Alexey Vorobiev: "My house is a place for privacy"


Someone outside the blizzard willow, and in the city of Angels, the summer all year round. On the eve of the New Year, the singer and actor Alexey Vorobiev invited us to visit his house in Sunny Los Angeles. Of course, we could not overcome the temptation to see how the chief bachelor of the country has been equipped with a dwelling and which asks his lonely weekdays. And it is worth saying that the house issued a lot of secrets of the owner.

- Lesha, as in Los Angeles celebrate New Year and Christmas?

- I grew up in the middle lane of Russia. Therefore, it is very difficult for me to get used to the new year without snow. On the eve of the holidays, the city is transformed, trying to create a winter mood for residents and tourists. But nothing will replace the snowflakes, melting on the palm of the palm, the syllable of the snow under the legs and the smell of mandarins. I helps to return the usual emotions Christmas tree. Since childhood, for me it is the most important attribute of the holiday. A Christmas tree that flickering festive lights is present every year in my house. She stands for me before the start of spring. So I try to extend the holiday and save the sensation of magic in the house. When I come from the set deep at night, without forces, turn on the garlands and dissolve in the magic of the moment. I have Christmas toys in the form of cameras, musical instruments, notes and microphones. All this gifts of my friends and girlfriends.

- In America, you spend most of the time. Why did you decide to move here?

"I come from Tula, Russian to the bone's brain, and I did not move to America." But my home is where my job is. A few years ago, I signed a contract, becoming part of the team of musical producer with world name Redone, and since then I have been living for two countries, in Moscow and Los Angeles. Here I have a beautiful and comfortable home. I am surrounded by the musicians, there is a famous Hollywood Bowl concert area nearby, the atmosphere around is impregnated with music. A trumpeter lives just above me, the game of which I often hear at night. Neighbor on the right - a blues guitarist. I am also happy to listen to his hour at three nights. (Smiles.) I myself have a studio at home, and I also love to play for midnight.

Designer house made of concrete, glass and metal, immediately liked the singer

Designer house made of concrete, glass and metal, immediately liked the singer

Photo: Natalia Shockova

- Not because of the creative atmosphere, did you choose this area of ​​Los Angeles?

"When I arrived, I immediately decided that I would only live by the ocean." I adore the sea, and the opportunity to be near him - happiness. But, having lived for more than two years in the coastal area of ​​Santa Monica, I realized that I was not ready to spend half a day in traffic jams, moving daily to work in the studio and back home. As a result, I had to move to the center of Old Hollywood. I did not have another output - work is becoming more and more: Studio, shooting, where I'm busy as a director, require daily presence in the city.

- What was guided when choosing housing?

- I immediately decided to look for no apartment, but a small house - so it is much more convenient to write music at night. When I write a guitar or drums, a loud sound can prevent neighbors. And by long searches, I managed to find this incredible designer house - all of the concrete, glass and metal, and even with excellent neighbors. When I start to play, my neighbor comes with his guitar and plays me!

- What about the ocean?

- Instead of the ocean, I have a spacious patio with a huge jacuzzi, and just ten minutes to the legendary building of the Capitol Records Studio, which belonged to once Frank Sinatre. There I recorded my English album.

Alexey himself plays on several musical outdates and the music writes music

Alexey himself plays on several musical outdates and the music writes music

Photo: Natalia Shockova

- How would you characterize the design of your home?

- Modern minimalism. The house is very cozy. I equipped the studio, put my musical instruments, hung graphic work and pictures collected during the years of traveling and moving. There was a feeling that I always lived here. I did not invite the designer, this is a principled position. Only I know one, how the space should be arranged so that I can work comfortably in it. As it looks like a designer point of view, I do not care.

- before you loved creative mess. Nothing changed?

- Creative mess is my order, I feel so comfortable. It creates a certain comfort. The only place in my house, where everything lies in its places, - Studio. Although there is also a mess, but it is very ordered. (Smiles.) Everything is located so that I do not think that I could pull out my hand - and there is already a guitar, or a mediator, or a drum machine. I am so accustomed to an erratic order that I don't even like to call someone to clean up. The things are neatly folded somewhere, and then in rage silence and try to understand where the memory card for the camera, which lay in its place, on the sofa among mail, glasses and pairs of headphones. (Laughs.)

- The house seems so big. How many are there rooms?

- In fact, three is a bedroom, a musical studio and a huge living room, combined with a kitchen. The house seems great thanks to the terrace around it. And this is a panoramic window in the living room, which is entirely going down. When you omit, as if you get on the street.

- Do you live here alone?

"Now I do not have a permanent girl, so while we live together with my best friend - Dzo Elvis Melvis.

Knowing about the hobby of Vorobyeva's creativity Elvis Presley, friends gave him a huge amount of vinyl records of the King Rock and Roll

Knowing about the hobby of Vorobyeva's creativity Elvis Presley, friends gave him a huge amount of vinyl records of the King Rock and Roll

Photo: Natalia Shockova

- Are you sitting in your home?

"I have neither time nor the strength to hold parties." Perhaps when I have a family, everything will change, but now my house is a place for privacy, where I let only the closest people. Rest I can afford only deep at night.

- Tell me how you come to the selection of interior items?

- Under the mood - I can spontaneously buy something. As a rule, it happens while traveling. So, for example, in New York, I purchased pictures with black jazz musicians from a street artist, and after - a flooring made from an electric guitar. Everything else here is accidental or donated by friends. But there are things that I never trust buy someone else. This is what is connected with my work - equipment for the studio, lenses for cameras, musical instruments. Everything else to me, in general, no matter. And I also treat the category of people who are easily distributed not only old, but also new things, if I see that they did not fit, and I understand that I can safely do without them.

- You have a lot of different musical instruments: guitars, piano, accordion, pipe, drum installation ... What do you know how to play?

