina live everywhere, even on the fireplace. Photo: Victor Goryachev.

Angels in the apartment of Irina live everywhere, even on the fireplace. Photo: Victor Goryachev.

That is, your child also takes part in replenishing the collection?

Irina: "Yes. Contributes its own contribution. He is eleven years old, while he already has, in my opinion, a good taste and creative thinking. Therefore, sometimes Nikitos finds some unique things. Thanks to him, we had an angel hugging a cat. And the whole story is connected with this figure. Although we are "worshipings", I always had cats, "but at that time, when the son found and bought an angel figure with a cat, we didn't have a pet, and we no longer planned to start someone. And after a couple of weeks after the appearance of this Cherub, I and Nikita, walking around the city, looked at the exhibition of cats. They just wanted to see, and as a result, he left there with a kitten. And the most amazing thing when our kitten grew up, he turned out to be like that cat, which holds porcelain angel. Here is such a coincidence. "

And how it gets around with your meeting. Nothing broke?

Irina: "No, although the dishes he beat a lot ... (laughs.) Amazingly, but he does not touch the angels and very gently applies to them. Not one could not drop one, did not hit. I want to believe that and on, he will also be a waiver to protect the collection, like us. True, I once had a case when the store was poorly packed with a statuette, and, having arrived home, I found that the angel was fell off the wings. Upset then terrible. And the point is not that I took what happened as some kind of bad sign. I just liked him very much. But I was "renovated" by the girlfriend - or on the chewing, whether the wings were attached to the plasticine. It is noteworthy that even near, closely looking at this figure, you will not see any cracks or traces of repair. As if nothing was. That is, the operation has passed successfully, fortunately, everything has grown. (Laughs.)

Miracles, and only ...

Irina: "You know when you collect angels, sometimes come across with some striking things, events that can not be explained in any way. For example, why there are no two absolutely identical statuettes of angels - they somehow differ from each other. It is clear that the author's or some kind of piece work is always individual. But even the figures of the factory stamping, which are produced by thousands, are still different. You probably did not pay attention to it. And try in the store to consider several statuettes of angels from the same party. At first glance, they will be like a carbon black, but, looking into their pets, you will see that they are not twins. "

Irina Klimova:

"I live in the kingdom of angels." Photo: Victor Goryachev.

From your story it turns out that literally all the copies are purchased with ease, without serious long-term searches.

Irina: "In fact, this is not quite so. Something, you can say, sailed itself, and for some things I had to run. For example, for the living room, I could not pick up a large statuette with an angel, not purely white, but to be present and the color of the "antique bronze". I was completely unsuccessful looking for it: something seemed to me too agile, something too cumbersome or generally tasteless ... so nothing and not finding in ordinary stores and salons, I decided to continue searching on the Internet. And, having spent a couple of evenings, still found the desired: a small sculpture depicting a young beauty that looks in the mirror brought by an angel. I call this composition in a joke "my light, the mirror, say." She perfectly fit into the interior of the living room. "

You are lucky, because buying via the Internet is not always successful. You choose the photos that are posted on the network, and when the thing turns out to be in your hands, it often looks quite different than in the picture ...

Irina: "Yes, I came across such when it was set to acquire a large figure of an angel with gold-plated wings. After all, besides Pink and Antique, I also have a golden series. Here with this instance I had to suffer. Also, first searched, running through the salons and souvenir shops, and then he was already wanted in the World Wide Web. It seems that I needed what you need, I made an order, I was delivered to me - and I was terrified. Nothing in common with what was in the photo and in the description of the product. Naturally, I returned the purchase back to the store. And I had to make a refund several times as soon as possible, before I was sent exactly what I wanted. "

And friends and loved ones help update the collection?

Irina: "Since I did not particularly apply to this my passion, give them rarely and, as a rule, the closest. By the way, one of the brightest and funny copies of my collection is an angel of the Tsarevna Frog, presented to me by my mother. "

With the appearance of such an angels in the house, something has changed in life?

Irina: "Of course. They give the joy and feeling of peace. In our daily text, so many bustle, disorders, negative. And returning home, find yourself in a completely magical atmosphere, which our angels store ".

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