My litter and dangerous life


I love when readers themselves are included in the analysis of their own dreams. For them, it gives large dividends than the wispid explanations and interpretations. Now I will give a surround example of the dreams of today's heroine. You will see that my comments will be only an addition to how she herself caught the main promises of their dreams.

"This dream dreamed of me about a year ago, it's a pity that I did not record a date. But the sleep itself recorded with details and left "crawled".

So: I run away from some pursuers. I run on a multi-storey building, the pursuers behind, I move among the rubble, I confuse traces, change the floors. Suddenly I pop out on a flat, smooth surface. It turns out the roof, very high above the ground, I'm on the inertia run, we hope to the edge and breaking. Keep your hands over the edge and vice. Roof Rosiso-beige, smooth, like painted paint. Vice, I think what to do, I'm afraid to fall. I see below the floor, at the level of the legs, the windows are empty, without glasses. Carefully sliding there, I translate the Spirit, I understand that my pursuers will not find me here. I start climbing through some forests, so that you can easily leave. Suddenly - a man. Working. I say: "That was chasing me, I'm from the roof, I need to get out of the building." The man approaches closing closer and closer and tells me that he will withdraw me, but at first he needs to wear a bracelet on me, it's not for long and non-hazardous. And in the hands holds a tube from vodka (as used to be, in my childhood, from thin tin with a broken long "neck").

And he twists in his hands this "neck", she, spinning, is done long and turns into a thin bracelet. I don't really believe the peasant, but there is no way out, I understand that I don't get out differently. And I agree, I give him to put this bracelet on my right hand. The bracelet wures your hand, snaps up, and the man gloatingly says: "Well, everyone, you understand that now you will never get out of here." I feel the doom and at the same time bitter offense that I was deceived. I understand that everything is useless, but still I break out and somehow run out of the building.

I understand that this bracelet in his hand gives me me, I really identify me. I can not remove it. Run into the naval, which leads to freedom. There is a "police officer" or a person in shape to meet. He suspects me (bracelet!), Wants to delay, even put his hands, and here also the man I looked around and sneaks. I somehow go around this "policeman" and running through the doorway from this nightmare.

Then I just recorded and did not understand what. Now it seems to me that the building with floors, the construction is my gross life. I seem to understand with her, and at the same time constantly create an obstacles and brakes on the way.

On the same night another story. I have written as a continuation of that sleep, but I don't know here: is it a continuation or just another dream?

I am going on my jeep on a high snowy mountain (a mountain from the bulky, collected into a huge bunch of snow). Upstairs inspecting and see that I was still not like all people on a normal overall road, but I packed the virgin. Back for that virgin, I can't eat, I go to look from the top of myself the path of the congress from the mountain. At the top of a pack of dogs with cunning persons and human voices. I see that to move on the rolled road, it is necessary to smell the top from the top, blasting snow. I understand that I will eat quite yourself, as the slope is cool and the speed will be high. And there is far downstairs when I bow to the virgin, the road that I need it begins. But before leaving for this road, I get into the huge dirty puddle, where I lose speed and I can bother generally.

And dogs take me between all of them, while I stand on top. They are 6-7 pieces. They plan to attack me when I slow down in this puddle. And here they are standing next to me and just like me, measure the looks of my movement and pretend how I will intercept me. They water their faces, distorted, and I am straight to read their thoughts about how they will run on me, where I will intercept me.

And I imagine this moment of capture and hardly thinking how to drive, how can I get around them, what to do that the dogs do not catch me.

I remember that I felt excitement, excitement and determination to calculate everything so that these dogs would remain with anything. Now, while I write, I understand that this second dream is on the same topic. "

And indeed, both Sleep Heroes about how she resolutely breaks out of some February, looking for her way and tries to get out of the mountains of hlame-snow or roofs of the house.

She really grabbed the essence: dreams that she is trying to find his way out of his asshed life. There is both fear and excitement. I think that she has not yet explained to yourself - these are threat images: men who want to deceive and leave in these catacombs. And dogs with human voices.

These are images that are hoping in a dream that she will "lose speed", will betray from the way.

Probably, these images reflect someone in her life who creates a threat, tricks and deception, or she perceives someone's presence, as a threat, as an enslavement.

For a dream, it would be nice ask yourself questions:

- Who are these images in my dreams? Who or what are the dogs, a policeman and a man with a bracelet and vodka are associated with?

- Who is this or what are these images are the most high-precision symbolism?

- What feelings are born from her memories of their dreams?

By the way, it is worth paying attention to the fact that these threats are not destroying for her. From some runs away, in front of others it does not leave, but rather filled with force. In fact, obstacles in her life are completely solved for her. And this is an excellent sign on finding her own path.

And what dreams of you? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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