- Professionally playing the piano, Russian harmony and accordion. I studied with music from six years old, graduated at first a music school, then a school, since childhood he won the Russian and international accordion competitions. In recent years, he began to independently make musical arrangements and writing music to the movies, mastered many other tools. For example, on the pipe I learned to play relatively recently. I was in New Orleans and was shocked by his incredible atmosphere. The streets of this city are simply impregnated with jazz, live music sounds everywhere. The level of professionalism of street musicians is striking. This city gave me so much inspiration! Under the impression of the incredible sound of the wind instruments, on which I myself had never played before, I bought myself a new pipe. When landed in Los Angeles, right in the car on the way home began to learn to play. Now this pipe is a full member of a large family of musical instruments in my house.

- On the wall in the living room hang watches in the form of a vinyl record. How did they get to you?

- I received this watch as a gift from friends, like most of my vinyl collection, - mostly these plates of my idiot Elvis Presley.

- Do you have a player at home?

- Sure. I love to sit in the chair at the window, look at the night city and listen to classical music performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. One of my favorite compositions is Beethoven (violin quartet, Opus 18, Adagio).

- You have a whole collection of items related to Elvis Presley ...

- Elvis as no other influenced my musical education and the perception of music. Even my dog ​​is named after King Rock and Roll! Rock and Roll is my religion, and it is under the influence of this music that my American album has been created. Thanks to friends, I have gathered a whole collection of old plates of Elvis and the most unexpected items associated with its way. So, in my house there were Christmas toys depicting my idol.

- In the living room you have a figurine in the form of "Oscar". Is it an element of visualization? Dream to get the cherished statuette?

- All my ambitions are in the achievement zone. I clearly divide the concepts of "dreams" and "goals". My dream is a big friendly family and many children, and Oscars and Grammy are my goals. I work for their achievement.

- Your kitchen is combined with the living room. How comfortable is it and functional?

- I do not know how to cook. The kitchen is almost an extra part with my bachelor's lifestyle. I somehow got carried away by cooking scrambled eggs in the morning and after some time I learned in surprise that it turns out that the eggs need to be broken into a hot frying pan! (Laughs.) Cook of me, to put it mildly, no! Extremely rarely, I can cut a vegetable salad or make a sandwich - on this my capabilities end. Of course, it would be good in the evening to come home and prepare a normal dinner. But, unfortunately, the schedule does not allow me to engage in cooking.

Alexey Vorobiev:

"Living for two years in the coastal area of ​​Santa Monica, I realized that I was not ready for half a day to spend in traffic jams. Now instead of the ocean, I have a patio with a jacuzzi, "explains Vorobev

Photo: Natalia Shockova

- Is it important for you that your future wife know how to cook delicious?

- A person must have fun from what does. Therefore, if a girl cooks only from a sense of duty, what's the point? With the same success, you can order food from the restaurant or dinner in the nearest cafe. Of course, any man dreams come home and see a beautifully covered table, but this is not the main thing. Very often at the very beginning of relations, people are trying to show themselves better than they are, but this is a dangerous way. I have long canceled the candidate bakery period in my life and one hundred percent sure that you need to immediately be real and not to change the rules during the game. To do not speak each other after the wedding: "Sorry, it was a demo, now you will see a reality." Love to cook - great, but do not pretend that you like it.

- But you have a coffee machine. Do you cook coffee in the morning?

- I had a period when I suddenly became interested in the idea of ​​breakfast and make good coffee at home. I even began to embody her! But as a result, everything returned to the circles of his own - coffee machine costs without a case, and with Elvis by tradition, each morning we leave home and walk to the nearest cafe.

- The terrace hangs a picture with a plot from the "Cream-Nalny Tse". What does she inspire you?

- I am a fan of Tarantino. This picture reflects my love for cinema. I am a kinoman, and the presence in the house of the projector and the white wall was decisive when moving, because I use the wall not only as a screen, but also as a background when I remove myself.

- Jacuzzi on the terrace - is it a tribute of a beautiful life?

- In the conditions of the California climate, this is a great idea. Jacuzzi replaces the main pool in the house. And for sports swimming, I go to the fitness club nearby. Maintain a form is part of my profession. But I don't have simulators in the house - I prefer to go to the hall, and at home do some standard exercises.

Suspended chair - Designer find. Sitting in it, the owner thinks of scenarios or writes missing couplets to songs

Suspended chair - Designer find. Sitting in it, the owner thinks of scenarios or writes missing couplets to songs

Photo: Natalia Shockova

- And the hanging chair to the ceiling is your find?

- Not. The chair was here before me, it is an integral part of the interior. I love to sit in it, hesitation over the script or adding the missing verse to his new song.

- You have a real garden on the terrace. Do you care yourself for plants?

- Gardener from me Nikudny, and there is not enough time for it. An empty terrace seemed sad to me, and I turned it into a mini-garden, but then I regretted it. I spent all the time at the studio, did not have time to water, and the plants began to wake. To help me, civilization came - friends advised to bring to each pot with a pipe with an electric pain. Now my trees are saved - they are not afraid of my long lack. I am very proud of my lemons and drink tea with them with pleasure!

- And the candles are a tribute to the interior? Do you like the romantic atmosphere in the house?

- I am a very romantic person. I dream, like everyone, to be at night on the ocean's shore with your beloved woman, without thinking about what will be in the morning. But in real life I do not have time to arrange something superromantic, so the candles on the terrace - a kind of alternative to the night coast. I am finished and incurable workaholic. I never knew how to rest and still did not learn. My romance is a kitchen, night, playlist with your favorite songs. I hug her, we kiss, and we do not need to invent topics for conversation. The most romantic dates depend not on what and where it happened, and from who I was next to.

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